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Everything posted by TheArchfiend

  1. OK, now I've been listening to theme park goers from all over the country this year that have had the joy of riding both El Toro and The Voyage. One thing that I ALWAYS noticed was that those who rode both spoke of how great both rides were and it was literally a coin flip as to which was the better coaster. This Golden Ticket poll... New ride of the year: The Voyage 50% and El Toro 8% How the F**k is that even possible. I'm not trying to fanboy out for my home park's coaster, and I honestly think Voyage looks like a better coaster, but that poll just gives El Toro no respect at all. For shame Golden Ticket. For shame.
  2. ^^ Hmmm... nope. Not at all actually. Still looks like an Aquatrax to me.
  3. Man, I'm running out of smartass ways to say this thing is going to be an Aquatrax. I need a vacation to help clear my mind. Preferably a vaction to South Korea so I can ride the Aquatrax at Lotte World to prepare me for the experience that I am going to have on the new Aquatrax being built at Cedar Point.
  4. ^ I'm trying to imagine what this ride would look like with no theming what-so-ever. Hmmm... I think Cedar Point could build a better themed version then the Aquatrax in South Korea. No theming in Atlantis Adventure's station either. Not much theming on the outside of the ride.
  5. ^ The answer is yes. Watery Goodness. Here's a closeup of the car.
  6. Aww... that kid in that picture on the Six Flags season pass in your comments is so cute!!
  7. It stuttered like a mutha' on my Internet Explorer, but played flawlessly via my AOL. Thanks AOL Speed Booster! The videos on this site also download at a much faster rate on AOL vs. Internet Explorer. For me it does, anyway.
  8. Ok all you who don't know what this coaster is... I just asked the magic 8-Ball if this would be an Aquatrax and it said; "All signs point to yes." I rest my case.
  9. Both Philly and Newark airports are about the same distance from the park. Philly may be a little closer but I'd go with Newark since you won't have to deal with tolls and it's more of a straight drive to the park from there. Just don't ask any pedestrians for directions until you get atleast 20 miles away from Newark.
  10. Plus every other launch coaster has ATLEAST 10 hours of down time for something or other EVERY week of opperation. And the large launch coasters like Ka and TTD, forget about it. I doubt any park would want to build a coaster like that in the near future given their reputation of down time that comes with it. Coasters with lifts are far more enjoyable overall and I don't see them going away, ever.
  11. ^ No I don't think he was going for Bob Sled as a guess. But, maybe it is.
  12. Well, it rhymes with... hmm... uhhhh... I'm having trouble finding a word that rhymes with the first word of what I think it is. Let me consult my dicitionary and get back to you.
  13. May I just add... Who gives a sh*t how much this ride costs. Why is that even addressed at all be it good or bad compliments towards this coasters cost? It could cost ten dollars or ten billion for all I know and I wouldn't care to ever look it up or ask of it's cost. I like pie.
  14. I'm so digging the color scheme on this ride. That blue track will totally compliment my eye color in the onride photo. But I'm sure you all thought that as well.
  15. Does anyone want to hear what type of coaster I think this is?
  16. Meh, this is no Aqua Trax but I guess it is okay. Seriously though, this coaster cancelled my plans to go to BGE this summer. I can't wait to ride a dive coaster for the first time next spring/summer.
  17. ^ Absoluteace just got PWN3D. Again. Boy, some fanboys are just so damn determined. $50 says he's crying right now. I bet he's one of those guys I see standing at a ride like Kingda Ka for hours on end eventhough every ride-op/employee and security officer says the ride isn't reopening today. Rejection is so cruel sometimes
  18. ^ Wow! I can't believe those girls took their tops off. That was hot. Good thing I captured the screen before the pic changed.
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