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Everything posted by coasterfreak101

  1. Well, it happened! Coasterfreak101 is a prophet. Oh hey, look at me go!
  2. I just think it's an insanely smart move on their part - if and when they build a Marvel area, it's got an E-ticket built in already. Throw in the Iron Man ride from Hong Kong, one more ride, and a show and/or meet and greet and you've got yourself a whole area on the (relative) cheap.
  3. That actually looks a lot better than before in the sense of how it'll blend in to the surroundings and the skyline. Without all the chrome they showed in the original rendering, hopefully the crazed fanboys can rest easy tonight.
  4. That looks fantastic! I think the slalom bit at the end could've used a zero-G like on Helix to cap the whole thing off, but this has real potential to be the best ride at Blackpool (not counting the Wild Mouse). That color scheme could use some work, though...Construction 2018 kind of looks like Nickelodeon: The Ride.
  5. This happened to me on Maverick in June. I made sure I had my mouth closed and that f**ker still got in there so I spent the next 15 solid minutes hacking and throwing up like a crazy person. I swear I could feel fragments of its wings in my throat the rest of the night. I'll one-up both of you - a few years ago at CoasterMania, we hit a swarm of mayflies at the bottom of Raptor's first drop and my boyfriend at the time ended up with one lodged in his eye. Took a solid 10-15 minutes to get it all out with the water fountain nearby - I (very vividly) remember pulling a wing off his eye toward the end.
  6. Wow. Count me in for a 2018 trip to Liseberg, as if I wasn't trying to get there already! So what? Cedar Point used to claim the record for most track in one amusement park. If it gets people through the gate, then let 'em have it.
  7. ^Agreed on that being the direction I think we'll see parks go with the headsets - maybe not the cheaper guys like Six Flags or Cedar Fair, but if a Universal- or Disney-level park wants to do VR then I definitely think we'll see it integrated within the train itself. The only dilemma to me is how they're going to clean the headsets - don't the headsets usually get cleaned between each use? It seems like if they're permanently attached to the seats then they'll need a new way to sanitize them.
  8. If you liked Riddler's Revenge, you'll probably like Green Lantern. It's a little bit rougher, but just keep your head to one side and you'll be fine. I'm actually not sure which one I like more!
  9. What about crowds that Friday? I'm planning on driving up next week for a day trip - it's the first day of the Covered Bridge Festival, I would think with it being a weekday that crowds wouldn't be as bad?
  10. Woah woah woah. Pretzel loops are the best part of any flyer, especially those crap Superman clones. Don't take it away from me!
  11. Visited Valleyfair for the first time over the weekend - just popping in to say that Renegade is phenomenal! Definitely my favorite GCI out of the 12 I've been on so far, I'm surprised that more people don't rave about it.
  12. That actually looks way better than the Miribilandia version. Looks like Intamin learned some stuff from how slow that one was going (has it valleyed yet?) and gave this one a better ending.
  13. If the seats are in a flying position going down that slope, couldn't they rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise before the flip to sideways track? That would put them upright for what I assume is meant to be a boarding area, which very well might take care of everyone's reach envelope concerns at the end since riders' arms would be restricted by an OTSR.
  14. ^I was more replying to the 'poor SFM' part of the sentence. Sorry, it's the jealous SFA local in me.
  15. They've gotten a themed spinner, possibly the best RMC makeover so far, Justice League, and a Sky Screamer all in the last few years. I think they're gonna be okay.
  16. Getting?? They've been clone-happy for years - these are just the newest ones.
  17. ^Disney does have a solid relationship with Vekoma, too. From what I've heard, they're the company most willing to give Disney massive input on their ride designs to make sure that the blocking and whatnot can handle the 5-6 trains they'll be running. It would definitely make sense that they would go with them yet again, and that Vekoma would be willing to develop just about anything for them for what I imagine is a solid payday.
  18. ^^I'm in full agreement with spot 1, but I'm doubtful about spot 2. If they had named it Sky Screamer like the others, I'd love to see it in spot 3. Like Bill said, that would almost guarantee it would stay open for Holiday in the Park. Branded with the superhero theme, though, I'm hoping they use the opportunity to give the back end of Gotham something new. On that note, I really hope that if it does go in the back of Gotham that they have the sense to do something about the bland walk back there. That's gotta be one of the most brutal stretches of any Six Flags out there.
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