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Everything posted by SharkTums

  1. I think it's just supposed to be 220 miles above the Earth. I'm sure when we're taking the cool space elevator they will let us know why!
  2. ^Yeah, like let's let them launch this first before we all freak out too much. At Disneyland Paris, the most expensive rooms always came with special unlimited fastpasses so I could see something for concierge guests maybe here. People don't realize JUST how busy all the parks and the resort is. The arguments about how the parks were so much better without fastpass are dumb now, cause we've seen what that's like the past year and guess what, it doesn't work anymore. Pirates has a 45min line all the time, small world is over 20, it's not these walk on's you remember from the 90's when there weren't 50k people a day in each park! The parks need some sort of line management system and I hope this works out for them.
  3. Yeah, the new hotel looks cute to stay at, but I think we'll have to stick to Ling Bao and Matamba when we go as a group due to those smaller rooms.
  4. I don't even mind if it's not on all the rides. When we were at Disneyland last month we waited in line 45min for Space, 45min for Indy, 30min for Matterhorn, we didn't have the patience to also wait 25+min for all the 'smaller' rides. If I could wait in line for some big rides and walk on the smaller ones that would help balance the day.
  5. ^I should have been more clear...if this was a developmentally disabled adult, then he shouldn't have been ALONE ON A RIDE THAT GOES HIGH IN THE AIR. Again, the ride worked fine.
  6. Great TR! I haven't been to Elitch's in years. The only reason I would go back is for the dark ride. I feel like you captured the true spirit of most theme park employees this season with that Plinko guy. Thank you for not having sex with any of the rides in the park.
  7. I don't understand how there's anyway this was an ACCIDENT?!?! This was a grown adult, not some squirmy toddler. It took effort for him to get out of the car the way he did.
  8. THIS! This is exactly what I'm now getting. Clicking on a topic, responding, all so much faster, but when I go back to the index page it seems to take more than ten seconds every time.
  9. ^It's not fair to punish the ride for his actions but it seems that's where we're heading with everything. The Vessel in NYC has also been closed a bunch and is closed currently due to people jumping off of it. Let's fix mental health in this country before rides and buildings!
  10. Aww Fascination!! Yay!! And yes, I remember my first time seeing that 'lazy' river and dying laughing. Like seriously?! It basically looks like line the ride just in water.
  11. I'm on my desktop with really good internet and it's slooooowwww for me. I feel like it really started tanking with the new forum software, which I love, but the speed is painful. Edit - It took six seconds to add that text only comment.
  12. I'm a big planner so I'll do a ton of research, buy whatever fast pass tickets they have, and hit up the rides that are most important to me first followed by low capacity rides I'm interested in. I also try to look if they have any signature food item to try.
  13. ^Lucky! I'm sure it could also do with the fact that we always try to go when it's much less busy so they don't need to extend.
  14. ^In addition to what a helpful local wrote, I will say that in all of our Europa visits we've only had them extend hours ONCE and all our visits were during summer or Oktoberfest timing.
  15. I just hope the screens don't make me nauseous while I eat! I'm super excited for this!
  16. ^You're going to be close. Do you have someone to come help staple you in? The ride ops sometimes won't help. Also make sure to wear thin shorts, have NOTHING in your pockets, no belt or anything.
  17. I wonder how much of this is a staffing issue? I did see they were offering a $500 bonus and a free season pass for 2022 if you worked the event!
  18. This really is an amazing park. KT has been asking to go back and we're looking at booking with the FL Resident deals they have. For all of you out of state peeps, they have deals where you can get admission here and to Sea World and Busch for a great price so think about it!
  19. ^I'm also a little surprised they didn't at least include Manta?!? I wonder if they will end up including it when they see how busy it is.
  20. Wow! I hadn't been following this but it looks great! So happy to see some progress on the UAE projects.
  21. I realize this is somewhat serious, but I just keep laughing! They needed a turtle shell to take those guys out! Or, why didn't Yoshi just jump on them!?!?
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