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Everything posted by B&MIntaminGCI

  1. I wasn't expecting this at all, and I'm excited we're getting it. I wonder if this means Twister will be leaving soon as they give a similar experience. Also, when can we finally get our Giant Discovery, I'm in NEED of a frisbee of some sort!!!
  2. It's been open on and off this year, a few times I went I've been able to walk through it, they would then shut it later at night.
  3. Ka still hurts and rattles my a** around in the front. I don't enjoy riding it like I used to back in 2006/2007.
  4. As long as the inversions aren't being taken at hyper speed I don't see why it would be an issue, if the train didn't spin, it would take slow, and if it was 90* perpendicular to the track, it would be front/backflipping around a roll, anything in between should be fine. As long as it's not whipping around the track
  5. This looks WAY better than Wonder Woman, and who cares that it's a clone. If this is RMC's B&M Batman clones then I'll take 90 of them at each park because BTR is still amazing.
  6. I was there on Sunday and it's such a cute little park. Monster is really fun and thrilling. Got on it twice because it was quite busy at least for the size of that park I believe. Even the woodies were fun, a bit "rough" but still enjoyable. Water park is small as heck, but I enjoyed it too, got on the speed slides like 3 times each with no wait and did all the tube slides in like 10 minutes. Monster at night is gorgeous, The Underground was neat, but I probably wouldn't waste time on it unless it was walk on. Night photo of Monster
  7. I just got back to my AirBNB from the Iowa State Fair and I can say my new favorite flat ride ever is the Mondial Top Scan and GAdv needs one immediately. What a fun ride that creates crazy, weird, forces and hang time/air time that makes Toro's airtime feel like floater.
  8. We need a Frisbee ride of some sort. TLC before a new coaster. Then if we get one, a nice Family woody, a GCI or something on the Nitro side of the park would be nice if there's room.
  9. I just realized the POV and test track of at the RMC plant was an excerpt of this full ride. Is the same part highlighted in blue
  10. ^Don't quote me, but I believe I've read something about -1.7G on that hill.
  11. I feel as if I was an owner of one of these rides, I would do everything I could in my power to check for structural fatigue and cracks as much as I possibly could. I'd rather spend extra money and be safe, rather than save it and be sorry. Still scares me that this is my favorite flat, but at the least, they'll be safer now.
  12. Was there tonight from 2:30-around 10:40. I went with my best friend and her daughter, so I was frequently splitting up from them since her daughter is only 4. Toro and Nitro were a lot smoother today than last time I was there. The video thing on Batman is really funny, my last ride I stared directly in to the camera the whole ride with a creepy evil grin on my face and didn't blink the whole ride on purpose. Was quite mad when I went down and saw the booth was closed. Got on the essentials that REALLY matter to me. El Toro: 2 Batman: 4 Nitro: 2 Then just did a few kiddie rides with them and Deja Vu 3 times with them because it was her favorite. Went to the arcade by Batman and kept draining the Wheel Of Fortune machine dry because I kept spinning the wheel, at one point it stopped spitting tickets and it still owed me 486. PS: I get that it may not be crazy busy but to close Macho Nacho in Movietown before 8pm on a Friday is annoying as hell. I wanted that for dinner and it seems whenever I'm craving a certain place for dinner, it's either closed all day, or closes way too early. If you can read it, the game says "486"
  13. Could be that the force of the ride was slowly bending the arm where it sheered off and with each swing it was weakened and bent more until finally it actually broke, so it could have been getting closer and closer to the ground. They weren't on the part that broke off. I heard the chick say that they section that broke off crashed into them. That's what I'm saying, they weren't on the arm that broke but the arm that was hit I believe was directly across, so they might have watch that arm give way as the ride was cycling
  14. Thankfully IT reopened, it's my favorite Afterburner, which is my favorite flat ride, I mean even on the Afterburner that broke, it was a freak accident, and now I think it'll be even safer to ride these things. It's just a shame accidents and injuries have to happen first.
  15. Could be that the force of the ride was slowly bending the arm where it sheered off and with each swing it was weakened and bent more until finally it actually broke, so it could have been getting closer and closer to the ground.
  16. Same at Dorney? I'm too lazy to look it up. Yeah, but they're designed by KMG. http://www.chancerides.com/rides/revolution32.html http://www.chancerides.com/rides/revolution20.html
  17. It might be down for good measure right now, because it's designed by KMG, but built by Chance. KMG said that shut down doesn't affect the Revolution, but I wouldn't be shocked if all similar rides by KMG aren't shut down as a cautionary procedure.
  18. Not surprising, and honestly good, even though "IT" is newer, they should still reinspect it again just to be 100% certain it's ready to be reopened.
  19. Eh in my opinion Six Flags Great Adventure could always use more flats. This is one of the parks I think definitely could use a Giant Discovery. I'm not familar with how much they use the theater next to Batman, but I wouldn't be opposed to them removing it and putting the Giant Discovery there and having it swing out over the midway on an angle, it's like the perfect location for it.
  20. ^I'm not sure Morey's will be shut down, it says it only affects Afterburners with serial numbers 1-40, so I feel like that's most likely the first generation ones, and Morey's IT is only a few years old, with lapbars so I can't say for certain if it's down, but it might not be. Still freaky as hell because IT is my favorite flat ride, and knowing this happened on "technically" the same ride
  21. Looking at the aftermath video. I think what happened was at the bottom of the swing, the one seat detached, and the hollow sound you hear is that car dropping and hitting the floor, which is then caught by the opposite seat and thrown into the air because the bottom of the detached car is scrapped and dented. Crazy and now I'm gonna be nervous as hell to ride another Afterburner, that's for sure. RIP to the victim that died, and hopefully the others have a fully & speedy recovery.
  22. ^Row 1 & 2 are identical to me because they're the same car, just a row back. I rode Ka last week in the very front, same pain. It also feels like it has square wheels at the end of the 270* spiral right before it levels out there's like two jarring bumps. It ****ing hurts now..
  23. Was there tonight, rode Ka in row 2 and ow. Gave me a headache, and then my brilliance made me ride GL in the back row and turned it into a mini migraine. Even Toro and Nitro felt a bit rougher than normal but Bizarro was MUCH smoother, don't know if I got lucky in the row or seat, but no head banging at all, dare I say, almost as smooth as front row Nitro It also was INSANELY hot there today, and everything was a walk on besides Safari and Congo Rapids, and Justice League later in the day. They were doing the boarding passes on almost every ride and there were no lines, didn't make sense to me and seemed like a waste of paper, the workers didn't even look at the number, just took it and crumpled it up. Justice League: x2 (both highest score in the car at 143K and 152K) Batman: 1 Nitro: 1 Skully: 1 Joker: 1 Bizarro: 1 Runaway Mine Train: 1 El Toro: 2 Superman: 1 Green Latern: 1 Kingda Ka: 1 Zumanjaro: 2 I wish I could see how smooth TTD is compared to KK
  24. I could go on and on about pointing out flaws with this locker situation and how it's trash, but whatever.
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