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Everything posted by SFNE Fan

  1. Nice expansion! MUCH better than that old bumper car world ! Now that it's the 90's, we can expect a B&M Stand-Up soon ! If not that, a coaster in the kiddie land would be a good fit.
  2. Let me have a guess at this one: Robb, stay away from that Vekoma. We'll stay safe.
  3. Togo Stand-Ups Wern't made in the late 70's, they were made in the early-mid 80's.
  4. Is this related to the park that SpartanPidgeon45 made, or is it the same one?
  5. I hate when my cat chews on plastic and wakes me up in the middle of the night.
  6. This is my new thread where you must say something using almost only Taiko.You must use the least ammount of words you can. You must guess what others are saying. Here is an example: is ! Translation: Vekoma is evil! O.K. you're on your own now! Have fun!
  7. No, because they already have Rodent Rampage, the spinning wild mouse in Big Barn Fields.
  8. The ingame pirate ship in my opinion looks terrible. I'd suggest using the Revolutionary Rides Swinging Ship CFR for more realisim.
  9. RCT3 has better guests ,its 3D instead of 2D and a few more things, but otherwise, RCT2 looks much more realistic. The scenery, rides, almost everything. To make a realistic park in RCT2, you only have to download a few CS sets,CTRs and CFRs, how in RCT3 you have to drown a park in those things to make it look Realistic.
  10. Now, I think that Black Stallion Will be replaced by a Gerslauer Spinning Coaster.
  11. A Wing Coaster. Possibly Gatekeeper? Must be going where Blue Thunder was.
  12. Here is what I think the teasers mean: 1.Posion Ivy 2.Mr.Freeze 3.Riddler 4.Batman
  13. I can think of a name if you give me the park's location.
  14. Or, I know many of you will hate this, Six Flags will sell another park and re-buy Valley Hills. NOTE: I'm not saying that I like this idea, it is just a possibility.
  15. Because of that, it needs a new name and theming. Here is my idea. Name: Taz Twister Colors: Yellow & Brown I had no luck finding a logo, so you're on your own. (P.S. your park is awesome, I'm already hooked.)
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