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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Although WCB was last week and we know all of the projects that were underway, many of the projects were completed over the week and deserve to be featured in an update.


We'll take a photo tour around the park, but first:

I talked with Tim Burkhart this morning to see if he had his ride on X2. After his face lit up and exclaimed: "I was a 6-year-old at Christmas!", he said he took 4 rides on the new train in the back row outside seat (which he stated was one of the roughest). The initial goals of the remodel were to improve train reliability and rider through put, and now Tim is happy to say that X2 is smoother than Scream. I laughed in his face when he said X2 was smoother, but he stated that I would be pleasantly surprised. Everything is on track for the Memorial Day Opening, and we will just have to wait and see.


Enjoy the Update.


My name is William,

and I am SIX FLAGS!


The Final Splash - The choreography is very impressive. Instead of all of the characters standing in place doing the same dance, they bounce around in different formations, giving guests the ability to see all of the characters. Job well done!


That's all Folks!


For their prep work, the Looney Tunes traveled to Hawaii for their acting research.


Either Robb's flatulence problem from when he was inside the Batmobile finally made its way to Gotham City, or Sylvester and Tweety are "holding their breath and swimming".


It's 5:30, and time for the parade! Sailor Daffy floats his ship down the midway. (That's part of the magic of Neil's "NEW Six Flags Magic Mountain".)


Although you won't be able to upload your PTRs from these computers, you can still read TPR...and upgrade to a SEASON PASS!


Some good looking food! Tree branch is also served, and from what I hear, it's good eatin'!


Shiney and neeewwwwww!


Computer at home:1 Flag

Computer at Cyber Cafe: 6 Flags


Six Flags:

More Flags, More Fun!


Cyber Cafe has opened, and guests have already given us very positive feedback.


Just a few minutes later, and a large crowd has gathered.


Smiling guests, a good sign.


Angelica goes through a quick test run before the 1st guest takes the court.


Medium prizes are the bears, Large prizes are the jerseys, and there are a few electronic prizes as the X-large prizes.


Heading back to 3 Point, Sterling is ready to start the fun!


This has not been confirmed, but it looks to me as if there is some new concrete up by the Tatsu footer. Is work starting to take place for turning Valencia Falls back on?


King Troll sings: "I'm Mr. Lonely".


The Magic of the Mountain Museum is officially open to guests. More cases are being installed, and the cases for the photographs will be arriving soon.


Hmmm, who is swimming in Hurricane Harbor?

Lifeguard training.


The chilidog has returned, although there was much consideration to just putting up a sombrero-wearing taco instead, but it just didn't work out.


Deja Vu is up and running again. Jet Stream has also completed its rehab.


How well do you know the park?

Who can tell me where this is located in the park. (No it is not the Candy Apple making store in Cyclone Bay.)


Oooohhhh, an interactive update! Am I "wowing" you yet?


Are you noticing a trend?


LEAVE THE GEESE ALONE, AND GO TAKE A PICTURE WITH BATMAN INSTEAD! The geese are protected by the Government and they are mean little creatures, so help us out and give them their space. And besides, Batman really wants to take photos with you anyways.


The infamous candy machine of death has been replaced.


If you look closely you might be able to see the Games Host in this picture. He is camelflauged pretty well with his surroundings, but you might be able to see him. Seriously though, Guests can now spot Hosts and Hostesses from a mile away.


Mark Shapiro was referring to the NEW LANDSCAPING when he said: "Don't worry, we will be 'filling out' the park in the next few years."




All of the Games employees as well as Electricians, Landscapers, and Construction Workers worked very hard all week to get 3-Point Basketball open for the weekend. Patrick from Games is overjoyed (as seen here), but says: Come back later for the first round.


Not only has this Gotham City facade received a new coat of paint, but most of the wood has been completely replaced.


Today marks the first day of the Afternoon Parade: Looney Tunes Celebration. The parades this year have been completely revamped, and you'll never have to hear the "Celebration" song again! (Except at the Opening Ceremony...)

The afternoon parade features "Surfin' USA", and all the Looney Tunes are decked out in beach wear.


In other news, Home Depot is no longer a partner with Six Flags, so these helpful gardening tips are brought to by Six Flags...and the number 13.


Hey Billy, you've met your arch-enemy!




Someone on the site asked about Marcia Cantu, and wanted to know if she still worked here. Well, she does and she even has her own tribute on the side of Wascal's. "Cantu Storage"


The "Windows to Thomas Town" (better than peep holes), are getting a fair amount of use! The kids know what to do, but as for this gentleman...


