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Everything posted by B&MIntaminGCI

  1. If it really is a wing rider, I'm not as interested as I was for when it was rumored to be an invert.
  2. It looks as if that is new invert or flying track due to the curved cross ties.
  3. Wow this is absolutely amazing! May I ask? What kind of camera/camcorder do you use for these shots because the slow motion looks so perfect?
  4. Dorney Park is on a huge hill that goes down, it's pretty steep at parts too, terrain isn't an issue, people will walk it if they want.
  5. Why'd they close off the path that cut through the tiger exhibits and the kid section?
  6. Intamin Fart, Kingda Ka's magnetic brake whirrrrr/launch whiirrrr, B&M Roar, B&M Chain lift.
  7. Just was browsing Nolimits-design and came across this, apparently they were told it was going to be a B&M Invert, the tallest in the world, and then this graphic was posted
  8. Diamondback has a turn into the station, so i guess it's still kind of even because one takes the turn later in the ride
  9. umm exactly? ^as far as your intense ride spill goes. I enjoy all coasters and some of my favorites are not very intense. I was hoping with all the land KI has that they would do something just out there. Something with Intamin to be exact but to go with a wing coaster is boring to me. I rather KI give B&M another chance at a Giga. Still nothing is confirmed but screamscape is good at what they do so I am bummed. I meant, i don't get what the big deal about not liking them is, like why are they so terrible because they don't pull 300G's+- Oh I knew what you meant, I was just being a smart aleck by using your question out of context. I see
  10. umm exactly? ^as far as your intense ride spill goes. I enjoy all coasters and some of my favorites are not very intense. I was hoping with all the land KI has that they would do something just out there. Something with Intamin to be exact but to go with a wing coaster is boring to me. I rather KI give B&M another chance at a Giga. Still nothing is confirmed but screamscape is good at what they do so I am bummed. I meant, i don't get what the big deal about not liking them is, like why are they so terrible because they don't pull 300G's+-
  11. PLEASE, LET THIS NOT BE TRUE... I don't get what the big deal is about wing coasters? Sure they're not intense, but why does every ride have to pull 5G's and -1.5G's to be considered a good ride? I mean, I love intense rides, but not every ride needs to be intense, variety is good, especially to work people up to larger coasters. But that's just me.
  12. "DROP" big news? Hmmmmmm Plus, looks like a perfect spot for that rumored drop tower.
  13. There might not be wind on the ground, but 300 feet up, it could be a hurricane.
  14. I don't think it's a stupid question: My take on it is that when parks build large roller coasters, in this case one up to or higher than 300 feet tall, their intention is for riders to experience a sense of speed and the dropping sensation. For a 300 foot tall looping roller coaster, the inversions would have to be quite large and take away from the sense of speed or change the pace of the ride from what they are trying to offer. Personally, I prefer a ride with large drops versus rides with more inversions. It's ideal for me when a ride has a nice combination of long drops and large inversions, that's why why Griffon is my favorite. It's funny because I was just thinking about the Intamin Megalite's like Piraten, after the first drop, that second hill under the lift would be perfect for a corkscrew, zero g roll-esque element. Then after the airtime hill that follows, go around the left turn into a barrel roll where that twisting bunny hop is, and then finish the ride like a normal Megalite. 2 inversions and an airtime filled ride, seems awesome.
  15. i just wanted to let it be known that I do not agree with this post. I agree with you, I got a LOT of airtime on Diamondback, granted I've always asked for the front or back row, and was never denied, but even still, it was a lot of floater/maybe slight floatjector air, but those return bunny hops were always fun.
  16. Wow, I really like the way it looks with the water around the rides, that's awesome. Then the lights running from the trees. Looks like a nifty little section of the park.
  17. Plot Twist: These are footers for the 2014 new Dinosaur for Dinosaur alive, the first ever mile long dinosaur
  18. It was really funny, because back in 2010 my I was in Ohio for 4 months at my best friends house, and she lived in the trailer park RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the Plant, it was heaven for me. I was like "Ahhhh yisss, look at the shiny new B&M track"
  19. I'm assuming those white boards or for queue length. Like an employee will come and mark the how long it'll be from that white board or in total or something.
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