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Canobie Fans TPR UK trip photos (part "12" now up)

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Photos from Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach.


The Big Apple.


So for like the 40th day in a row.. I rode a wackyworm/bigapple.


They had one of the bootleg Evolution.. Not the good kind like SFStl has.


"Roller Coaster"


The Zamp SkyDrop.


Roller Coasters sexy train.


Roller Coaster...


Inside the monorails tunnel.


Bootleg Evolution


Crazy bumpercars.. With a CanobieFan member on it...


The crazy/hurtful slides!... The red one was the best.


And then the odd log ride with brown water in it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey look! I got around to adding Thorpe...


After 3 trys for Kingda Ka last year that fail'd.. I got to ride the Kiddie Ka!


:-\ It was an ok ride I guess.. But not great.


Some of Colossus' 10 boring inversions.


I only rode it 3 times because the rattle it gave was just to much for me.


Samurai was good.. But not as good as Adventureland NYs old Topscan.


:-\ I really wanted to like the ride.. But I couldnt.


With the exit pass things we got I rode the parks Sky Swater.. For a ride newer then the one at SFNE.. It was far more ghetto.. (But it had nice head pads SFNEs doesnt)


After that I rode the S&S Swing.. It was the worst of the 3 I have been on.. (JamminJ looks like he likes the ride way to much)


X.^/}[ - Whatevers train.


Vortex suck'd a lot. Im glad I used the exit pass on it and didnt waste my time in its line.


The Banana ride might have been the best ride in the park if not for B&M.


Nemesis Inferno ---- The only thing worth going on at the park


It might not be that big.. But it has some great forces... For a newer B&M.


X:\ No Way Out.. It would have been fun if your head didnt play paddleball with the headrest.


One last photo of Stealth....


Oh yeah... Sometime around my 18th lap on the ride.. We kill'd a bird... (Yet even after it happened the ride stay'd open'd )

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I really got a kick out of Joyland, and how they packed everything in and around each other. I actually forgot they had a car ride in there, until I saw the mini-vid that was posted of it.


And I thought Nemesis Inferno was a great ride too! Didn't think it was that 'inferior' to the other "N" - I'm sure if Thorpe had dug deep trenches, built hills and run a blood red river under it's coaster.... well, then it'd be a clone, hmm? I liked Nem:Inferno. And enjoyed getting 'misted' before the lift-hill too, heh heh.


Good TRs Can.

Thanks for putting them up and sharing the comments.

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Thunder Coaster - The first coaster I ever rode..... In Norway (Also my first Vekoma Woodie::))


POV of Teeny-weeny "Worlds smallest coaster"




Thunder Coasters first drop. When I first rode the ride.. It was dry and it kinda suck'd... But once it got wet it was AMAZING !


Loopen - Vekoma goodness


It wasnt that bad


Thunder Coasters " !!!" hill.. If I still kept a top 10 list.. Thunder Coaster would so be in it.


One more photo of Teeny-weeny... Because its cool.


SuperSplash.. The least wet water ride EVER!


Someone better call up Marineland...


Uhh.. Sounds good.


Oh god.. Why did I go down this slide...... Twice.


Speeeeeeeed Monster. To bad it wasnt as good as I hope'd


I love how "safe" the park was !


At least it has cool trains.



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How the heck did you and Jay get so close to Speed Monster???


Theres a road next to the escalator for wheel-chair users,etc... It passed under the long turn on Speedmonster pretty close, so getting pictures like that is no problem. As far as I know theres no fence at that side of the road...


Speeeeeeeed Monster. To bad it wasnt as good as I hope'd


I do think that Speedmonster is a great ride, but its not amazing just because its unique. I think it lacked a little on the intensity part, especially the launch...


When I first rode the ride.. It was dry and it kinda suck'd... But once it got wet it was AMAZING


Thats soooooo true! The difference between wet and dry coastertrack is amazing! Its almost like two different coasters.


Yngve "riding Thundercoaster after a month of dry weather is like getting a spine adjustment" Oestbye

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As far as I know theres no fence at that side of the road...

yup we just walked up the pth and there was NO fence.. I was able to jump up and touch rail

I do think that Speedmonster is a great ride, but its not amazing just because its unique. I think it lacked a little on the intensity part, especially the launch...

I only got one ride on it before it crap'd out so I was never able to ride in the front or anything. I got 1 ride in the seconbd car. It wasnt a bad ride in anyways.. I just wish it ws a bit faster going into the P-Loop.

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Liseberg photos!... Such a great park.


At the park we got a chance to write/draw all over Balder... So I had to give my site a shout out! !


After I tag'd it.. I rode it.....


After a few rides on Balder.. I got to ride my first bucket-truck / cherrypicker


100% let high lapbar (note the seatbelt is ON :rolleyes: ) [And to think.. This was one of the lower lapbars I got to ride with....]


Kanonen was cool for a smaller ride. But when its right next to Balder it seems to lack.


Smallest tophat EVER!




Cirkusexpressen... My 383rd coaster


The "Escalator Ride"


JamminJ gives a shout-out to PKIDelirium....




The crazy ice bar I didnt go into...


They had an SDC Galactica!




Höjdskräcken... One of the parks two S&S towers.


Lisebergbanan was a really good ride but I had somewhat of a "love hate" thing going on with it...



Ok.. this is the "last" park of the trip.. But I still have photos from other parks on the trip I havent posted yet as my digicam broke mid trip.. So I had to go a few days useing 35mm toss-away cams until I ws able to get a new cam... So it might be a bit till I get around to adding them :-\

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