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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Hey everyone. Just recently registered for the site and I've got a question. I'm planning on going to Magic Mountain within the next few months and pretty much decided that I will definitely be getting a Gold Flash Pass when I go. The one concern I have is the added $10 for X2. Now, if I do pay the extra fee.. does that pretty much allow me unlimited reservations on X2 for the entire day? Thanks in advance and love the site!

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You select a time from those still available at the time you purchase your Gold Q-bot and add the $10 X2 upcharge. The time is then programmed into the Q-bot for you, and you are also given a piece of paper with confirmation information and instructions to show up PRIOR to your scheduled X2 ride time. At the ride an attendant will verify the piece of paper, clear your X2 reservation on the Q-bot, and allow you to queue for the ride.

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You select a time from those still available at the time you purchase your Gold Q-bot and add the $10 X2 upcharge. The time is then programmed into the Q-bot for you, and you are also given a piece of paper with confirmation information and instructions to show up PRIOR to your scheduled X2 ride time. At the ride an attendant will verify the piece of paper, clear your X2 reservation on the Q-bot, and allow you to queue for the ride.


It's ridiculous to see this $10 upcharge for X2 and Terminator (yes, it's for this one as well). Why can't they do it like Disney or make the Flash Pass cheap? I mean, you already have to pay money to get into the park so why pay a lot more for less waiting. With Disney, it's FREE and still not many people use the Fastpass. My understanding for making it free or a cheap price is that more people will have less time waiting and more time riding rides, buying gifts, and buying food. I think it will actually get Six Flags more money if they do it this way, plus customer satisfaction will go up meaning that there is a better chance for people to return to the park and/or getting a season pass. That is just my honest opinion. But, I have done the Flash Pass at Magic Mountain, and it is still worth it.

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Terminator is no longer an upcharge and is included on the regular Q-bot. The FastPass vs Flashpass vs any other system vs nothing has already been beaten into the ground. Disney's system is far from "free", but rather, it's just "included" in the price you pay for admission. The bottom line is really: If it's worth it to you, pay, if it's not, don't. End of story.

Edited by Mechanic
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The thing is Disney has expensive admission so the Fast Pass is sort of like an extra perk included. SFMM has cheaper admission, so if you want you still have the choice to get a Q-Bot, but you obviously don't have to. I think Disney is one of very few parks that can get away with making pricey admission and including the Fast Pass with it...I just can't see that working with SFMM.

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^^^^ Thanks for noticing that in my post. The main Flash Pass info screen still shows Terminator as a "pay extra" but the link you click on to purchase a Q-bot says that X2 is the only one which requires an extra fee. I reserved Terminator with a Regular Q-bot twice on Sunday so it definitely has been changed. A ride op told me that the change was just made last weekend and was actually the main reason I decided to get a Q-bot that day.


When are you going to the park? I have found that the Gold Q-bot is not really necessary. I went to SFMM last August and got on 39 total rides using a Regular on a day when they closed at 8:00. The entire parking lot was filled so the park was definitely crowded. I also got on 29 rides last June with a Regular on a day they closed at 6:00. If money is not an issue and you don't want to wait at all get the Gold, but you may find that a Regular would have worked very well.

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I'm actually hoping to go by the end of the month. It's been years since I've been there. The last time I was there was around the time that X first opened.. and I had a horrible experience. Waited hours in line, I would guess maybe 3 hours or so, and by the time I reached near the front of the line, it broke down and they closed it off for the rest of the day. I was so pissed! Especially since I drove all the way from Las Vegas. I'm going back now and definitely getting a Flash Pass this time so something like that doesn't happen again.

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The first time I went on X I waited 2 hours and later that day it had a 4 hour line. I did not ride it on Sunday since the entire queue was full ten minutes after the park opened and it had one train running. That was the first time I have seen it run with one train since the remodel. Some people I talked to in line for Terminator later that day told me that their daughters waited 3 hours to ride it that afternoon and with a full queue and one train that is really possible. I have found that with a full queue and two trains the line takes 90 minutes. Keep in mind that the last week of this month is the start of Spring Break. If that is when you are going I think you should get the Gold Q-bot. After not being there for such a long time and driving a fairly long way it will be worth is to guarantee some re-rides on most of the coasters and get on X2 without using up a huge chunk of your day.

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Yeah, definitely. I'll hopefully be able to ride X2 for the first time... since I never got to ride X! Oh, and I'm definitely looking forward to checking out Tatsu, since I've never ridden a flying coaster.. EVER! I'll also try and ride Deja Vu, hope it's open by the time I go. Also, I have to check out Terminator, never been a huge fan of woodies but I've heard good things about it. I've also got question.. How long does it take to get your Q-Bot when standing in line for the Fast Pass? I've heard people say they've waited an hour or so to get theirs.

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According to the parks website Deja Vu and Ninja are scheduled to reopen on March 20. Batman is scheduled to reopen on March 7. The same ride op which told me about Terminator being added to the Regular Q-bot told me the same thing on Sunday. Every time I have purchased a Q-bot (6 times) it has taken 10 minutes or less. The key is to get to the park before they open and go directly to the Flash Pass Center to beat the crowd. That is what I did 5 of those times. On Sunday I didn't buy it until the early afternoon and got in with no wait again. You have to watch a training video which is a few minutes long. In my experience it has taken longer to watch the video than to purchase the Q-bot after that. On a crowded day you will probably have to wait much longer if you do not go directly there.

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That's great to know. I'm really excited about going. I'm also planning on taking my girlfriend, who apparently hasn't been on many coasters. I took her to ride the Canyon Blaster here in Vegas at the Adventure Dome, which I personally think is a tame coaster compared to the ones at Magic Mountain, and she was terrified to get on it. I'm going to totally love the look on her face when she rides X2.

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I've been on the Canyon Blaster, most recently in July 2008, and actually thought it was a pretty good ride. Not the biggest or most intense coaster out there but a lot of fun. I got some good lateral G's on the right turn following the two loops. Granted there are only a few coasters in Vegas but the Canyon Blaster is my favorite in the city. If your girlfriend is afraid of that she will freak out on X2.

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Desperado is really good too, but I put Canyon Blaster ahead of it since I have found Desperado to be very rough. I rode that in July, 08 also and it gave me a back ache. Actually I rode all the coasters in Vegas on that trip, except for Speed: The Ride which was closed. Canyon Blaster seems like a mini Viper to me. Viper has been one of my favorite coasters since it opened so that is probably also working in Canyon Blaster's favor.

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Well, it's probably rough due to its age. I went back when they first opened it and it was awesome. But yeah, I've heard a lot of people complain about it being a little rough. Now the biggest joke for a coaster was the High Roller up on the top of the Stratosphere. They finally got rid of it, but man.. it was totally lame.

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I rode Desperado for the first time in Dec, 1995 and loved it. I do remember it being much smoother then. If it was still like that I would say it's the best in the Vegas area and would probably be one of my favorites overall. The temperature was in the 30's when we rode it and the wind chill on the coaster made it feel like your face was going to freeze. Agreed that the High Roller was lame.

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