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Everything posted by TheMan

  1. My avatar if you do not know who this is is the character Borat from Kazikstan on Da Ali G show. One of my favoritwe shows I can't wait till the Borat movie comes out in November this year
  2. SFMM +8 CaLP 14 WOF 6 CP 13 SFOT 10 SFOG 14 PKD -8 BGT 11 SFNE 13
  3. I've always wondered what those little metal round things were for that is on the middle of mmmmost of the Goliath track was for? Does anybody know the answer to this? http://www.rcdb.com/ig615.htm?picture=9 http://www.rcdb.com/ig615.htm?picture=10
  4. I'm 17 and my first coaster was Goldrusher at SFMM like 10 years ago.
  5. ........Acid, and thought superman was going to eat him so he.....
  6. ^ what? how does that work???? first drop bieng shorter than the second?
  7. I love Tatsu's pretzel loop, that has to be my favorite. Second is definatly the zero-g roll, I love that thing like on Scream and other rides no matter what.
  8. I've been limited to the west coast so I would have to say GOliath has a great tunnel on the first drop I always put my hands down right there in fear of them getting hit. Even though I havent been on Hades, that tunnel looks AWESOME, I hope to go there next summer.
  9. Is six Flags still a part of Warner Brothers? Because if they are then they should build some rides that are themed to their movies like the matrix or V for Vendetta or something like that would be pretty cool.
  10. Just about anything Coca-Cola makes Coca-Cola just dominates Pepsi Coke>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pepsi
  11. What is your favorite video game series? All time it mine has to be the super mario games. Currently my favorite series is the Prince of Persia series. I love playing all of the games, the story and gameplay is great.
  12. ^ well that was the picture they had I also really like X's suppoorts
  13. ^ alright, in my opinin that definatly looks like track for a loop, maybe trying to be a coaster like collossos? I will try and be the first person to say it will beet the inversion record.
  14. Revolution at Blackpool pleasure beach is pretty cool http://www.coastergrotto.com/photo.jsp?pic=246c01.jpg
  15. Deja Vu still scares me, Also Psyclone because every time my friends drag me on it I feel like I'm going to die!
  16. The last coaster I rode was the very last train of Goliath at sfmm. on May,12
  17. Alright, I don't know if this has been answered yet, but who made this coaster if Arrow is gone?
  18. ^The last few times I've been to Magic Mountain (i've been there around 8 times since January) The employees actually have been A LOt better, they still do that 1 train damn operation, but they've been a lot friendlier to say the least,basicly since Shapiro has been there.
  19. well now that Tatsu is open I would say 1.Tatsu 2.X 3.Goliath 4Deja Vu 5.The Riddler's Revenge 6.Scream! 7.Viper 8.Batman: The Ride 9.Superman: The Escape 10. Revolution 11.Collossus 12.Flashback 13.Psyclone
  20. I know Shapiro says he is implementing more family things, but he also said he wants MM to maintain the coaster record, so, what kind of coaster do you think Magic Mountain should get next? I think either a Hyper bigger than Millenium Force or maybe a verticle drop coaster.
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