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Against Leather and Animal Testing !!!!

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A healthier livestyle would be easily achieved without stress and eatting fast food.


First off, the stress thing is obvious because when you lead a healthy lifestyle, healthy is a very subjective term, you have less stress. However, I don't see how fast food and stress correlate.

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When people are busy they try to find ways to save time. That is where fast food and convenience items come in. I'm not saying that stress and fast food are directly correlated, but they are both brought on by an overly busy work week/home life etc.

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you know what i hate, when you ask for your steak medium and it comes like hardly cooked with blood in the middle...


If you be respectful to us, we will be respectful to you. I don't think that we have said anything disrespectful in this thread. We are just giving information. If you choose not to read it, then that is cool. If you don't have anything constructive to say, please don't say anything at all. Thank you.

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Did you ever think the videos PETA would post might be biased towards their view? IE: They find the worst slaughtering process they can and post a video. It may not be indicative of the majority of slaughtering processes around the country or world.


Like it or not, PETA is a organization with a certain viewpoint and they're going to show the worst possible stuff to get people to sympathize with their views.

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I think I said a couple times in this topic that I don't want to start a fight and get people offended. But yes, PETA will show the worst cases of slaughter so people know that it is going on that way in some areas. And how many different ways are there to slaughter animals? They slit their throats, then skin them still alive.

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I think I said a couple times in this topic that I don't want to start a fight and get people offended. But yes, PETA will show the worst cases of slaughter so people know that it is going on that way in some areas. And how many different ways are there to slaughter animals? They slit their throats, then skin them still alive.

I'm sure there are many different ways, PETA wants you to think that that's the only way. Take kosher meat for example, in order for it to be kosher the animal has to be slaughtered in the most painless way possible. Also, I have no idea on the skinning subject, but logically I would think the animal would be dead before it, to at least make it easier for the person skinning

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I'm sure there are many different ways, PETA wants you to think that that's the only way. Take kosher meat for example, in order for it to be kosher the animal has to be slaughtered in the most painless way possible. Also, I have no idea on the skinning subject, but logically I would think the animal would be dead before it, to at least make it easier for the person skinning


But isn't the point that that way of slaughter is still happening? You can go and eat whatever meat you want, it's your life. And the skinning...just watch the videos. They hang the cows on hooks and rip the skin off, while they are still alive.

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