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Everything posted by themeparkologist

  1. ^I did. But I used SS as the main track and VV as the flip-control track and it worked well until I put the car on. End o' story.
  2. ^I knew I forgot something! On Friday, the 9th at midnight. Last minute sign ups are due by 11:59 PM Central Time. For helper, at some point, send in your required deciding factors (if you will be or won't) by email to me. Judges, I will look up your ratings and what you have rated in the meantime to determine who will get the position. If two or more are very close, I will close my eyes and point somewhere on the screen. The closest will get the position.
  3. This seemed unstoppable from the accident. Are there any plans for new attractions in that huge, gaping stretch of land? A GCI, perhaps? They seemed quite impressed with Prowler.
  4. Wild thing IS looking nice. I've never been that far out west but the park looked overdue for this renovation from pictures.
  5. There are two Mirabilandas? Are they owned by the same company or is it just an uber-generic name? Elissa, are you being sarcastic or is that really the reason SFMM still has it? It would seem that there is another reason behind it but they wouldn't tell us. I don't know, sometimes I'm absolutely clueless.
  6. Damnit, that's sexy!! I'm terrified of the framerate, though.
  7. ^Good! Do you have an account at nolimits-exchange.com? It's the official exchange site and all you need is and email password and username (preferably the same as here, it makes things easier). If not, get one! You can download all sorts of nice tracks (most are .nlpack) but you must rate most of them and use the proper rating technique. The best to get show up on the highest rated coasters of all time. You might want to get the top 15 or so to learn things. And then, search for your favorite real coasters. Rate them! The rating system being used for this contest is similar.
  8. Anybody slip when getting squirted ? Also, is there a way to avoid the wet crotch without getting very wet but still a little? I don't have dan-phobia but I don't want to get soaked to the bone!
  9. ^!'m sorry, you cannot do this. You have the information. You MUST wait until April 12. Maybe you could work on Octillious. Besides, I haven't given you all of the information. Only I have all of it. Re-start later, have fun redoing everything!
  10. ^^.nlpack is needed, it's free however. There is a thread with a list of tools in this forum. It is available there.
  11. I am doing a Nolimits contest for TPR and I will be needing a helper and a second judge/co-host. The system of receiving and judging will be anonymous and totally secretive. The helper will receive all entries by email and simply rename them something generic (track1 etc.) to send on to the judges. I will be a judge and another judge will be accepted by me. And we will co-host the contest together. No progress photos will be allowed! Information: Judge: Only one selected by myself to help me in the judging of the coasters. All entries will remain anonymous to us until the day a helper sends the key to us to place them in the order of highest score to lowest. You must be able to tell and fairly accurately rate a coaster of its quality. It will be taken into account! The judge and I will average our ratings for each track and hopefully will be close to each other. Helper: Simply is emailed the tracks, renames them generically, sends them to the judges, who will rate, and then the helper sends the key to the judges. (Key: track1=_____). The helper MIGHT make a template that I will use. No 20 meters by 20 meters for a B&M Mega, Helper. It will NOT affect the track type, though. The contest will be held from April 12-May 10. If you will not have access to a computer with Nolimits for the end of this contest (Judge) or to receive tracks at any time (Helper), please, do NOT sign up. Those who request information may NOT work on their track until someone else requests and accepts. If you are the only one so far or are selected to preform that task then you cannot enter and upload your entry. (you know who you are!). You may not enter until you (judge or helper) are not selected. Then, on April 12, you may start and enter at free will. Remember, nobody has all of the info except me, and even I won't know a little of it until later. Those interested for_ Judge: 1. haux 2. nln00b 3. monkeyoverlord71 4. Eamon Kelly 5. Jcoasters 6. Helper: 1. Jcoasters 2. Coastergeek101 3. .nlpack is needed for both positions! If you post or PM that you are interested, please include which position you want, and info will be PMed or emailed to you. If you have questions, please ask! Details and winners to be released at a later date. EDIT: Please PM me if you received information or not!
  12. Those ungrateful, little, sh!ts get the experience of a lifetime and they just act like they don't want to be there. They won't remember it in five years! Ellen needs to take older 'fans'. I wonder which major corporate leader is their father...since only big name official's kids aka 'fans' get to do this stuff. They are so lucky and didn't even care. /rant. EDIT: Oops, there was another page. Sorry!
  13. ^From the view of Jeff Johnson, anything with track and wheels is a roller coaster. Someone will get it. But never mind, it was just slightly impulsive. Disregard both comments.
  14. Whoa!! Wait, you've only been on one looping coaster? Rage? No more? And only one loop!? It's okay, I've only ridden 7 loops myself. That was actually a really nice TR. I'd only heard of Rage, but after reading this TR, I looked it up on rcdb and the park looks like a boatload of fun! Is it your first?
  15. Hey Title Fairy, is it too late to say Happy Birthday? ...I have reached thy destined prophecy of 150 posts long ago, and have come hither to thy majesty as soon as myself can reach the distant thread of your great wisdom and wisecracks, and I shalt ask upon you to grant me thy noblest of all titles in return for nothing of any monetary or sentimental value.... ...Will thou givest me such? Along the lines of 'Slip 'n Falls is my daily motto', please.
  16. ^Chuck Norris died 6 years ago. The Grim reaper is just too scared of him to take him away!
  17. A plug and play dark ride...Hmm....My name's Jeff Johnson.....similar to a roller coaster....Hmm.......Intamin already beat you to it! EDIT: Nevermind They build fast! It seemed like it was just the other day when I first saw the concrete pad in that first few posts.
  18. ^Don't worry, mcjaco. It applies to all .nlpacks, not just TPR. ^&^^There is. Nolimits Track Packager was never released for Macs. All it shows is the programming lines that the track packager reads. PM someone and ask them to email it to you (hell, I'd do it for you). P.s. Mcjaco, The number of times viewed/downloaded feature isn't working for me. It's just that if it's been downloaded a lot, I'll know it's worth downloading. It's just a necessity, really.
  19. ^He's got Safari. I've heard that Nolimits doesn't work well with it.
  20. It's perfect! It is just like the real thing. My one complaint is that the vertical H beams supporting the last block section before the transfer table were not turned to mach the track. Is that prototypical, or a honest skipped over quickly mistake? P.s. how did you add the spine to the track because it's 3ds but how is it so perfect?
  21. Great shots, man! How many years did it take to get these shots? P.S. I too, wonder what he is pointing at...
  22. To anyone on a Mac, Nolimits Packager doesn't work!! It must be emailed or something along those lines. Track Packager was never released for Mac!
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