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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

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^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

I can't really say, I've never been to ValleyFair. But, nothing really looks forceful there. One good coaster will put them on the map.

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^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

I can't really say, I've never been to ValleyFair. But, nothing really looks forceful there. One good coaster will put them on the map.


Well, Excalibur has some nice force if you can stand a little jerkiness, and even though Steel Venom is an impulse coaster, it has some good positive Gs, depending on where you sit. Still, Valleyfair needs something truly forceful, and I think that a B&M invert, if done correctly, could definitely do that.

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^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

I can't really say, I've never been to ValleyFair. But, nothing really looks forceful there. One good coaster will put them on the map.


Well, Excalibur has some nice force if you can stand a little jerkiness, and even though Steel Venom is an impulse coaster, it has some good positive Gs, depending on where you sit. Still, Valleyfair needs something truly forceful, and I think that a B&M invert, if done correctly, could definitely do that.

Something like Banshee, but I'm sure it would be on a smaller scale.

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Still, Valleyfair needs something truly forceful, and I think that a B&M invert, if done correctly, could definitely do that.


So true. I also hope it is an invert especially after the good reviews of Banshee and that it is actually forceful in places. I know it would not be as big but a scaled down version would be perfect. Remove a loop and a turn or two and I would be thrilled. If they go B&M hopefully it is not a wing rider, it is not what this park needs even though I am sure it would be a hit with the GP but we already have enough low force rides.

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^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

I can't really say, I've never been to ValleyFair. But, nothing really looks forceful there. One good coaster will put them on the map.


well wild thing holds the record for longest low gravity point on a roller coaster

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I'm sure many of you have been aware of this for a while, but I'm glad that Northern Lights is no longer being referred to as a coaster. Kings Island and Cedar Point never called their Disk'O coasters roller coasters, so it only seems fair that VF doesn't try satisfy enthusiasts like us by getting ride like that. I honestly think that Northern Lights will be a fun ride. I'm just glad that VF is no longer basically saying "Here's your new coaster."

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Still, Valleyfair needs something truly forceful, and I think that a B&M invert, if done correctly, could definitely do that.


So true. I also hope it is an invert especially after the good reviews of Banshee and that it is actually forceful in places. I know it would not be as big but a scaled down version would be perfect. Remove a loop and a turn or two and I would be thrilled. If they go B&M hopefully it is not a wing rider, it is not what this park needs even though I am sure it would be a hit with the GP but we already have enough low force rides.


GateKeeper isn't a "low" force ride. It's quite potent in certain spots, specifically at the bottom of the first drop. I actually prefer the coaster to Raptor, even if it's a little less intense (the final helix on Raptor <3 ). My rankings at Cedar Point probably go Maverick, Dragster, Millenium, GateKeeper, Raptor.


For Valleyfair, I'd much rather have some sort of Intamin like Maverick than either an Invert or Winged Coaster. I'd probably take a B&M Hyper / Giga too. The general public will eat up any of those new additions, as any of them would easily be the best coaster in the state.

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GateKeeper isn't a "low" force ride. It's quite potent in certain spots, specifically at the bottom of the first drop. I actually prefer the coaster to Raptor, even if it's a little less intense (the final helix on Raptor <3 ). My rankings at Cedar Point probably go Maverick, Dragster, Millenium, GateKeeper, Raptor.


I disagree and would say Gatekeeper is low force compared Raptor but everyone has their opinion and preferences.


For Valleyfair, I'd much rather have some sort of Intamin like Maverick than either an Invert or Winged Coaster. I'd probably take a B&M Hyper / Giga too. The general public will eat up any of those new additions, as any of them would easily be the best coaster in the state.


I would rather have an Intamin like Maverick too, who wouldn't? But that probably will never happen because of the large financial investment it would take to build it. VF's revenue is to small to support that type of decision.

I would take a B&M Hyper or Giga also at VF also but again, who wouldn't? And again it will probably never happen.The Hyper because the park already has one in Wild Thing and they do not need two or the price increase to remove WT and install a new Hyper. As for the Giga it would just be too expensive again for VF's revenue generation. Also, where would you put it? If/when VF gets a new coaster we will just have to wait and see what they choose. Until then we can have fun and continue to speculate.

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GateKeeper isn't a "low" force ride. It's quite potent in certain spots, specifically at the bottom of the first drop. I actually prefer the coaster to Raptor, even if it's a little less intense (the final helix on Raptor <3 ). My rankings at Cedar Point probably go Maverick, Dragster, Millenium, GateKeeper, Raptor.


I disagree and would say Gatekeeper is low force compared Raptor but everyone has their opinion and preferences.


For Valleyfair, I'd much rather have some sort of Intamin like Maverick than either an Invert or Winged Coaster. I'd probably take a B&M Hyper / Giga too. The general public will eat up any of those new additions, as any of them would easily be the best coaster in the state.


I would rather have an Intamin like Maverick too, who wouldn't? But that probably will never happen because of the large financial investment it would take to build it. VF's revenue is to small to support that type of decision.

