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Everything posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. I could be wrong, but didn't they only run 2 trains on iron dragon this past summer? I never heard anything about that but I feel like I saw it running 3 trains sometimes
  2. Not all that surprising, It has much better capacity, and with TTD's downtime it probably is open for longer.
  3. Stand-ups where significantly less intense back then there other rides back then too. Mantis is the most intense of them and even that won't top Raptor for best CP B&M.
  4. I've been waiting for another Star Trek ride for way to long. Can't wait for these to actually get built.
  5. I think Magnum or Gemini would probably be up there two. They both have ridiculous capacities too.
  6. Sky Rocket is an amazing ride. If they where gonna get a coaster I'd definitely want it to be that. Being a person who's only visited once the park does seem fine on coasters but I definitely wanted to see some more flats. It might get a little bland though if it was my home park.
  7. That ride always looked like it could be so much fun. But of course it isn't.
  8. It is down a lot but the main problem is that it has the lowest capacity of all the coasters in the park. It really can't get much higher than that.
  9. My problem isn't replacing rides. It's removing them to be replaced with, wait for it, Bench: The ride
  10. http://rcdb.com/12364.htm Rcdb Page. Seems like a pretty fun ride
  11. I think the conversion is more likely. They've proved they'd rather fix a ride than replace it with Rougarou and they know it will be highly marketable and one of the best rides out there.
  12. Still betting that that's coming in the next couple years. It's more likely than the Rougarou conversion was.
  13. Hi, this is my first time doing a timeline park trip report so here it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey guys, I recently got to go on a construction tour of the Lakeside Groves park opening next year in 1990. So far three coasters have been announced, Scream Machine, the park's arrow looper looks to be very similar to Viper opening over at SFMM. Construction on the track has finished and testing has just begun. Cliff Diver, is a stand-up coaster built by a new company called bolliger and Mabillard. They seem to be the ones building Iron Wolf up at SFGA. It's started test runs too. The park just announced The Great American Cyclone. It seems to be a Cyclone clone and possibly built by Dinn-Corp. They must be busy with Georgia Cyclone still, No vertical construction has actually started yet. Any way on to some pictures. Here's the front entrance. Land clearing has just started so not much to see yet Scream Machine was testing during my visit. I loved GASM when I rode it, hopefully this is just as smooth and fun. Those double loops look so fun! The park will definitely be beautiful with all the trees everywhere Scream Machines Batwing An overview of Cliff Diver's layout. Really a lot different than anything I've seen before Cliff Diver got stuck on the lift hill for a little while Cliff Diver finally got moving They weren't using the trim when I was there Some land clearing has started for Cyclone. The park has confirmed it won't be ready for opening day. Not the most surprising, The park has announced they will stay open year round Seems like the park will be fun in a few years. Not sure if I'm gonna go for opening day, There won't be much to do really
  14. It's not gonna be an SLC. No major park would buy one, there hasn't been one in North America since 2010, and that was a relocation.
  15. I wouldn't worry about an SLC. Cedar Fair doesn't really buy anything from vekoma. If I'm not wrong all the SLC's, Boomerangs and flying dutchmen's were bought before the parks where owned by Cedar Fair or just relocated in the chain
  16. Hate to break it to you but there's this thing called Lake Erie.
  17. LMAO!!! Have you been to CP? They have one of the best collection of flat rides in the US. I actually have been wanting a new flat in the park. They don't have many thrilling flats. They have the Sky Hawk, MaxAir, and witches wheel. It would be nice to see an inverting flat like an Air Race or maybe something rarer like a Loop fighter or a star-shape.
  18. I doubt that would work very well. It wouldn't be as bright sense the support structure is a darker color instead of the bright white.
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