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Everything posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. I always thought Millennium sucked on the airtime front. Only three moments of it and only one of those had any force to them. This year though I got some of my best rides ever on it during Halloweekends.(car 8 front row left side). It had ejector for all the hills and had a lot better positive G's than it used to. I don't know what it was about that visit but all the rides were running the best I'd ever seen them. I will agree though that Millennium doesn't usually have the best airtime but it definitely can.(Especially on the first drop )
  2. I know it's probably not SF fault but it just seems like the wheels needed to be replaced and weren't. I really hope it opens soon, it looks like the best ride in the park to me.(Until next year of course.)
  3. Or just get rid of it... As long as they replace it with an amazing GCI (Gold Striker style), GG woodie (Ravine Flyer/Voyage mix) or Intamin woodie
  4. Out by CP there's Kalahari, Castaway Bay, and a bunch of other bowling alleys and things like that
  5. I really don't want anything to change about Magnum's trains. It's fine the way it is and the trains look amazing.
  6. On Gemini this year I left the lap-bar a lot looser than I meant. I thought I just left tiny bit loose but I forgot to tighten the sea belt at all so that was loose to. I was in the last row and on the first drop I got some of the best airtime ever. Then as I came closer to the bottom I realized I had raised up a few inches with my hands up and the supports at the bottom were one of the best head choppers I've ever seen. On the first turn I did tighten the lap-bar and seat belt though.
  7. Thunderbolt in an absolute downpour at night. You couldn't see anything and it flew around the slow curves. It pretty much felt like a scrambler with airtime... and a hole where the wall normally would be.
  8. All I have is a couple indoor water coasters and the Indoor Carnival that comes around every year. At least it has two coasters, I guess.
  9. I'm still gonna bet on Led Zeppelin being the first to go. Even though it's getting relocated I doubt that it's gonna get the maintenance it needs at its new home.
  10. SFOG because they seem to know what a tree is more than SFGAdv but there really close for me.
  11. Green Lantern and Kumba are just sad. Did they seriously not notice the fact that they are totally different coasters?!?!?! Plus why is there an SLC it there, why not Raptor, Banshee or Batman: The Ride!
  12. Well hopefully it will be silky smooth next year, and with out the trim would be even better.
  13. My favorite is probably the Desperado video. I really want to get out to ride that one. Is the airtime as intense as Magnum?
  14. Not to beat a dead horse but my point was that the design is not lacking anything or has kinks. It would be more so park preference to add the trim (such as how MF has trim brackets but CP hasn't elected to add them) not a design issue by B&M. I'm saying the trims are usually there to compensate for changing in weight of trains, weather - stuff that has nothing to do with any design "flaws." (Sure there may be a case here or there when there was a design issue but not in the Mantis case). I always wonder what the point of that trim on MF would have been . Did they think that the brakes wouldn't stop the train in time or something?
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