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Everything posted by TheArchfiend

  1. I think there is mass quantities of PWNAGE being dished out on YouTube since these videos keep getting pulled off and put back up every minute now.
  2. Now the Fanboys that didnt get to see it will: A) Cry and moan that we did or B) Call us bold face liars cause it would never be released before the announcement tomorrow. Or a combination of both A and B which is most likely. Now they wont see the AQUATRAX footage till tomorrow.
  3. Looks like the poster of the Maverick video just got PWN3D cause it is now removed from YouTube.
  4. It's breaking the record for tricking ridiculous amounts of people into thinking that it would be an aquatrax. I mean hey, it got me... I never thought it was an Aquatrax for a second.
  5. I can't believe you idiots thought this would be an Aquatrax. I bet this thread has at least 15 new pages by 9 p.m. est.
  6. Woo Hoo! That looks pretty damn good! Time to close the thread.
  7. This is the thread that never ends. Yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started reading it no knowing what it was. And they'll continue reading it forever just because This is the thread that never ends. Yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started reading it no knowing what it was. And they'll continue reading it forever just because This is the thread that never ends. Yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started reading it no knowing what it was. And they'll continue reading it forever just because... This thread will never die! Never I tell you! Oh, who gives a sh*t anymore.
  8. Much like Willy Wonka, Intamin is an innovator of all that is good. Intamin tracks even taste like candy.
  9. Epcot, Epcot, Epcot!! Epcot is as close to future as you'll get anywhere on Earth. Atleast that I've seen thus far in my life. Disneyland is running away with this one?! Well, I guess that's the only taste of Disney that most of you west coasters get.
  10. I tried to comprehend the last two pages of this thread but I had to stop because it made my liver hurt. Anyway, one more day till the Aquatrax project is revealed to the world and then Satan himself will rise again spreading chaos across the land.
  11. ^ Don't make me bust a move on you Mr. T. style. Edit: This thread has gone from garbage to sub-garbage. R.I.P. CP Project 2007 Thread. You will be... I guess someone will miss you.
  12. What are you talking about...its been posted many times. http://www.screamscape.com/assets/images/db_images/db_Maverick_firstlook11.jpg Wow.... I am just speechless. That goes for you too BeemerBoy Go easy on them Wes.
  13. ^^^ Nope, no one has posted them yet. I think you should go ahead and post the link BeemerBoy.
  14. All I know is that if it is not an Aquatrax then life just isn't worth living anymore. I have based my entire life around one day riding an Intamin produced Aquatrax at Cedar Point. I can't imagine I would ever be able to look forward to anything again in my life if this coaster proves to be otherwise. I can't talk anymore.... just the thought of it not... I'm gonna.... Over the top rating: 9.5 out of 10.
  15. ^^^ That concept drawing must not exist since not one single picture or link to it has been posted here yet. Surely if it did exist it would be in the first post of the first page and in several other additional posts throughout this thread. But, I've yet to see it anwhere.
  16. ^^^ Pretty much every park north of Orlando closes after labor day during the week due to schools reopening thus causing a lack of people coming to the park. This has been a trend since the cave-men days. Back then they didn't have web cams to clue the public into the happenings though. But, man did those cave men have some kick ass coasters! BTW, yes your post, and mine, is totally off topic and should be deleted so that they don't taint this perfect thread.
  17. ^ It's alright. We understand, you're from West Virginia. j/k On the plus side it seems as though this thread has become less cluttered in one day with fewer fanboys since school started back up. Ahh... school. I think I'll go to the mall right now and not fear anyone crashing into me while on their skateboard. Oh yeah, back on topic... I talked to a mouse that crept under the tarps covering whatever is on those flatbed trucks. Unfortunantly I don't speak mouse so I have no idea what he said was under there. But if I had to guess what's under those tarps, my money is on pornography.
  18. Robb is right, it actually ISN'T going to be an Aquatrax. I don't believe it is an Aquatrax either and I really never have to tell you all the truth. It was just a guess with no known knowledge to support it and no sources giving me information to think it was. This is not going to be... an Aquatrax. HOWEVER I do believe it is without a shadow of a doubt, from what I've been told by my sources and the knowledge known to me, that this is going to be... an Aquatrax.
  19. Oh, I remember... and I haven't had one shred of doubt since I have took charge as leader of those who proclaim that this coaster reveal it's Aquatrax identity to us! P.S., I also bet upawrds of ten septillion dollars (both to people I know and people on this and other boards) that this was an aquatrax from day one of the track arriving. I prefer all large denomination bills please. Thanks.
  20. Two words come to mind: Bad and Ass! Seriously, I think this park is going to be a huge hit and not just among the Chinese. I mean, it's going to be a park themed to one single celebrity! Arnold Schwarzenegger must be pissed and can only wish someone would build a theme park in his honor. Actually, he is Governor of California and Magic Mountain is for sale... hmmm.... Anyway, this park could have numerous Kung Fu/Jeet Kune Do stunt shows or demonstrations. Plus Lee's past movie titles are perfect for ride names; Fists of Fury, The Big Boss, Enter the Dragon... etc. Those names work for coasters or whatever. I bet when this park opens that Chuck Norris will be there as an honorary invite since he battled on screen with Bruce at the collesium fight in Return of the Dragon (Not Enter the Dragon). Chuck Norris at any theme park opening would be like getting god to show up.
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