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Everything posted by Zem

  1. According to RCDB there are only 6: http://rcdb.com/r.htm?nl=y&nm=nl&pl=&ot=2 Zoooooom @ Oaks Amusement Park (And yes that's the correct number of O's) BTW I feel this ride should be next. Since it doesn't have any letters in it so does it go between Z & A? 1066 @ Festyland
  2. Well at least the park will be open in time for the next big event held in Sochi at the olympic complex (that being the Russian F1 Grand Prix).
  3. I thought that too, but I don't understand the North America and Europe part.
  4. Oh sorry the picture isn't loading for me
  5. I can't believe no one has mentioned the Cannonball Loop that used to reside at Action Park. This thing Very few people have been on it but it is defenitely one of the worst slide ideas ever.
  6. Sorry it took so long. Amazon told me several times it had been sent but turns out that it was out of stock all along and the tracking numbers I was given were null. It was supposed to get to you the week of christmas but oh well
  7. It was in the high 60's yesterday but is supposed to be below freezing tomorrow with lots of rain. School might be closed since the roads could ice over and Houstonians have no clue how to drive in cold weather.
  8. Ugh I remember seeing this one on RCDB at some point. I forgot the name but I think I can find it again later.
  9. Only one more section of track from the look of it I can't wait for testing to start!
  10. You might not know much about elements but there are clear differences between an inline twist, heartline roll, barrell roll, ect. I can't tell great from the photos so I wanted to know. Which of these elements it is closest to does have a dramitic affect on the feel of the element and the sensation it brings. Another reason I asked is that I'm working on a NL2 recreation of this ride currently and would like to make it as accurate as possible.
  11. RCDB has that final inversion listed as a heartline roll although I feel it seems more like an inline twist. To me, the track seems to stay stationary and twist rather than wraping around the path of the train. Any thoughts on this?
  12. I wonder if B&M can install these new trains on some older Inverts or if the now wider trains would have clearance issues.
  13. I wish I had saved the video but there was an older POV I remember watching that had a scream at one point that sounded identical to one of the screams in RCT3.
  14. I recently got a complimentary beanie and t-shirt from Rocky Mountain thanks to ScottyDoesKnow. I'll post pictures later
  15. I'm not a big fan of the solid yellow color scheme on the Maurer Söhne coaster.
  16. Thanks so much from my person! These were amazing. I hope to see my person post their gift!
  17. Well there was a problem with my gift's shipping apparently. I will either be sending it again tonight or tomorrow, and it should be arriving to my person early next week.
  18. I really dislike the queue path up to iRat. It is extremely narrow and cramped and is practically a climb up a wall. It is one or two people wide and is often packed full. Not to mention the operators never seem to know what they are doing and the dispatch times take way too long during a normal day at the park from my experience.
  19. I got my gifts and will post pictures tonight. My person's gift should be arriving soon.
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