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Everything posted by coasterfreak101

  1. Very intrigued to see what's going on with these new RMC trains...has anything changed since the ones they built last year? They had such a good track record before this season, and now three of their four new rides have been delayed.
  2. I've gotta say, the descriptions in that article sound awesome! I can't wait to see what Universal comes up with.
  3. That's a tough one. The drive should be a little less than two and a half hours without traffic, but you're leaving DC during rush hour - and it's going to be the first rush hour where the Metro on that side of town is completely closed. If I were you, I would leave at 4pm to be safe - that should get you ahead of at least the Beltway traffic, and hopefully some of the 95 traffic as well. Side note on your drive - 95 gets congestion as you approach MD 200 (the exit with all the toll signs as you come up to it). Stick to the right when you see signs for 200 and 198 - the two lanes that branch off actually dump back into 95 and will jump you past about two miles of traffic!
  4. Yeah, don't miss Loch Ness in the back car. That first drop still gets me, it's genuinely shocking.
  5. Wow, that looks way faster than before. Glad to see it's speeding up!
  6. To be fair, the idea of sharing a giant pool with hundreds of people in the Dells is a horror story.
  7. All this talk of night rides on Voyage has me so bummed to miss Holiwood Nights this year. Planned on it being my first one after visiting a few weeks too late a few years ago, but it looks like it's gonna wait until next year. This is a mistake! Seriously, even if you just go for Mammoth and Wildebeest, check it out. Those two rides are better than half the coasters I've been on, no exaggeration.
  8. Not to mention Alpengeist's cobra roll. What a terrible ride. Burn it to the ground. I'm joking Bill, please don't kill me.
  9. Oh wow, that sampler deal sounds like an amazing value. We were so blown away by Food & Wine last year that we actually upgraded to season passes and made the trip from DC a second time just a few weeks later! Can't wait to check it out this year.
  10. To when? Slavery era? Great Depression? Come on. Sorry kids aren't all going to sock hops anymore, but if some shorthand is all it takes for you to want to head back to When America Was Great Again then please, be my guest.
  11. Wow, all of that is such great news! Two things I'm really excited about are the launch tunnel - the concept art definitely makes it look like they're making some solid upgrades there - and the on-board audio. The new train doesn't seem to have giant speakers like Bizarro, so I'm curious to see where it'll be coming from!
  12. I totally get the point he was making, but this was just too good of a response.
  13. Have you gotten to the sixth video yet? Holy crap, the way they manage the projections and then dump you right into the giant physical set for the battle scene is insane.
  14. Yeah, that holding brake doesn't actually hold for very long. Also, the lift hill seems super fast compared to the other dive machines. That turn before the drop looks like it's over before you even get to check out the view!
  15. Holy crap, every one of those pictures is amazing. Can't wait to ride this summer!
  16. ^Have you been to Silver Dollar City? As much as I enjoyed Blazing Fury, Fire in the Hole has it beat for still having the water splashdown at the end. Seriously one of the most fun experiences I've ever had on a ride!
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