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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I rode it once on my first time going to SFMM 2 years ago. I remember that even it leveling out before it pushes you out of the shaft made my stomach rise, I miss it so much. Although I do remember it kinda being painful too, but it doesnt matter, it was a great ride.

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Yeah the jolt when it hit the brakes at the very end wasn't too comfortable, but that drop was such an experience. I guess I'll just have to travel out to CP if I ever want to experience an Intamin 1st Gen again. That is, unless they sell it, like all the other ones lately...


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I remember riding freefall at night one time and the lift up to the top gave a very uneasy feeling. I had never had that feeling on freefall before and never felt it again after that ride either. Freefall will be missed but I'm sure another drop ride will return to the mountain soon enough.

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^Really? Cause Tatsu just takes forever to load now, I mean I don't think I've never NOT been stacked on it. Although it is a relatively short layout and has lots to do before it dispatches. I can't believe three train operation can make it go that fast, but I believe you.



tell them to speed it up !


what does running both stations signify ? if its a dual station loading station they aren't always running ?


i would say it was but i really can't recall, only that it had a lot of trains, and the dual station meant that the loading was very efficient and fast,


its comparable to the usual waiting 15-30 minute goliath waiting times,

in fact Goliath was running with about 5 minute waits for a good while, but decided to not do that and change to less trains as soon as we got in line and waited substantially longer


this was probably 3 years ago

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"If it's a dual station loading station they aren't always running?" (sharwoo)


Dual station requires dual staff, so Tatsu only operates one station most of the time. Because of stacking and a relatively short ride, running three trains with both stations open causes as much stacking as one side open with two trains running.


They need to:


1. Speed up load/unload.

2. Remove cubbies and NOT allow items to be stored in station.



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^ Some coasters do have little bags where small items can fit, and that's a great idea. But that doesn't work with most of what SFMM has. Maybe at some point they'll offer an all-day ride locker pass for, say, $5.



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I personally liked the convienence of having cubbies on alot of the rides because I could put my collector cup in there and a jacket or whatever. I didn't really mind the additional wait that much. And personaly I feel that on certain rides, if the crew is on top of their game, the cubbie system doesn't add much time to the wait. The problem is with people who have sticky fingers, I've never had a problem but it did always make me nervous.

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"If it's a dual station loading station they aren't always running?" (sharwoo)


Dual station requires dual staff, so Tatsu only operates one station most of the time. Because of stacking and a relatively short ride, running three trains with both stations open causes as much stacking as one side open with two trains running.


They need to:


1. Speed up load/unload.

2. Remove cubbies and NOT allow items to be stored in station.




stacking the trains with 2 stations means that you get to spend most of your waiting time in a train, rather than a line, no ?


i think they ran both stations and they had 3 trains, and it was nice that way


about this fear of sticky fingers

habitual rumination has a tendency to rob enhtusiasm and create possible future situations,

i would simply go inside and confidently state that your cubbie experiences shall always be pleasant


seems small, look at how the mind works by watching what other people talk about all day, and you can begin to see !

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habitual rumination has a tendency to rob enhtusiasm and create possible future situations,

i would simply go inside and confidently state that your cubbie experiences shall always be pleasant


seems small, look at how the mind works by watching what other people talk about all day, and you can begin to see !


Thanks, my brain hurts now.

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habitual rumination has a tendency to rob enhtusiasm and create possible future situations,

i would simply go inside and confidently state that your cubbie experiences shall always be pleasant


seems small, look at how the mind works by watching what other people talk about all day, and you can begin to see !


Thanks, my brain hurts now.

you has been riding too many roller coasters with head restraints!

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During the Q&A session at ACE day, someone asked if they would get an Intamin Hydraulic Launched Coaster and Jay replied, "Soon." And also he was talking about wanting to put in a drop tower. Am I the only one who thinks that would fit perfectly in that huge section in front of Superman's entrance? Just a thought.

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^ Well Tim also said at WCB that he was currently working with Intamin, so anything is possible.


Given that Mark Shapiro himself leaked the Terminator GCI several months before the press release. This group seems less concerned with secrets, and more concerned with getting the word out that things still are moving foward.

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^No, if people really thought they were closing they should keep quiet. They could bring in more visitors if people thought they were running out of time to go! The GP finally stopped saying that they are going to demolish the park and build houses and now this had to happen.

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I was at the park yesterday. We arrived about 945a thinking the park opened at 10, but alas a classic 1030a opening. Lots of people early taking advantage of the free Father's Day coupon in the passholder booklet. It was a bit weird that despite them parking pretty much the entire parking lot, it didnt seem too crowded inside the park. In fact, for portions of the afternoon Tatsu was even a walk-on! I figure a lot of people headed over the waterpark at some point.

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^ As much as I would love to see an Intamin launched coaster at the park I just don't see Jay being to serious in that reply. Usualy new coaster plans are pretty tight lipped until an official anouncement. So I would take that with a grain of salt.

I've talked to Jay, Neal, and Tim (as I have already stated) a few times at it does seem that a drop ride is a priority, along with flat rides. It seems that something 'different' from what DCA and Knott's offer is what they're looking at. Possibly a rocket-type silo which launches you from below ground level. But that;s just a hopeful guess. They are very secretive until they actually announce it.

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