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Everything posted by disney4me2001

  1. SFMM occasionally does this to prevent line jumping when the queues are so long. I was there once in 2010 and they were handing them out for X2. The line extended almost all the way across the bridge when this happened. Each "boarding pass" is individually numbered, so in theory this prevents line jumping in that the passes should be collected in numerical order. Although when me and my group finally got up to the turnstile in the loading station (which was about 2.5 hours from the time we got in line), the ops weren't even looking at the passes nor collecting them. So my guess is that while the intention was to prevent line jumping, it was being used more as a scare tactic. On a sidenote, I kept the boarding pass as a souvenir since they never collected them. The pass I have is pink, so I'm guessing the colors are used at random so that the passes can't be reused on different days (similar to how Disney constantly changes the colors of their Single Rider and Child Switch passes for this same reason). So to make a long story short, I think they did this for Tatsu just to prevent line jumpers. Of course, I've never been a SFMM employee, so maybe someone else can give a better explanation.
  2. I voted YOLO only because I'm located much closer to it than Gatekeeper. But in terms of which will be the better coaster, I might have to go with Gatekeeper. I tend to prefer longer coasters, in which Gatekeeper definitely beats YOLO since it doesn't look like a one-trick pony. But I do think that I will still genuinely enjoy YOLO since it is a launched coaster, and I prefer launch coasters to coasters with traditional chain lifts. So I think you win with either one, but I will only be riding YOLO this year since I am unable to make it to Ohio for the time being.
  3. It's a few months old (it was written after Halloween), but if, like me, you don't understand all the references in Tapped Out, this is a cool article explaining what episodes some of the character tasks/actions are based on: 10 Amazing References in The Simpsons: Tapped Out It's funny to note that the author was hoping for Krustylu Studios, and it was eventually added to the game, even though it's a premium item!
  4. Yeah, I'll admit it too- I was skeptical about the choices for the new colors, but it looks good!
  5. This is true! Patience is a virtue. Edit: A.J., If TPR does this meme as a contest, you need to submit this one!
  6. I think they have actually. The last few times I've been on the tour the guide has talked over or cut off the videos early. I'm also a fan of the Jimmy Fallon videos, so you're not alone! His videos are definitely better than Whoopi's in my opinion. It annoys me that they always cut off the "Tramtastic Day" portion at the end- I think that song is brilliant! Here's the source video for "Tramtastic Day" if you want to see the full thing without interruptions:
  7. What?!?! Where did you hear this from? That would be crazy in my opinion, although admittingly this ride doesn't really get you wet, at least in my experience anyway. Unless maybe they were to replace it with a new water ride? It would be weird having Roaring Rapids as the only option to get wet in the park (meaning within SFMM, not HH) during the summer!
  8. Is it just me, or does the front car on Donderstenen look odd? Seems like you wouldn't be able to see much with that decorative rock in the way if you're sitting on the right side of the car (as in the seat next to the kid)!
  9. I personally like Six Flags TV. Yeah, it's a bit corny, not to mention that it's mostly used to upsell products/services in the park, but I do enjoy the music videos! It's definitely better than having nothing at all. The funny thing is that I would probably have a bit of a problem with a network like this in another park because it could potentially clash with the theming (like at Disney, for example), but I actually like it at Six Flags since there's not a whole lot of theming in their queues and it keeps you entertained while waiting in line. The only thing I would like to see added to Six Flags TV would maybe be some videos about SFMM specifically (or for whichever SF park you're visiting). Some behind-the-scenes stuff, park history, maybe videos of past coasters (Psyclone, Deja Vu), etc. The stuff they show now like how coasters work, interviews with guests, and things like that are fun to see, but if they could tailor it to be more about SFMM I'd like it better.
  10. It's the front row of the back car on Viper. So it's the second to last row on the train. For some reason it seems to offer smoother rides than the other rows. When I'm in this row I'm usually able to ride multiple times without getting a headache or headbanging!
  11. You would be correct in saying that- that's why I said I was only speculating. I do appreciate the insight though, so thank you! That actually makes a lot of sense. I was only looking at it from the cost side of things, but the time/effort part is certainly a benefit!
