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Everything posted by biker7766

  1. Construction Continues on Dinosaurs Alive! I nabbed this shot from Carowinds' Facebook.
  2. Work continues on The Disk-O and the mini teacups. Courtesy of Wild Adventures Facebook! Progress on TailSpin! It may not look like much...but it's getting closer. We can't wait for TailSpin to be towering four stories high! We're making progress! Wacky Wheels is in the making for the 2013 Season!
  3. Great photos from Lake Compounce's Facebook! Back wave pool wall Back filter and pump rooms Wave pool walls Track in the air Wild Cat first drop Wild Cat lift hill
  4. Just a few pictures showing off random bits and pieces of construction! Holiday World Facebook. Our Coaster Cats are hard at working getting Voyage ready for the 2013 season. (This photo is nearly as disorienting as the ride!) One of the coasters getting some TLC! It's probably too early to call this a sign of spring ... but aren't these colors pretty on this gloomy winter's day? Peek-A-Boo!
  5. From Great Escape's FaceBook: Ummmm... What happened to the green dome??!
  6. Dino's under construction! Courtesy of Carowinds' FaceBook. Under construction at the North Gate Admissions, our new greeter, the friendly T-Rex!
  7. Just posted to SFFT's FaceBook! Hey Fiesta Texas fans! We are excited to announce THRILL SEEKER THURSDAYS! Every Thursday leading up to park opening we will post exciting news and updates for Fiesta Texas! Check out our new attraction, Slingshot standing tall at 187 feet! What do you think? Looks like the one at Magic Mountain has some competition.
  8. --Generator: Jordan's Ballot Helper 2012 (steel)-- --Ballot: 2edd2af4bc5-- --ryan_stryker@yahoo.com------ LOCATION IN NEXT LINE (Please LEAVE THIS LINE IN BALLOT) ~"New Egypt, NJ" NAME IN NEXT LINE (Please LEAVE THIS LINE IN THE BALLOT) ~"Ryan Stryker" RANK THE FOLLOWING RIDING SENSATIONS <-LEAVE Abrupt Airtime_____________________________,y,y,1 Floating Airtime___________________________,y,y,2 Sensation of Speed_________________________,y,y,3 Positive G's/Loops_________________________,y,y,4 Lateral Forces_____________________________,y,y,5 Out of Control Feeling/Directional Changes_,y,y,6 COASTER NAME PARK LOC <-LEAVE Favorite Wood Coaster Any Park Anywhere **,y,y,1 Nitro Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,2 Possessed Dorney Park PA,y,y,3 Apollo's Chariot Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,4 Steel Force Dorney Park PA,y,y,5 Storm Runner Hersheypark PA,y,n,6 Bizarro Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,7 Talon Dorney Park PA,y,y,8 Loch Ness Monster Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,9 Alpengeist Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,10 Kingda Ka Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,11 Griffon Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,12 Batman The Ride/Clone SF & Other Parks **,y,y,13 Great Bear Hersheypark PA,y,n,14 Green Lantern Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,15 Sooperdooperlooper Hersheypark PA,y,n,16 Superman – Ultimate F Six Flags Parks **,y,y,17 Fahrenheit Hersheypark PA,y,n,18 Hydra the Revenge Dorney Park PA,y,y,19 Big Thunder Mountain WDW Magic Kingdom FL,y,n,20 Rock n Roller Coaster Disney's H Studios FL,y,n,21 Space Mountain WDW Magic Kingdom FL,y,n,22 Great American Scream Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,n,23 Skull Mountain Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,24 Fav Vekoma Boomerang Any Park Anywhere **,y,n,25 Fav Arrow Mine Train Any Park Anywhere **,y,y,26 Fav Wild Mouse Any Park Anywhere **,y,n,27 Dark Knight Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,y,28 Fav Zyklon Loop Any Park Anywhere **,y,y,29 Fav Zyklon Any Park Anywhere **,y,n,30 Star Jet Casino Pier NJ,y,n,31 Fav Flitzer Any Park Anywhere **,y,n,32 Pirates Hideaway Casino Pier NJ,y,n,33 Fav Tivoli Any Park Anywhere **,y,y,34 My list...
  9. Does this mean S&S 4D Coaster? I thought X2 was an Arrow, so that may be a first in the USA.
  10. AmP nApAlM That is a lowercase l. Not an i. Send me a friend request...
  11. I just started playing! Still getting to know the basics of the game!
  12. Hey I just had a quick question for all of you guys! I own a Gopro Hero camera and I also have a Chest Mount. I was wondering what parks do and don't find this mount as a loose article. My homepark is SFGAdv and I know it isnt allowed, but I see people do it and the ride operators don't care... Just a list for my future travels! DO DON'T Six Flags Great Adventure Kings Dominion Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  13. Hey I just had a quick question for all of you guys! I own a Gopro Hero camera and I also have a Chest Mount. I was wondering what parks do and don't find this mount as a loose article. My homepark is SFGAdv and I know it isnt allowed, but I see people do it and the ride operators don't care... Just a list for my future travels! DO DON'T Six Flags Great Adventure Kings Dominion Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  14. Great update Chuck! Can't wait to see more of the progress on this project!
  15. Sorry, but i dont think you will be seeing that in rcdb anytime soon.
  16. Not sure if you guys have seen these videos, but this is hilarious with the coaster editing! This is part 1, you can find part 2 and 3 on the same channel.
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