If anyone asks where the entrance to Sierra Twist was, my response is: What was Sierra Twist?


There will be 4 different stages in front of Golden Bear, each stage set to a different experience level.


Guitar Hero anyone? I will be one of the MCs for this event Monday to Thursday, come by and say "hi", and participate in the competition. I understand their are cash prizes for the week's top winners!


The day started off with the Opening Ceremony, now in its 3rd season. Two crowd warmers explain all the new things at the park this year while a clock counts down the time until the park is open.


Jay got a total of 4 points! Would have been enough to win a prize! Too bad he was just playing to show off the game.


Went right in!


How did that shot do?


Jay shows off the new 3-Point Basketball Challenge. "If I can do it, anyone can do it!"


Yup, you gotta buy a new cup. Deal with it! =)


Old Shirt....New Shirt...One Fish...Two Fish....


Boats are testing! Should re-open soon. The ride has gotten a major re-hab, lots of paint, a new control system. It looks great!


Jay shows us that the old Freefall panel has been given new life at Jet Steam!


Over at Jet Stream there were a few last minute touches done before it re-opens.


The road up to Samurai Summit looks a lot different.


You can still see on old footer from the "Eagle's Flight" Skyway.


With Spin Out gone this opens up quite a big area.


Yay! We were reading THIS update in the Cyber Cafe!!! Isn't it awesome how technology works?

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Even without captions everything looks great. (I'll come back and read 'em later.) I'm surprised they got that 3-Point Basketball Challenge thing up so fast since the area was bare last weekend.


Also, it's good to hear that X2 is running well. Smoother than Scream!? If that's the case, I may actually start riding again because I don't think Scream! is rough to begin with. Let's hope the new trains hold up.



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Wow, I am amazed. Impressed, if you will, like Erik Johnson. We were all astonished by the changes that had happened in 7 months, like Robb said. Well, it looks like quite a bit was done in just 6 days! 3 Point Challenge finished and open, Deja Vu open, Skytower museum finished and open, Cyber Cafe, Jet Stream refurb done (!), Tim has rode X2, and the little things as well. Can we have another West Coast Bash tomorrow, please?


And since it wouldn't be a RIP Psyclone post without it...how about that 3 Point Challenge girl?

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I am amazed about how much has been done in such a short amount of time. The improvements will really enhance the guest experience. This has made me really excited for when I visit in a week. Great job on the PTR William.


Oh, and can I hear more about this candy machine of death?

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And since it wouldn't be a RIP Psyclone post without it...how about that 3 Point Challenge girl?


Amen. I know where I'll be headed next time I'm at Magic Mountain.


The park looks fantastic, I am very tempted to bear the crowds and check out the park during spring break!

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That is definitely an old map, as Psyclone and Flashback are still on there!


But looking at it made me wonder: has anyone ridden Tatsu and Psyclone on the same day? I think for a brief time they did operate at the same time.



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Oh, and can I hear more about this candy machine of death?


A crazy lady was complaining during the Q&A session that a candy vending machine ate her money. I think she also complained that she couldn't get a 99 cent soda refill with her old souvenir cup (probably a Viper one from 1990).

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Funny...I can't remember when my last ride on Psyclone was. Most likely 2006, but before Tatsu opened. What I do remember was that when I came out the exit, I told an older couple that they only needed two things to improve the ride: gasoline and matches. They thought that was funny!



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I almost rode both on the same day. My first ever visit to SFMM was on July 1st, 2006. I rode Psyclone in the morning and intended on going on Tatsu later, but the line was way too long. On my next visit (July 25th) I did Tatsu but not Psyclone. I'm not sure If I passed because I remember how bad my one ride was, or if it was closed. Either way, most of Tatsu's opening season Psyclone was running as well. Around Frightfest was when Psyclone began giving its last rides. Since Psyclone doesn't run during frightfest (trains used in reverse for Colossus) and it was on the chopping block, its operating time was close to zero. I do believe it ran some in November of 06 and possibly December. It was destroyed just months later.

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^Actually, I do recall riding Psyclone during the day during Fright Fest. Friday, October 28, 2005. And yes, I did ride Colossus backwards that night. I don't think they moved the train during the day. It must have been 1 train at least location, or did Psyclone have 3? Possibly 2 at Colossus, then.

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