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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Weekday openings make some sense, you have a few days for the operators to adjust to general public crowds before the weekend push.


It makes no sense to open a ride on a Sunday unless technical reasons delayed it.


That weekend is Memorial Day weekend too, so it would be incredibly stupid to have the ride officially open on a Sunday when there's going to be crowds there both Friday and Saturday.


We've heard nothing about an official date, so I'm not trusting one 13 year old's post about it.

Edited by Wes
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I've long known about the Scream! incident, and knew approximately where it took place, but for whatever reason never noticed the bleach stain. Next time, I'll make sure to look.


Ride ops and management that were working the ride and park at the time will deny up and down that the stain was a result of cleaning up the girl. They claim it was there before the death, but they could just be saying that. The fact that there's a stain in the location very close to where the girl was struck, it makes for an interesting coincidence, one that we'll probably never know for sure. Here's a photo of the ride in 2003 from rcdb, and I believe it shows the stain everyones talking about.

Maybe I'm wrong and it's in a different location of the helix, but I'm pretty sure that's the spot. Which would prove it was there before the girl got killed.

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^^I can't really tell what is the stain in that picture, but when you see it at the park it looks very much like the size you would clean if a death had occurred there. Whether or not it is actually the 'death' stain doesn't matter, the fact that a lot of people think it is, and it is in the same area, means that they should have removed it a long long long time ago.

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A question for all you regulars with Discover cards --probably a stupid question, but how exactly does the Discover cardholder line work? Do you just need one person in your party with a card, and is there a max party size? Do they swipe the card, write it down, or just look/glance at it? Seems like a cool perk -- just curious if it's as simple as it seems (based on previous comments).


Background: I have a Discover card that's not been activated for an old account that's being paid off. Would prefer not to activate it if possible (one more thing to lose track of), but would do so if that's what's required to use the line (i.e. they scan the card or the like).



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A question for all you regulars with Discover cards --probably a stupid question, but how exactly does the Discover cardholder line work?


It's an awesome perk. I usually get in a bit before the main gate opens, allowing you a great head start to wherever you're heading. They've always just looked at my card and made sure the name matched my pass. Not sure about a group size.

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I find it interesting that the new GM has decided to not take as obvious a public image as other mgt. Maybe she's decided to do her dirty work behind the scenes, but it seems (at least from what I have read here) that the "out in the park" approach of prior mgt teams was well appreciated by the park's customers.


On another park note, I find it interesting that Magic Mountain has neither a ferris wheel nor a drop tower. Seems like they'd be given a pass from a "big" coaster if they were to install something like that. I agree with the person that posted, however, that the eventual removal of Deja Vu will end up making room for yet another coaster down the road (can't see them burning that area for anything but another coaster.


ADMIN EDIT: Keep your posts on topic, please.

Edited by robbalvey
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I wasn't aware that you saved 5% throughout the park with the Discover card---I just thought it was admission.


A Ferris wheel would make a nice attraction at SFMM. Their old Galaxy (where Buccaneer and Swashbuckler are now) was a good ride, though it often didn't run because it was troublesome. A good drop tower makes sense to add because it would fall in line with the thrill factor at the park.


However, because SFMM has become known for its coaster collection, I can't see them adding many non-coaster attractions in the near future. Ferris wheels are slow loading, so they're not going to get the capacity.


I hope Bonnie walks through the park on occasion. The only thing is, though, that oftentimes Jay or Neal would greet people and ask how their day was going only to get little or no answer. Many guests weren't sure what to say next because they weren't used to having people in a shirt and tie greeting them.



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Though the chances of the park getting a ferris wheel are extremely slim. I had always thought a good place for a 100 ft odd wheel was to have it on the hill in between superman and gotham city's front plaza, behind where the basketball game and the character greet is.

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The site of the old Eagles Flight station on the hill is a good spot for a ride with a view---drop tower, Ferris wheel, whatever.


Strangely, one thing I miss from the mountain is the tower with the neon that lit up. That was put up there when the Magic Pagoda was open, and I believe was removed when Ninja opened. It wasn't an "attraction," but just something cool.



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A question for all you regulars with Discover cards --probably a stupid question, but how exactly does the Discover cardholder line work?


It's an awesome perk. I usually get in a bit before the main gate opens, allowing you a great head start to wherever you're heading. They've always just looked at my card and made sure the name matched my pass. Not sure about a group size.


My dad showed his discover card when we went late last June. He got himself, his girlfriend and me in though that line despite me nor her having discover cards of our own. Of course, the attendant could of just ignored rules/protocol. But I assume unless your group is like more then 4, it should be fine. As always getting there early helps and getting there later, well it won't really matter then most of the time.

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^ Did one of the dummies in the front seat fall out?


And those brakes look more like anti-rollbacks than brakes...but I'm sure they're not.


Does each row sit higher than the one in front of it like in the old cars or are they all level. I ask because I'm wondering about the view you'll have while riding.



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