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Everything posted by ebl

  1. All we have is our roof, but it doesn't snow in our area so that's just a waste of a hill. Do you read a daily newspaper, either in print or online?
  2. We've all heard of oversleeping. Well, today I underslept. Woke up 90 minutes early for no reason whatsoever. I ended up staying awake, but not getting out of bed. The sun came up and I was still awake and still lying in bed. Then I got up and got dressed and headed over to McDonald's. They were out of large soda cups so I got a large coffee cup instead to fill with Diet Coke. That, my friends, is how my morning started. Eric
  3. ^^^ Remember that Montezooma's Revenge and Greezed Lightning were both flywheel launched versions of the Schwarzkopf shuttle. Carowinds, Kings Dominion, and the two Great America parks had the older weight-drop version. There was indeed a difference in the ride experience. Eric
  4. ^^ I hope SFMM doesn't get a -------------. They have enough lines as it is... ^ Clearing the land for The Green Lantern shouldn't take very long. The area where it's going is fairly small. Setting up the ride itself shouldn't take long either. I am interested in where the roller skater is actually going. If it is in fact going in somewhere near the soon-to-be-dismantled Sierra Falls, the rumored "Little Flash" name wouldn't make sense, being in a Looney Tunes themed area. And now I'm seeing rumors that Six Flags is considering dropping the Thomas the Tank Engine, Tony Hawk, and Wiggles brands. Of the three, SFMM of course only has Thomas, but at some point a possible retheme of Thomas Town into something Looney Tunes could happen. Honestly, I won't miss Thomas Town. To me, it really didn't work. Eric
  5. Nope. But I do have a special button for it on my Google Chrome sitebar (or whatever they call it). Do you like sharp Cheddar cheese?
  6. I've actually seen people point at Terminator and heard them say that they rebuilt Psyclone. Eric
  7. ^^ Sure they do! NorCal had a banner year---the year that six banners started flying over a certain ocean/wildlife park in Vallejo. Eric
  8. ^^^ Chris took the thought right out of my head. Another favorite of mine is the use of "get's" and "lot's," which I see often as well. I see this kind of stuff all over Internet forums and Facebook and it drives me nuts. You have to wonder where these people were educated...or if... Eric
  9. I think SFMM has enough green coasters now. Three is plenty, and they're all on the same side of the park, too. For 2012, if it's going to happen, given the choice between a dive machine and a good speed and airtime filled ride, I'd go with the latter. SFMM has enough inversions (the most in the world according to this page). Eric
  10. OK...my ignorance is showing. It does seem odd to reach 65mph in only a few hundred feet then stop, but I'll take their word for it---they know what they're saying. Eric
  11. Look at this page. Anyone see a problem with the track length? How will a coaster reach 65mph when it's less than 500 feet long? I'm sure this will be corrected as time goes on, but I saw it and wondered... Eric
  12. ^^ I think I know who your source is---not personally, but which person you're talking about. And I believe that person is a valid source. With all that is going on at Disneyland/DCA and what's rumored at Knott's, SFMM had better have something major up its sleeve to compete. And I think they will. Eric
  13. I've actually gotten some good floater airtime on the turnaround just before the second drop. The thing with Goliath is that it does deliver, but just not enough. Considering its height, Goliath should have had another 1000 feet of track with a few more good airtime hills. Honestly, I still like it, though. For me, it's still running as smooth as it was in February 2000 when it opened. Eric
  14. ^ I've always wondered exactly what went in up there. Every time I've been out to SFMM, it looks like a building just sitting there. No traffic, no activity, nothing. It's too bad that Time Warner didn't snap it up. A good shopping/entertainment area would have been a gold mine. Eric
  15. To my knowledge, Six Flags doesn't own any of the land across from the park. If they did, they could put in quite a resort. Sometimes I wonder if double decking at least part of the parking lot could shift enough of it over to allow room for park expansion---not unlike what Disney did to make room for DCA. Eric
  16. The trouble with an aneurysm is that it can go undetected for ages as there are not usually any symptoms. Unfortunately, rides with high g forces can aggravate them to the point of bursting as what happened in this case. "Do you mean the area behind Riddler's leading up to and behind Terminator?" (John Knotts) I was actually thinking of a coaster along the south boundary of the park (think from near Viper heading west past Roaring Rapids, around Deja Vu, behind Terminator, and heading north, possibly as far as Batman before the turnaround). One problem with such a layout is how the track would get back over the mountain to return to the starting point. However, I do know that there are some other spots in the park where a good sized coaster could go. As we've seen in a few examples, ride designers and engineers can get very creative when need be. Eric
  17. What a great tour! Thanks for sharing it. It would be funny if the tour itself was taken in a ride vehicle. Eric
  18. ^^ Sadly, I agree. But as we've already pointed out, they almost have to do so in order to stay competitive. ^ Actually, I think going taller and faster than Goliath would work in SFMM's favor. The one type of coaster they don't have is a long, straight, airtime-filled coaster. At some point, I'd like to think that they would take advantage of the south and west sides of the park and incorporate something into that area. But we'll see. Eric
  19. I have to agree with Robb about "Six Flags Magic Mountain---The FAMILY Park!" Nice try, but with too many years of adding coaster after coaster, then putting minimal money into "family" attractions (like the noted Thomas Town), the park is going to find more success going back to the big thrills. Disneyland and, to some extent, Knott's have the "family" niche covered in the SoCal area. Eric
  20. One Dinn-Summers woodie that I wonder about is Georgia Cyclone. I've never ridden it, but know that it was a mirror image of SFMM's Psyclone and opened a year earlier (1990). No one seems to talk about it, neither positively or negatively. For anyone who has ridden it, how has that one aged? Eric
  21. Believe it or not, YES! I've used IE, Firefox, a little Safari, and now I'm on Chrome and really like it. Unfortunately some applications don't support it...yet. Do you ever visit TPR while you're eating dinner?
  22. Parents can be a pain in the...um, wait a minute... Eric
  23. I've never been to SFMM on Thanksgiving Day, but have been on Black Friday. The crowds were bigger than I thought, though not terrible. In fact, I'm thinking of taking a run out there on that day. SFMM closes at 6 that day, but it should be plenty of time to get a decent amount of rides. Eric
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