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Everything posted by B&MIntaminGCI

  1. ^Yeah, that's what I was saying, if GADV wound up getting both the Endeavor/Discovery package.
  2. Samurai is a top scan and they're literally one of my favorite flat rides ever. I would 100% be okay with GADV getting all 3. Top Scan, Screamin' Swing and a frisbee.
  3. Hopefully August 30th brings us the long awaited Giant Discovery we deserve, but because I want one so bad, probably not
  4. I don't drive either and when I was looking to go this year, I saw a lot of taxi companies you could try. I wound up trying to push it back a year to 2019 in hopes I'll have my license by then and can rent a car. Regardless of that, I'm going either way next year.
  5. It might be a double launch coaster? Isn't it rumored to be a Mack? Most Mack launchers of recent always seem to have two launches.
  6. ^I would LOVE that, but this is Six Flags we're talking about so if/when they get around to repainting Nitro they'll probably just paint it blue and yellow if they don't retheme it to some DC Character. "Nitro: The Flash's Super Explosive Crazy Coaster" painted Red and Yellow
  7. Since we're talking about spiders and phones, we should just have the spiders watch our phones by placing them in the webs. Kills two birds with one stone (PS be nice to the spiders because without them the bugs would be even worse )
  8. The official path has actually been open this whole year as far as every visit I've been there for and according to everyone in this thread. So no more sneak short cuts
  9. The Great White at Morey's Piers is honestly one of my favorite woodies. It's just pure fun the whole way and gives some decent air time. I've had some really marathon sessions on it at night with friends.
  10. ^At GADV if they see you with a phone, security will come and take you out of line. Someone idiotically pulled out their phone on Toro in the station to take a selfie before the ride and they made her get off. She was so mad, but oh well. They say it every minute.
  11. Once I got over my stink I had with GADV's policy for Toro, Ka and The Joker I find it so much more convenient. Just drop everything and put it the locker and there's no more worrying even if you're SURE your pocket is zippered/buttoned. The only thing that sucks is if the line is long and you're alone.
  12. I mean hopefully they're using the money they're saving to fund us a major roller coaster finally.
  13. I also must note that they were now asking if people had cell phones at the entrance to Nitro now. Not sure if they were telling people to put them into a locker (we do regardless, it's easier and I was one that complained about the policy at first ) but they were definitely asking. Every train dispatch on all the rides they were also announcing that "Now is your last chance to secure your cell phone, if we see you take your phone out on the ride you WILL be escorted out of the park with a 5 year ban and a fine" or something similar to that. I don't think they're playing any games anymore because it was on almost every coaster we were at.
  14. I was there today and it was a SCORCHER. Nothing really had lines at all. Got my best ride on Cyborg, was decent but I still find it mediocre at best. (Give us our frisbee and throw in a Top Scan for good measure ) Also got my best ride EVER on The Joker, it was fun as hell, 4 flips on the park side. Actually enjoyed it a lot and wish it was like that most of my rides.
  15. I don't know if they have the permit, but I do remember seeing it being heavily rumored by that Toro op. I also remember him mentioning seeing the new modification parts I believe. It was over the winter in this thread.
  16. Is it too early to hope and pray that we finally get the Giant Discovery that we deserve? (Ideally we'd get the model Magic Mountain has, reality we'll get this)
  17. Oh damn, I just got back from Sesame Place and Wacky Taxi was a walk on all day. Awesome little coaster. Awesome TR!
  18. ^Every time I've been there I don't think there's ever been a line for Zumanjaro. 100% use it for the Safari if you can. I'm not really good at giving advice on any other rides because I never really wait for any of them anymore.
  19. https://wsvn.com/news/local/roller-coaster-at-daytona-beach-boardwalk-stuck-2-hurt-after-falling/
  20. Also the Kia train is WAY WAY WAY WAY smoother on El Toro than the caramel train. I got on the caramel train in the back and it was pretty bouncy and shaky. Did the Kia train and it was about Nitro smooth with a WAY less potholes (not void of em though) I definitely could marathon on the Kia train, don't think I could on the caramel colored one.
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