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Against Leather and Animal Testing !!!!

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you know what would be fun, an argument about religion

So, now this is the part where everyone gets all upset and you get a bit of pleasure, correct? Although I haven't posted my opinion in this thread, I respect all who do. At least all who do with respect to other members. You sir, aren't showing any respect and are trying to start conflict. So, how about you just stop posting rude comments and let people discuss this.


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People have eatten meat forever? There is evidence that is not the case actually...


The meat thing more than likely started at the Ice Age when it was harder to gether fruits and other edible plant type things. We probably kept eating meat because when it gets hot, there are still animals, so we wouldn't have been forced to change our habits, just expand them again.

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I eat Cow stuffed with Chicken stuffed with Fish . My stance on Vegan/Vegetariamism is this, you have every right to not eat meat, I respect that. I will not tolerate however Vegan/Vegetarians that try to tell me how to live my life. I don't push my views on you, don't push yours on me

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ill keep arguing because i dont like people who are vegetarians


You actually care about what people eat?


Food preferance discrimination... that's a new one.


And for the record I'm a hardcore Vegan that could care less about or ever look down upon someone for what they eat. Except people who eat water ice. Those people should be locked up.

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I eat Cow stuffed with Chicken stuffed with Fish . My stance on Vegan/Vegetariamism is this, you have every right to not eat meat, I respect that. I will not tolerate however Vegan/Vegetarians that try to tell me how to live my life. I don't push my views on you, don't push yours on me


Thank you. That is a lot more respectful than other stuff that I have heard.


I'm beginning to wonder....are there schools in Toronto, Ontario?


I've thought the same thing in a lot of threads, but just didn't want to say anything.

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And for the record I'm a hardcore Vegan that could care less about or ever look down upon someone for what they eat.


Don't you mean you "couldn't care less" ?

My bio teacher last ear gave us a whole lecture about that saying...



lol, work on your quoting. it makes me look like the nice guy



and i also hate people who say i could care less. (not really, but yeah...)

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