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Everything posted by B&MIntaminGCI

  1. ^Yeah, bringing me back to opening year when they ran one train for a time. PTSD from those waits and the breakdowns I literally don't even think it's possible for Nitro to have a long wait because I've waited from halfway into switchbacks during Fright Fest, and we timed it and it was 25 minutes til we got on with 3 trains running
  2. Toro’s line was accurate, I watched for a bit before deciding against it and the Kia train was the only train being used. Nitro had all 3 trains and the line was NEVER 85 minutes, They were pumping trains out like crazy until it broke down. If it never broke down, the 85 minute wait would have been 15 max, but because it went down it was like 30.
  3. The park was absolutely SLAMMED today. Insane, worse than Fright Fest. Had a good time, just because I like being in the atmosphere, but if we're basing it off of what we got to do, worse day I've ever had at the park. Got there around 12-12:30 and left at 7:15. Only got on The Dark Knight and Nitro, once each. Food lines were INSANE. We waited from 2:04 to 3:20 in Yum Yum, with every restaurant having lines overflowing outside of buildings or spilling into midways. Waited 25 minutes just to refill a cup, if we didn't have friends coming separately and they didn't leave, we would have told them to skip it and we would have left. The only cool/weird thing of the night was getting sunburn and then around 6:30, it went from being like 85 degrees to 55 degrees in like 30 minutes, we left the park shivering.
  4. I hated the locker rule at first but now it's opened my eyes and made me realize how much easier life is. I still will use my zipper pockets on rides that don't require a locker but whenever I go I'll be getting the $8 all day, moveable locker because I'm always with a girl with a bag. It makes it way easier to just drop my phone, wallet and more in the locker and not worrying about if my pockets are zipped or anything flying out. The only thing I have to worry about is leaving my wallet in the locker like I did twice last year. Once I got it back the same day in 2 hours and the other time it took them 2 weeks to find it and for me to get it
  5. Whenever people claim El Toro is rough I just have to wonder if they've actually have ridden a rough ride. It may not be GLASS smooth like it was in 06' but it's not DRASTICALLY different. It has some wear & tear here and there around certain sections but other than that, it's DAMN smooth for a 12 year old WOODEN coaster.
  6. I must have gotten lucky in October 2016, I managed to get like 8 rides on Falcon's Fury in like 30 minutes. It was walk on Zumi also never really has a wait, but more of a wait than FF did when I went
  7. That trip report is great and the ride looks amazing. I wish I could get out there soon enough. One little easter egg from the report is that The person closest to the camera has my favorite bands hoody from their last tour (which I also have, which also matches my avatar) so I found that extra cool.
  8. Maybe the roller coasters are right or left handed. We should ask them. The ones that just go straight might be ambidextrous.
  9. Did anything ever come of the Zumanjaro renovation? Wasn't there heavily implied rumors that Zumanjaro was going to get new barriers so it could run along side Ka without alternating?
  10. I agree with this, I went to Busch Gardens Tampa in October 2016 and got very lucky with all the rides being open. I would have been disappointed if i went and one of the Beemers were down because who knows when I'll get to go back.
  11. I felt the opposite, I felt like my ride Sunday was significantly slower, like it was even visibly slower to me. The helix after the 2nd loop was nowhere near as intense as it was during the summer/Fright Fest and the wing overs didn't give me that crazy snap I was used to. But the last time I rode during Fright Fest was absolutely bat s**t insane, I've never had a ride on Batman like that and I've been going consistently since 2006. It felt like my legs were going to be ripped off and the wingover, turn over the exit of the Zero G Roll into the 2nd wing over was a straight up disorienting blur on the ride and I loved EVERY second of it. I was actually winded when we hit the brakes Even my friends who just come with me noted that that ride during Fright Fest was way faster than normal.
