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Everything posted by ebl

  1. ^^^ Viper is a "scrunched" version of Shock Wave and GASM---in order to contain about the same amount of track on a smaller site, its layout had to be compressed. Hopefully the improvements made to it will help keep it around awhile. As for Colossus backwards, I know at one time they only ran it from about 6pm till closing. Have they started running the backwards side throughout the day? Eric
  2. ^ Along that same line, I don't like being asked if I want change back when I've put down $40 for a $22 meal. Sure, you're getting an $18 tip... Just bring back the change and let me determine the tip... Eric
  3. Awhile ago, I saw a dead fly on the floor. Eric
  4. Because the Yankees got a new stadium and it doesn't have wi-fi. Why haven't they invented a Caps Lock button to help baseball players keep their caps on in the wind?
  5. I'd like to get out to Fright Fest sometime, if for no other reason my annual ride on Colossus backwards. Eric
  6. Excellent photos and very impressive track record. I enjoyed this very much; thanks for sharing it. A couple of notes: this has to be one of the strangest colors for a wooden coaster: Personally, I still like a classic white paint job the best. Eric
  7. Pepsi. Why are typical office hours 8-5? Why not 7-4 or 6-3?
  8. ^ And Psyclone's story is a shame, too, because it ran nicely in its first couple of seasons. Eric
  9. For me, it seems like when they painted the track red a couple of years ago, it seemed to get smooth. Can paint do that? Eric
  10. Haven't they given away rides in that ball as drawing prizes at various events? I could have sworn that at least one time at Solace a ride in that thing was given away. If given the chance, I'd definitely like to ride it. Eric
  11. Viper's spot could open up some room for something newer, and from what we've seen regarding Shock Wave and GASM, it seems that the mega loopers have a 20-25 year lifespan. On a personal note, I haven't had any rough rides on Viper in a long time, and to me, it seems to be aging well. But who knows? Regarding Deja Vu, it'd be funny if they turned the trains around on that one as well---not that it would really change the experience much. But I am curious as to why it's going to be down for so long. For whatever reason, I keep getting the feeling that it'll be down so SFMM can not only do some work on it, but prepare some of the surrounding area for a future project, perhaps something tied in with the Project 18 thing. Or maybe Project 19? Eric
  12. I have to agree with Wes. Obviously, Superman---Rear View Mirror is a "new" experience, as is the roller skater. Chances are, the forward version of Superman will feature a tunnel, special effects, or something else. That makes three. And makes sense. Would "sense" count as four? Eric
  13. ^ After some thought, I think you're right. If Backwards Superman and the Roller Skater Formerly Known as Mr. Six's DanceCoaster is it for 2011, then 2012 is going to hit us BIG. I can't help but to wonder about the so-called "Project 18" if that's even going to happen. If Tidal Wave is on its way out (and I believe it is), its spot and the old Freefall spot make for a sizable chunk of real estate. Yeah, that's all been rehashed over and over, but by 2012, we'll be ready for something big---and I think SFMM will deliver. Eric
  14. The trouble with the world today is that everyone is expected to "multi-task" all the time. Squeeze as much activity into the alloted time as you possibly can. Doing one thing at a given time just isn't efficient. It still floors me that people text and read while driving their car. Are they nuts? Driving is a full time job in itself. While I agree that the city might have made more effort to warn pedestrians of their impending freefall ride, I think that HHappy said it best a few posts ago: "...come on.. pay attention to where you're going..." Eric
  15. ^ Chick-fil-A in your pants? Wouldn't the feathers tickle? Eric
  16. ^ Thanks, Joey. That's why I was trying to steer away from that with the "possible other 2011 attraction" discussion. Of course, I still think that it's possible for SFMM to have something more up their sleeve. Eric
  17. Over the last few years, I've read bits and pieces of this thread, but awhile ago when I saw this thread bumped, I decided to read it in its entirety. It doesn't matter where, but if I ever see Kick Boodie operating, I'll do whatever it takes to ride it. Eric
  18. At least no one else here has anything close to "EBL." Has anyone else wondered if it's possible for even more for 2011? We already know about Superman, and we know that the roller skater will be open. For some reason, it seems to me that an additional attraction of some sort could make its way to SFMM to go along with what we already know. Anything along those lines, of course, is pure speculation, but perhaps worthy of discussion. Eric
  19. Because if you do, you'll have a valid excuse to buy a new one. Why do they call the U.S. flag "the star spangled banner" when only about a quarter of it has stars on it?
  20. Well, Blade Runner was a "saw" movie, wasn't it? Most of us have heard about the "five-second rule" regarding eating stuff dropped on the floor. Why did they decide that five seconds was long enough?
  21. ^ Sorry to hear about that. I hope by some miracle your dad will pull through. All the best to you and your family, and you're in my thoughts and prayers. Eric
  22. "Wooden" you like to ride it? How did they decide that videos should run at 30 frames per second?
  23. ^ Great for "moi," whoever THAT is. But what did YOU get? Eric
  24. ^ Thinking about Facebook, it's annoying when you notice that your list of friends is down by one or two, and you can't find out who dropped you. At one time, there was an application, "Who Deleted Me," but for some reason, it was deleted. Maybe it doesn't really matter, but sometimes it'd be nice if you could find out who deleted you. Eric
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