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Everything posted by coasterfreak101

  1. I loved it when I visited back in 2014! I didn't know much about it going in, and I thought it was great.
  2. ^That is really interesting, seeing as it's literally the exact same thing that happened last year.
  3. Yes, but they're to the side. The B&M flyers have an evacuation platform that rolls up beneath the train. Unless it's in use, it's always parked at the base of the lift.
  4. ^There aren't stairs under the B&M flyer lift hills, so if you were to fall out you would actually hit the ground. (Not that you're going to fall out at any point.)
  5. I'm pretty sure the second drop is never vertical, even though it's always advertised as so.
  6. So weird to see those two-car trains again after getting so used to Tempesto with three! These rides are seriously amazing, anybody around Lake Compounce who hasn't been on one is in for a real treat.
  7. I do like the looks of that! I love everything about Lex Luthor's restraints, and these seem pretty similar with the open-air feel.
  8. Your unbridled excitement about a fence is inspiring. Also concerning.
  9. What about Shambhala and Intimidator? It seems to me like this is only an issue on the two-across hyper trains - nobody complains about Fury or Leviathan rattling at all.
  10. I rode it for the first time back in 2011 and I couldn't believe how terrible it was. I'm not one to complain about painful rides, but I made the mistake of giving it another chance - actually, one more chance in the back car again and another in the front row - and actually walked off with a headache.
  11. I'm sure they'll turn the mid-course and that trim on at some point, but what I wouldn't give to ride this thing full-speed like that!
  12. Seeing as Banshee's laterals are essentially nonexistent compared to those on older B&Ms, this doesn't make much sense. Most manufacturers are moving to over-the-head lapbars and vest-style restraints, and B&M is no different.
  13. Wow, that ground-level loading platform does wonders for making these things look a lot more permanent. Shame all the parks from last year are stuck with theirs above-ground now.
  14. I've had a lot of burgers with peanut butter on them (like, a lot). Some with peanut butter and jelly. All amazing.
  15. Can't be any worse than the front row on the Big Thunder Mountain rides.
  16. ^Interesting. It looks like the seats aren't tiered vertically, so this was Intamin's way of addressing that a bit for riders in the second row of each car.
  17. Yeah, I think it's just perspective. If you look at the rows furthest back in the first picture, you can see that there's a lot more leg room than it looks like when you look at the front rows.
  18. Question - if they had to enclose Turbine's spikes for the neighbors, how are they getting away with these ones out in the open?
  19. ^They sent Ka over that fast with people on it?! I remember seeing them do it for TPR once, but I never thought I'd see it again.
  20. I'll be traveling through Germany in October, so I'm hoping it's expected to open by then. If something huge like Shanghai Disneyland is expected to open in June - and that looks like even more of a construction site than this - then I have faith they'll have it open for the summer season.
  21. ^Yes. Tony said that the third row is disconnected and not needed for this particular test.
  22. The front two rows (or front row and zero car) of any B&M train actually act as one car, so they're shipped in one piece with the rest attached later.
  23. Somehow I just don't see Nitro's name change going over well with the clientele.
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