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Everything posted by SoCalCoasters

  1. Hong Kong Disneyland's Autopia cost 40 MILLION DOLLARS
  2. Agree to disagree then? Personally I'm more interested in seeing how Fantasy Faire turns out than discussing WOC. Arguing is no fun.
  3. ^^I no way was I trying to put myself above you, I was just making my own points. With the WOC point I was trying to say that while one may not enjoy nighttime shows, one can still appreciate the quality and design that went into it. Plus, World of Color debuted in the summer of 2010, hence why it took an award at the 2011 THEAs (Which take place in the Spring).
  4. This is so awesome. dt Well, whether one likes it or not, it still won the THEA Award for Nighttime Shows in 2011, which is the highest honor for the themed entertainment industry.
  5. I personally hope that somewhere deep in SWP&E they've still got the concept for the original design nicknamed "Reef Runner" sitting around, just waiting to be re-invented down the line for some new project in the chain.
  6. That's the thing, it's not. It just means that the locals are now embracing DCA as a "real" park instead of the joke that it has been for many years. Disneyland Resort still sees about 80% of it's guests from California, Nevada, and Arizona. That really classifies it more as a strong regional tourist destination, especially when you consider the size of the states mentioned. (California itself is huge) It's by no means solely a local's park if they're drawing guests from other states.
  7. There wasn't. The people that go to WDW aren't obnoxious, self-entitled Californians, so it wasn't a problem. Oh well then. Hopefully it'll work out.
  8. ^I'm sure as the system becomes more clearly in place we'll see the enforcement become more and more restricted. However, as it's just started, it doesn't surprise me that some leniency is permitted, just for the sake of slowly changing over. I'm sure that at WDW there was a little bit of a grace period after the system was implemented. I personally only go to Disney maybe once a year at most, and hardly use Fastpasses. Usually my family arrives at opening, gets all the big E tickets done, then takes the rest of the park at a nice leisurely pace. On another note The new Fantasy Faire area looks absolutely stellar and the attention to detail is equal (if not exceeding) that of New Fantasyland, although on a smaller scale.
  9. Try using more than just the colored walls, as alone they can look quite drab and unappealing.
  10. ^And the Penguin attraction has a very large unused area of land between it and its neighboring gift shop. If they were to take the area between the original attraction and the gift shop and combine it other the existing space then they'd most certainly have enough room if they chose. I know I posted this last week, but has anyone ridden JTA since it came back from it's rehab? If so what changes have been made?
  11. Seeing as Cirque Del a Mer is currently hiring for the 2013, and the 4D theater closed after Polar Express' Christmas run was finished, I think it's safe to assume it will be at the indoor theater location.
  12. Cirque has been spared, and Elmo is gone! Wmahahahahaahahaha! http://www.seaworldparksblog.com/seaworld-parks-entertainment-launches-madagascar-live-operation-vacation-seaworld-san-diego-and-busc
  13. ^^It must be quite irritating to have Carnival ads appearing often on TPR YouTube videos Personally cruises aren't really my thing, and all the recent incidents and issues with various cruise lines aren't exactly making me want to drop a large amount of money on such an excursion.
  14. The point of me making this thread was NOT to discuss whether or not Hulk is a launched coaster, but to discuss what we might see from B&M with future launched designs. Yes, Hulk is a B&M coaster with a launch. It doesn't exactly use a "traditional" launching method persay due to the use of tires and the inclined slant at which the propulsion takes place, but it's a launched roller coaster made by B&M nonetheless. To steer the conversation back on track: Do you guys think that B&M will start where they feel comfortable and continue to use inclined launches for coasters (definitely not complaining here, as Hulk has one of the coolest launch sequences on any coaster, even though the layout gave me a headache), or do you think they'll do a more traditional flat (or near flat) launch track?
  15. I'm not quite sure either way on that, but it is nice to have some official confirmation from the company themselves regarding the subject.
  16. It's been a topic that many have debated about for quite a while. Launched B&M coasters. In a recent interview with Walter Bolliger it was that launched B&Ms are a possibility for the future, if a park requests one. While the entire article is a great read, this particular section is contains the talk of launched projects! Source from NewsParcs I personally am extremely excited by this news would love to see a style of launched coaster with the layout size of Daemonen targeted towards smaller regional parks who wish to step up their game with a reliable addition. What are your thoughts on the subject?
  17. That's because it's queue music, not station music. The description for the video even affirms that.
  18. That's just a photoshopped image of Green Lantern at Movie World superimposed over a picture of Adventuredome. However, I do hope most of the rock work stays.
  19. I'm excited to see Six Flags branching out it's marketing into more interesting realms and fields. After all, I'm sure they've seen what Merlin has been able to accomplish over the years with their viral marketing campaigns. Despite people complaining about the inevitable delays the ride has experienced, I'm excited to see how it turns out.
  20. Isn't tire launched part of todays launch systems because i'm pretty sure galaxy express 999 has a curved launch using tires and hydraulics. Hm... I kind of forgot about tire launch systems. I did though noticed something about those systems. Seems like they have a limited speed threshold that seem to top out at around 50mph. Probably something that has to do with the friction of the rubber on the tires and whatever material that the wheels are against. The new Intamin coaster Juvelen at Djurs Sommerland seems to be the fastest at about 52mph. Yes, even faster than the Incredible Hulk which that launch is about 40mph. The major downside to these systems is that once there's any loss of friction (rain for instance) it basically becomes useless. One of the reasons why many coaters close in the rain cause the drive wheels that push trains forward can't cause of the tire slipping. I can see Vekoma's system being used in any condition, no matter the situation and at whatever speed they want as its pushing the train or car versus pulling it. Now that I think about it, a majority, if not all of the launch systems pull the trains. Whether or not this will see the light of day, will be up to Vekoma. Isn't that why the launches on most tire launched coasters are under some kind of cover?
  21. I'm happy they're getting the terra-starflyer, but I'm bummed that the topper isn't going to be the one in the concept art, as it looked absolutely beautiful!
  22. It's the offseason, of course most coasters will be running one train, at both Knott's and SFMM.
  23. I'm sorry, but this was done in EXTREMELY poor taste. You can rely on other elements to forward a story, but using a shooting, ESPECIALLY right after one recently occurred is incredibly disrespectful.
  24. Went out to get myself a copy of Fire Emblem Awakening today. I was super excited... Well, at least until I saw this....
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