  12. I'd say Revolution as well. I won't deny that both are rough rides, but I actually like Viper. I just don't find it to be all that rough. Of course, that might be partially because I took TPR's advice to ride in the Arrow Magic Seat. I've even convinced friends to re-ride Viper after having a rough ride by having them sit in the Magic Seat, and they admitted that it wasn't that bad the second time around. Revolution on the other hand, everyone wants off after one ride!
  13. Forgot to bring this up in my post- I actually never experienced pain either...my last ride on it was about 3 weeks before it closed (made a special trip after the announcement was made), so unless it suddenly got rough in the last couple weeks it was open, I don't know what anyone means by it being a painful ride.
  14. This is only speculation on my part, but since both USH and USO went with The Walking Dead as a central theme last year, I think they were just trying to save money by using the same IPs at both events. Obviously the mazes themselves were still very different, but I feel like USO figured that there was no need for an icon since they were making Walking Dead such a large part of the event. Other examples are Silent Hill and Alice Cooper- there were mazes for those properties at both parks, but they were drastically different from each other. I heard a rumor that this will be the plan going forward- to have the same IPs for both parks, no icons. Can't recall where I heard it from so I don't know if the source had any credibility. Another thing worth noting is the fact that some of the merch was the same at both events. Specifically the event pins, shotglasses, keychains, and Vinylmation-type figure they had (the "zombie" teddy bear). The t-shirts were customized for the different houses at both parks though. But it certainly could have been because of the unique situation USO had to deal with in terms of the construction, not to mention that USO's HHN had an IP that USH didn't have, and that was Penn & Teller. Anyone have some insight they could share?
  15. I liked Perilous Plunge, but I rarely rode it because either the wait was too long or I just didn't feel like getting drenched. It had a fun drop, but the fact that Knott's removed it wasn't a big loss to me. The fact that they had to be so picky with the restraint system was so annoying. Yes, guest safety should be the top priority, and understandably not everyone is going to fit, but the number of riders Perilous rejected was just downright ridiculous. I was rejected once on the 4 point harnesses for being- wait for it- TOO THIN! WTF?!?! I couldn't believe it when it happened. Never got to ride when it was just lap bars, and only rode a few times with the 4 point harnesses, but I didn't think the OTSRs were that bad. The unfortunate thing was that they didn't help dispatch times. It was a fun ride, but I'd much rather go on something that doesn't take 10 minutes to dispatch and that doesn't have such a terrible (as in picky) restraint system. So bring on Coast Rider, Pacific Scrambler, and Surfside Gliders! I'm actually most excited about the return of the Scrambler, believe it or not. Even though it's just a typical flat ride, I think it's awesome that Knott's kept it all this time after having moved it around so many times and that they're now putting it back in!
  16. Even though there's already been a couple of similar entries, I'll go ahead and submit mine anyway: NOLO.
  17. Get it? See, because it's Grumpy Cat and he doesn't like mice...and it refers to another well-known theme park site... I think this says it all.
  18. I agree with you! I actually love Boomerangs, but it would be helpful if they could all get new trains that didn't cause so much head-banging. Or better yet, if there was a way to make it run with lap bars instead of shoulder restraints! My trick to avoid head-banging is that I'll lean forward going into the first part of the cobra roll and then putting my head back against the headrest before exiting the cobra roll. It's backfired on me a couple of times, causing me a nasty headache, but most of the time it's worked well for me! Even though you're instructed to keep your head against the headrest, I've found that my strategy is alright. I'll also sometimes use this technique on Viper at SFMM.
  19. Haha that's what I said a while back- I had joked that Boomerang's new colors should be the same colors that Deja Vu had when it was at SFMM (although I am aware that SFNE kept the same paint job for it when they built it there as Goliath). It would've looked nice plus it would have been funny to listen to the GP confuse it with Deja Vu. Obviously the track's not quite the right shade of green, but it's close!
  20. The train in that photo has a really odd-looking paint job!
  21. The facepalm here is that the photo is showing Gatekeeper and the entrance to Cedar Point. The GP was asking where the coaster was located. It's humorous due to the fact that this photo was posted by Cedar Point on their official page- why would they be posting a rendering of a coaster from another park? That was the point I was making with the photo (and also why I kept the actual photo in the post). But I can see why you got confused. Hopefully that clears it up!
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