I would take a B&M Hyper or Giga also at VF also but again, who wouldn't? And again it will probably never happen.The Hyper because the park already has one in Wild Thing and they do not need two or the price increase to remove WT and install a new Hyper. As for the Giga it would just be too expensive again for VF's revenue generation. Also, where would you put it? If/when VF gets a new coaster we will just have to wait and see what they choose. Until then we can have fun and continue to speculate.


Valleyfair doesn't need a new hypercoaster because it has Wild Thing. While B&M makes better hypercoasters than Morgan, the GP loves Wild Thing, so it is not going anywhere anytime soon. A giga coaster will definitely happen because Valleyfair cannot build rides taller than 275 ft. due to nearby Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie.


As for a B&M wing coaster, while it's not exactly what I want, I would not complain if we got one because begging Valleyfair for a B&M and then complaining when we get one is almost hypocritical. Besides, I think that enthusiasts' expectations for wing coasters are high enough that they're setting themselves up for disappointment. If you're expecting a "body-glued-to-the-seat" type of experience, then I guarantee you'll be disappointed. I kept my expectations low for X-Flight, but I ended up having a really fun ride. That's similar to how I felt when I moved to Minnesota a few years ago. I hadn't heard many good things about Valleyfair, but when I visited for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised.

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^ That height restriction doesn't necessarily apply to the entire park. I read an interview on Valleyfairzone where that was discussed when mentioning the possibility of adding Windseeker.


Cedar Fair is not against adding a similar type attraction if they prove successful, Canada's Wonderland is a prime example.


If we are really concerned about cost, Banshee was 25 million, GateKeeper was more expensive. Valleyfair could always look towards Premier rides for a cheaper alternative. I doubt VF picks up an Intamin, but cost isn't the reason why. There's all those rumors about Cedar Fair and Intaride having a falling out.

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Banshee cost $24 million, GateKeeper cost $25 million.


I can see a new family coaster, something under $10 million. Honestly, I see the waterpark being expanded before anything, then maybe a dark ride. I don't see how a coaster would be top priority for a park like this

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Like many of you I'd like to maybe see something like an Intamin Blitz or a Mack Launched ride. I feel like VF isn't in a place to have a 'go big or go home' type scenario with a coaster. Just wouldn't fit in with the park and anything with it. That being said with the height restriction of 275ft in some places which I just learned of, much past wild thing would seem and feel redundant. If they go B&M I'd like to see something like the new Nitro in India. Something smaller but accessible, that will still pack a bit of a punch and stand out. I do feel they're missing a bigger looper. Something like Batman the Dark Night in Six Flags New England would be nice at VF too, in my opinion.

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^Nitro & BTDK are actually both near identical in layout. X-Flight also has a small footprint and would cost about the same ($15 million approx), a small-sized wing coaster like that would do wonders for the park. Such a unique attraction that can't be found anywhere within it's target audience. 2016 would be the next CF B&M coaster, so we will see. But as I previously stated, a waterpark expansion or possible makeover, might be the focus for the next few seasons.

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^ That height restriction doesn't necessarily apply to the entire park. I read an interview on Valleyfairzone where that was discussed when mentioning the possibility of adding Windseeker.


Cedar Fair is not against adding a similar type attraction if they prove successful, Canada's Wonderland is a prime example.


If we are really concerned about cost, Banshee was 25 million, GateKeeper was more expensive. Valleyfair could always look towards Premier rides for a cheaper alternative. I doubt VF picks up an Intamin, but cost isn't the reason why. There's all those rumors about Cedar Fair and Intaride having a falling out.


So I guess it isn't impossible to have a giga coaster at VF, but that would be very unlikely because it's too far outside Valleyfair's budget, and I think that Cedar Fair would send a giga coaster to other parks like Carowinds, Kings Island, or Knott's Berry Farm long before Valleyfair. Besides, VF's next coaster seriously needs some inversions. While Corkscrew is a decent ride for what it is, it's a bit embarrassing that it's our only inverting coaster. I doubt that we would get something from Premier Rides because B&M has been Cedar Fair's go-to manufacturer for steel coasters in recent years, but then again, there's a first time for everything, and Valleyfair did receive Cedar Fair's first Morgan and first GCI, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Well minus the first drop yeah. Anything like that I think could really compliment lots well, but anything waterpark related is always a good idea. As long as we don't see another batman clone or a crappy standup I'm happy. Sometime like Daemonen at Tivoli would be cool too, anywhere.

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Actually now that Im thinking about winged coasters.... What about an S&S free flyer coaster? Something completely new, probably cheaper, etc. Something super different too. Not a looper, but it'd stand out thats for sure. This is all assuming the Water Park expansion and makeups aren't a thing.

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I don't know why it's so hard for everyone to believe that a B&M is possible at VF. I mean Leviathon... NO. Gatekeeper....NO. Banshee....NO. Patriot... Yup! Talon... Yup! Hydra... Yup! Hydra was FOR VF. How soon we forget that but it was destined for the very spot Renegade is in today! Matt Ouimet stated that every park was evaluated and the needs of each park will be addressed one by one. He knows each parks shortfalls. I'd imagine VF's shortfalls were/are a Family area (check), water park (two attractions bordering the waterpark have been removed this off season. HINT, HINT.), and lack of a big time thrill coaster.

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