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Everything posted by ILoveRides

  1. ^ I think you're misreading what I'm saying. Here is my original quote: I'm not saying the rider is totally at fault - as in he's the only person responsible. What I'm saying is that based on the facts we currently have, the rider is known to be at least somewhat at fault. The reason I can say that is that it's confirmed there's a sign that has a rule saying he couldn't ride, yet he ignored the sign and rode. Unless I'm mistaken about something - I believe that's a fact, not an assumption. Just because the rider is at fault doesn't mean the ride ops aren't. But at this point, saying the ride ops are at fault is absolutely an assumption - because we don't know if they were aware that the guy didn't have legs. For all we know, he looked like a normal person with pants on, and they had no idea he was missing his legs. Until it's confirmed they knew that he didn't have legs, blaming the ride ops is just a guess. And 'HappyEisentrout' stating things like "The riders either got permission from guest services/park op/first aid or pressured the ride ops to let him ride" as factual when he has no idea if that's what happened is clearly a little unfair to the park and/or riders.
  2. It looks amazing! My only comment is that I would prefer the lift first followed by the launch so that there's no break in the middle. But either way the ride looks great, and I can't wait to ride it whenever I get back to Japan.
  3. This is an assumption, based on your opinions and not the facts. But not every ride operator is necessarily as astute or caring as you are. But that doesn't mean that they were taught that. Again, that's assuming the ride ops were paying attention, were well trained, and were aware he had no legs. All of these details will probably come out in the investigation, but as of now are pretty unclear. I wouldn't? Yes I would! Then I'd laugh at her dead fetus when it came back into the station. You're forgetting Darien Lake management, Intamin, gravity, and God (if involved). Iraq is also partially to blame. Cute phrase. But actually, he's ridden coasters every day of his life and has more credits than anyone on TPR. Maybe, maybe not. But that's why we don't ASSUME! Quoted for truth. But as I said in my last post, he had a very serious condition that obviously could put his ability to ride in jeopardy. In that case, he should have read every sign, and should have known to do so. Most people don't read signs, but if you have a condition that could obviously affect your ability to ride then you should read them. And if you don't - this happens.
  4. One that I really would've liked to have seen made: The Stratosphere, Vegas.
  5. If I ever die on a roller coaster because I'm doing something blatantly against the rules and common sense, then feel free to poke all the fun at me you want. Heck, poke fun at me anyways. It's just a joke - they make people smile. Obviously what happened here is sad and tragic, no one is saying it isn't. I think the obvious fault in this case is with the rider. The rules were clearly stated, but he went on anyways. I get that most people sort of skip over the warning signs - but with a serious injury of his sort I think it was his responsibility to make sure he was ok to ride. The ride ops may or may not be at fault depending on what they knew or didn't know about the rider.
  6. Darien Lake is probably going to try to claim that they didn't know the guy was handicapped... but personally, I don't think they have a leg to stand on Too soon?
  7. Very cool! Thanks for posting. If all goes to plan I should have a similar TR over Disneyland and Knott's in about 8 months ( Nobody tell Brittney - it's a surprise!)
  8. From Wikipedia: "Gelato is made with some of the same ingredients as most other frozen dairy desserts. Milk, cream, various sugars, flavoring including fruit and nut purees are the main ingredients." Milk and cream = animal products = not vegan. But sorbet is often vegan! - David "Screw Gelato, I want Space Fantasy: The Ride" Wagner EDIT: I just realized the quote is from Scott Pilgrim LOL. My bad.
  9. I've been enjoying all the updates... keep up the awesome work Robb! And A+ to Big Mike - I spotted him doing a manly pose or two!
  10. I got the same crap as 'kcsteve' and 'the ghost'... so rather than boring you with a picture of the same crap in my house, here are some pictures of the crap in various different situations: Crap going over Niagara Falls. Crap coming out of Congressman Weiner's mouth. Crap clogging a toilet. My crap is better than your crap. Gertrude eating crap - and proving once and for all that despite looking the same, my crap really is better than your crap!
  11. I loved every update! Thanks a bunch for posting them. Have a blast in Japan TPR!
  12. ^^ Don't tell Brittney! She would see the cats and we would never be able to leave.
  13. Yeah we went to the Shinjuku Tokyo Hands. I would highly recommend that store to anyone visiting Japan. There's so much neat stuff, and you can find some great souvenirs there. We went to a multi-story Kiddie Land too, but I'm not sure if it was in Harajuku - I'd have to look it up. Regardless, it was awesome. EDIT: Yep, the Kiddie Land we went to was the Harajuku one.
  14. Also, seeing your muscle park photos makes me want to cry. We were at Joypolis and planning on going to Muscle Park after, but we were short on time so we skipped it. That was the worst trip planning decision I've ever made I think. I would've much rather done Muscle Park than Joypolis (I hated Spin Bullet).
  15. Tokyu Hands!!! YES! Brittney told me she wants me to budget an entire day at that store on our next Japan trip lol.
  16. ^ Even more amazing, the people actually withstood it!
  17. I'm guessing it's too far... but if you want to come down to Orange County this looks fun (I haven't tried it yet though, so I can't really attest to the fun-ness): http://ocy.jumpskyhigh.com/
  18. Brittney and I were about to buy tickets to this! Sad it got canceled. We might be interested in the bowling or mini golf if that happens. Are there any good laser tag places or arcades up there?
  19. Looks like an amazing ride that will live up to the hype. Can't wait to ride it someday!
  20. I wish other parks would put the same care into their ride videos. That video is beautiful. You really get a feeling for how proud they are to have built this. The coaster looks great too! For such a small family ride, it looks like it packs a pretty nice punch. It seems like a fun coaster that will please a lot of age groups.
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