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Are there any parks open in the winter?

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I live in Florida, and I want to go on vacation some time this winter.

However, I know most parks are closed during this time. Where in the United States (the closer to Florida, the better) can I find a great coaster park that stays open all year?

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I know Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA is open almost year round. It's not too far of a drive up from Orlando, although if I had a choice, I would just head over to BGT and Sheikra!!!


Also, Japan's parks are open year round. It's fun and frigthening riding a coaster in the snow!

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I know Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA is open almost year round. It's not too far of a drive up from Orlando, although if I had a choice, I would just head over to BGT and Sheikra!!!


Also, Japan's parks are open year round. It's fun and frigthening riding a coaster in the snow!

Japan... hmmm I could probably drive there in an hour..


I read about the coasters in wild adventures.

So.. lets see, they have 7 kiddie coasters, a boomerang, and an SLC.

That is not my idea of fun.



But anyway, thanks for all the help so far.

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What a wondeful way to (possibly) get frostbite. Riding a coaster in the snow (Japan)...lol


I seen a video (I believe one of Robb's) where they were riding a coaster in Japan and you can see the snow on the ground. That is absolutely wild. I wonder about any possible lawsuits of people throwing snowballs at the trains/guest..lol


Edit: As a side note, wasn't BPB-England open during the winter? Or any of the parks like A-T, etc? Just curious.

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