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Everything posted by CoasterCrazy88

  1. No. Have you ridden more coasters than me?
  2. ^ Will throw up if there is a good reason < Is wondering what a "good" reason is V Would rather die than throw up
  3. Yes, I golf! Golf is a challenging, fun sport. ----Antonio"I'm actually going to the golf course in 30 minutes!"G.
  4. Actually, I don't mean Hey Bay Bay. I'm talking about A Bay Bay by Hurricane Chris. If you have never heard this terrible song, you can listen to it right here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySbXw8AHlKM ----Antonio"I couldn't stand to watch more than 2 minutes of this crap"G.
  5. Great TR. Casino Pier looks like a lot of fun. The wild mouse looks very cool, but Star Jet looks awesome. I'm a big fan of the larger Miler coasters such as Hi-Miler and Scandia Screamer. They are so much fun, even though they're not big at all. Are there any good airtime moments on Star Jet? ----Antonio"Even that Pirate's thing looks kind of fun!"G.
  6. IMO, JTA is most definitely a credit. Splash Mountain on the other hand, is not. Journey is a water coaster, but Splash is a log flume.
  7. Shirt: Black Theme Park Review Pants: Black No Fear shorts Underwear: Green Merona Trunks Shoes/Socks: None
  8. ^ That is Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of the most insane music videos ever. Just as a warning, there's some language. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMF2Eb0Wa_I
  9. There are SO many......I can't even name all of them. Here are a few. --Doe Boy Fresh by Three Six Mafia --This is Why I'm Hot by MIMS --Crazy by Gnarls Barkley --Buy You a Drank (Shawty Snappin') by T-Pain --My Love by Justin Timberlake --London Bridge by Fergie --Young Folks by Peter, Bjorn, and John --Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani --Lip Gloss by Lil' Mama --Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes --Shut Up by Blink 182 ----Antonio"I hate a lot of songs"G.
  10. I saw these guys at the Forum in Los Angeles. I was basically in the mosh pit, about 30 feet from the stage. They were AWESOME! Gerard's voice was great, and the guitar solos were amazing. The overall show was superb with lots of confetti and pyrotechnics. I can't wait to see them in concert again! ----Antonio"They are so much better now that they're sober"G.
  11. I'm in2coasters. Say hi if you'd like.
  12. Shirt: Black w/ bold white letters that say,"It's against my relationship to have a religion" then in smaller white letters,"Know Him" Pants: Black No Fear shorts Underwear: Black JT Shoes: Black New Balance trail running Socks: White and Grey CH Belt: Black w/ little metal spikes ----Antonio"And a wallet with a chain"G
  13. So do I! Just like Brent said above, he lives in Tustin and they are not legal there, so he lights them in Santa Ana. They are not legal in my area either, but I buy them and light them in Cathedral City. Just because you live in Cailfornia doesn't mean you can't buy fireworks! ----Antonio G.
  14. I'm going to buy fireworks in 2 hours! ----Antonio"It's that time of year again!"G.
  15. Shirt: Black and Grey Body Glove rash guard Pants: White and Grey Micros board shorts Underwear: Navy blue, red, and grey Tommy Hilfiger boxer-briefs Socks: none Shoes: none ----Antonio"Water park in 3 hours!"G.
  16. ^Blade Runner Here's one: "I'm going to kill my trainer! He says I'm in such great shape!"
  17. My family and I are so glad KT is fine! We are very thankful nothing too serious happened to her! ----Antonio"I really hope that idiot gets fired!"G.
  18. ^ I think that if he is a friend, you should talk to him yourself. Now, on to my rant. I was watching MTV, and the MCR Teenagers music vid came on. They got to the part..."because they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you son....." They blocked out GUN! I was shocked! Then, when they said..."Another cog in the murder machine.." they blocked out MURDER! In the second verse, they said..."What you've got under your shirt will make them pay for the things that they did...." SHIRT, and PAY got cencored too!!!!! This world is way to politically correct. MCR is trying to stop teen violence, and MTV acts like they are encouraging it! ----Antonio"It really pisses me off!"G.
  19. ^Very rarely. Have you ever spent more than $15.00 on a pair of underwear?
  20. I will be riding water slides at Wild Rivers all day on Saturday....With a friend I haven't seen since West Coast Bash in March! ----Antonio
  21. Psyclone, Windjammer......Only because they are gone! In all seriousness, any ride I have ridden, I will ride again. ----Antonio
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