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Everything posted by GigaG

  1. Bump - Wanted to insert my 2 cents Hercules - Never been on it. Mean Streak - Been on it probably more than any other on the list. Bumpy and kinda boring, except when the trims are off. I've developed a new liking for this ride since it has apparently been retracked recently. Still, Iron Streak would be awesome, right? Old Texas Giant - Went on it long ago, and don't remember it. But I do remember banging heads with my mom next to me. It was VERY bumpy. Predator - Nope. Never been on it. Georgia Cyclone - Favorite of the bunch. The airtime is insane in the back, and the ride is bearable (though the best airtime moments are followed by the bumpiest moments, unfortunately) Psyclone - Never been on it, but heard it sucked. Raging Wolf Bobs - Went to Geauga after the derailment, so never went on it. Thunder Run - Never been on it. Timberwolf - I remember this one being horrible. Just plain horrible. Wolverine Wildcat - Been on it, but I remember very little of it. The layout looks fun, and the Coaster force POV says it is "no where near as painful" as Mean Streak and Predator. Winner - Georgia Cyclone by far, followed by Mean Streak (what else from a CP fanboy). Next is probably Wolverine Wildcat (but again, i remember little of it). If I could give it another chance more recently, I'm sure I would somewhat like old Texas Giant. I wish we still had buzz bars on the older coasters. Did GA Cyclone ever have any? Why must they take them off? WHY!
  2. And Georgia Cyclone, which is similar to Viper anyways (a POV of it shows my favorite ejector airtime moment - 4th drop - is a double-down on Viper, but that looks good too. Plus the lift slowing. Back on topic). Mindbender did it too. Never been to SFGAm (or whatever the abbreviation is), just SFOG very recently and SFOT many moons ago.
  3. I dare you guys to ride Georgia Cyclone in the back row. Then wait for the 4th drop (drop off the 2nd turnaround) and following hill, and prepare to nearly fly over the seat divider if your bar is loose. There are other airtime moments, but these are simply insane.
  4. This isn't a GP saying, but even worse. Yesterday, I went to Six Flags over Georgia. I was in line for my first ride on Log Jamboree (Log Flume.) Anticipating a splash from a POV, I sat in the back and found the ride to be splashy and fast through its trough. Luckily, this mainly hit the front. But this isn't the GP-ism. That would be while I was in line. A kid (luckily in the back of a log) is dispatched with what appears to be his whole family. Soon after clearing the station, the kid pulls out what appears to be an iPad!!! Luckily for his iPad, he sat in the back.
  5. You are not supposed to stand up. Sure they are dangerous if you stand up. A street is also dangerous if you go stand in the middle. Unfortunately, the American legal system doesn't consider arguments for common sense. The opposite case can be argued as well; there have been some accidents on coaster with ratcheting lap bars that probably would NOT have happened if the ride had (or still had) one position buzz bars. Follow rules. If you see someone not following rules on a ride, notify a ride op or someone in charge. People doing stupid things on rides is THE REASON we have all these redundant ratcheting lap bars, individual seat belts, seat dividers, etc. etc.... oh yeah, add 3 layers of 20 foot high fences around rides. Rides are HUGE powerful machines. If you do not respect them and follow rules, they will not respect you. What accidents can buzz bars prevent?
  6. I'm going to SFOG soon and was wondering if there are any tips for going?
  7. R.I.P. Eagle's Fortress. Why couldn't Flight Deck/Vortex (or any (North) American suspended coaster be as good as this?
  8. On MS? I don't think it would deviate a ton - the layout is similar to NTAG, just less intense, and RMC could fix that without deviating a lot. iRat would probably be more different - they ripped out the helix and end portion.
  9. Shambala wants to have a word with you... And Storm Runner says you stole his flying snake dive... And then called it a dive drop, even though it is more similar - though definitely not - a dive loop
  10. The Mega-lites and their bretheren (Skyrush, I305) seem intense, but why can't the US get a true mega-lite?
  11. It's not as far as I know, but most American b&ms are. Why do we get these?
  12. Well, we can only hope. Why do we get trims and forcelessness?
  13. Apparently, the reason Ninja is down is because the lift chain is broken . Now, I know its a piece of crap, but I wanted to ride it on my trip soon... http://coasterfusion.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?13504.0#post_14358 Looks like a ninja came and... KAPOW! Pun intended
  14. I am an "annoying CP fanboy" and I'm proud! All fanboying aside, the "bash bars" on Magnum can be a bit painful, but I love the feeling. It's borderline safe, it feels like you're going to fly out. It adds to the sheer thrill of the ride. Plus, they just don't make rides like Maggie anymore - the coathanger hills are probably going to be extinct in the near future. That's sad, because Magnum has some of the best airtime hills I've been on. Magnum has insane airtime, and that's why it is still such a good ride after almost 25 years. If they did put B&M trains on it, I hope that they wouldn't staple.
  15. I've noticed that Sheikra tends to rank higher than Griffon despite Griffon outranking Sheikra in almost every respect. What makes Sheikra better?
  16. With TPR having meme contests, I decided to make my own memes- Matt Ouimet YOLO! THE HORROR!
  17. Wow... By the way, by "Boardwalk", do you mean Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk?
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