  12. Stopped in to the park with my best friend yesterday to grab my wallet that I lost a month ago. The second we got into the parking lot we said "F it" and wound up staying. Which was unfortunate for me because all I was wearing was a thin $10 hoody from Primark. Got through security and went to Lost & Found, they had my wallet, I asked where I left it or where they found it and they said in the Kingda Ka lockers, (Which means it survived a week in the lockers, we went on a Saturday, it survived a Sunday, Friday, Saturday and they found it the following Sunday). Thank god it's flat and black and the locker it was lost in was the top row. We got our food with our dining pass and then took a quick spin on Batman in the back row. It was good but I felt like it was running slower than usual. I didn't really get the forcefulness that I got in the summer and during Fright Fest (where it was running CRAZY fast) but maybe it's just me. It was also warmer than I thought given the wind and the cold and what I was wearing. I can say though when you're riding a roller coaster in hardly any clothing and it's freezing, it feels significantly warmer when the ride ends After that we made our way over to Nitro and got a ride in the back row as well, this was wear I was nervous, because going 80mph in nothing but a light hoody, but low and behold it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought. My hands were the coldest part of me and it was riding pretty well, not as good as the summer but I would say it was riding better than Batman was. By the end of Nitro it was completely dark and all the lights were on and the park is absolutely beautiful. I got a few pics but not too many.
  13. Got a call that they found my wallet It's kind of useless now that everything in it was replaced, but still nice to get the actual wallet and have a spare ID
  14. You no longer have to wait in any lines for processing your pass. You buy, they scan it at the gate, you scan your right index finger and they give you your card. You go to the table and sign it and it's yours. Not sure about the maze lines but I'm sure they're pretty long since everything is has long lines during Fright Fest too
  15. Really? I've waited in a full queue over flowing 2 Saturdays ago when it was 80 degrees out (the park was M O B B E D) and the line was 30 minutes, we timed it. We got in line at 10:10 and were in the station at 10:40.
  16. Was at the park yesterday from like 3:30 until 9:30. It was pretty busy but not too bad. Got to go on basically everything except Nitro. Only reason we didn’t do Nitro is because I realized my wallet was missing, and came to the conclusion I lost it by leaving it in the lockers by Kingda Ka because I bought the all day locker to move around the park at Kingda Ka (which was the first ride of the day) so I must have forgotten to grab it out of the locker. Luckily for me it’s a small card slide wallet that only holds 6 cards and I just had my debit card, season pass (which is also on my phone), and ID in it. All of it was easy to replace and I got a new phone case wallet on Amazon last night. Kingda Ka was also awkwardly smooth. Rode the front row but even to me the front row of some of the trains isn’t that pleasant but the green train was VERY smooth in the front yesterday.
  17. I went last Saturday and it was busy as hell, but Batman had no line despite the app saying 20 minutes. Skull Mountain's line filled the cave all the way up and the employee at the entrance said 45 minutes, it was literally a 10 minute wait. The line didn't stop moving and they were dispatching trains before the next one even stopped at the block. Nitro's line was to the switchbacks and it was a 15 minute wait, they weren't stacking a train at all, the ride ops kept making comments that everyone had 45 seconds to be in their seats and ready. The ops checking the lapbars were FLYING down the trains. Didn't really get on much else because we were with kids so we mainly stayed within Safari Kids but it was crowded people wise but the lines were moving. In fact the longest line we waited in was to get our Purple cup for the dining plan, I never knew that getting a free cup with 5 people ahead of you could take 45 minutes.
  18. OMFG.... "Why do you feel the need to post such gross, sexual comments constantly? " It just looks amazing as hell. I need to get to CP in 2018
  19. There's only two words needed to sum up my feelings about SV. I'm moist.
  20. Yeah, I made a big fuss about it at first but now I'm used to it and it really isn't a big deal. Granted I've never had to deal with the no phone during a long line, but I'd most LIKELY either skip it or be with my friends anyways so it shouldn't be TOO terrible if I didn't have my phone. Plus now we get the $8 dollar locker because it's all day and you can move it around the whole park and it's so nice to not have to worry on ANY ride that your phone or wallet (funny story in a second) is going to fall out. Okay, funny story. I have a metal card wallet (I usually never have cash except emergency tucked into my phone case) so you click a little lever on the bottom and it pushes the cards up and fans them out for you. So I was on Nitro last year with it in my backpocket, and during the final bunny hops I felt it come out of my back pocket and I immediately filled with dread because everything is in there, got back to the station and luck was on my side because it flew up my shirt instead of off the ride and was sitting on the seat when I got up. I now take literally NOTHING with me on rides
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