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Everything posted by Jayjay719

  1. The news said that they have had only one serious inury which was a broken ankle. But yeah you can hurt yourself just walking....like me lol.
  2. Congrats! Looks like you had a good time there. Thanks for the pictures I enjoyed looking at them.
  3. Im looking to buy a new computer in the near future, and I realize it may have Vista on it. I don't see a need for me to get rid of XP, I like XP and I have heard bad things from Vista. I don't know since I haven't played with Vista, but If its on my new computer I will see what it can do.
  4. I was watching the news tonight and it said that skate boarding is a program used in some high school gym class in some city in New York. They have ramps and provide the skate boards, as well as knee pads and helmuts. I wish we had this program in my high school gym class. The program used is for students that do not want to play sports, they can skate and get graded. They have to learn to fall, and I think its pretty interesting. What are your thoughts?
  5. My worst injury was when I was about 18 months old I fell out of my highchair and hit my head on the radiator. Split my head open and needed staples, and I developed a blood clot in my head which was surgically removed. I wasn't suppose to live, but thankfully I did. I'm grateful everyday and I have a huge scar on the side of my head.
  6. Sounds like El Toro to me! LOL, yeah it does, but El Toro is one kick @$$ ride! It's tied in my number one spot!
  7. No I would be pissed, but I just didn't know they didn't have flashpass thats all. Sorry, I just never been to Magic Mountain so I didn't know.
  8. Thanks for the pics! This is looking great, I can't wait to see the finished product.
  9. I wish physical therapy was easier. I really want to walk after I had surgery on my knee a week ago.
  10. If it's a credit, Im so going to be a credit whore and get it! But it looks pretty fun, I still have to get down to Sea World Florida to ride Kraken!
  11. ^^Ladder 49 "This is an 81 Honda! How Dare YOU!"
  12. ^LMAO! Can you imagine? I wouldn't ride just because of its name being K-Fed!
  13. The one ride I black out on is Batman at Great Advanture. I'm not sure why as I don't black out on any other invert, kinda weird but I black out everytime on it. So I won't be riding it!
  14. Flashpass isn't accepted at those? Hmm, I think they should accept them at all the coasters!
  15. ^^ You're lucky. My father would have told me to pay for it myself. I'm just lucky I guess
  16. People get mad at the judges for laughing, even though they suck at singing lol. Some of these people are horrible and get mad at the judges, lol..
  17. I love Huskies! Nice photos, thanks for sharing. I want a RV to drive on the road and such when we make our Park trips. I wouldnt want to drive one, but it would be nice to sit and stretch out while driving.
  18. Nick was awesome back in the day. There are very few good shows I watch on Nick now. Yes, I still watch Nick from time to time. But Rocket Power was awesome!
  19. Looks like you had a fun time. Im not an ACER but thanks for sharing the pictures!
  20. Yes, but they are old and they stink lol. Do you know how to Snowboard?
  21. As much as I love my country, I wouldn't do it.
  22. Great pictures! I love looking at photo trip reports. I'm going to make my first photo trip report as soon as the parks open around here. Thanks again!
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