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Everything posted by disney4me2001

  1. I noticed there was an update downloaded when I played today. Guess they decided to change this, or maybe it was a glitch all along! Either way, I'm not complaining.
  2. I hope you reported this idiot to park security! Maybe getting kicked out of the park could have taught his kids how not to act in public!
  3. Ugh...why would you go to a park with someone like that?!?! But then again, it was SFMM...
  4. I know I'm crazy for saying this, but I actually want to try a Screaming Squirrel! I can see how it would be uncomfortable, but I still would love to try it myself! I liked today's video as well- looks like it's a fun ride! Robb's brake noise imitation was definitely the best part!
  5. With the top hat element, I'm already anticipating people comparing it to Xcelerator! On a more sarcastic note, I'll bet some guests will be more like "YOLOcoaster looks too intense for me!" Couldn't resist throwing in a RCT reference.
  6. I've sent you a friend request (1337me_69). I also promise that I won't be stealing snakes from you (or anyone else for that matter)! Also, I left my "T" pattern in a little over half of my neighbors' towns tonight before I ran out of eggs. I'll try to get to everyone else ASAP! And thank you to those of you who have been generous enough to leave me eggs (I made sure to pay you back, Elissa, although I do still owe you a few more!)- if I didn't get around to repaying everyone tonight, I'll be doing so soon!
  7. That was fun to watch. I love how GCI coasters just glide along the track! It's nice to see that Wodan has some decent theming to it as well!
  8. ^^Yikes! WTF?!?! If someone told me something like that, I'd definitely have a few choice words for them...
  9. The kids hanging off of the supports are hilarious! Whose decision was that?
  10. While I agree with some of the comments here about it not quite being up to the usual TPR visuals, I will give it a rating of "Good." It would be nice if it could be as clear as the 1080p videos (yes, I do realize that this particular camera is 720p), but I actually kind of like the "fish eye" view. What I like about it is that it gives a wider view, so I think it gives a better idea of what it actually looks like while you're riding in that you can see more than just the track (such as buildings on the side of the track, a good view of the sky, etc). The weird thing is that I usually watch nothing but the mounted POVs where the track basically takes up the entire frame. There was just something I liked about the wider angle on this video. Is it possible that you might post more videos using the Sunglasses camera? I for one would be interested in seeing another POV with it, even if the picture quality isn't as clear as with the other cameras.
  11. Alright, just to prove that I'm not full of crap, I've left my "T" shape egg pattern in the towns of: ernierocker- Behind Howard's Flowers and near Town Hall TPRErik- I messed up the pattern, so it looks like an awkward cross, but it's near the set of Brown houses located sort of inbetween Jake's Unisex Hair Palace and the Church uscoaster- at the intersection where Springfield General Hospital, Kwik E Mart, Springfield Buddhist Temple, and El Chemistri are located KidTums- In front of Kwik E Mart and Gulp 'n' Blow robbalvey- At the intersection of Krustylu Studios and Krusty Burger I'll be placing more eggs in other players' towns later- I'll post again once I have it done!
  12. I too have only been sending Lisa to release snakes from Other Springfield, and I'll continue to do that, so you can trust me. I'll start leaving eggs in a capital "T" shape (since my first name is Tyler). My username is 1337me_69 (it's already on the front page). I'll try to put them on the street so that they're visible, and I'll post to whom I've given eggs. It's up to you as to whether or not you want to repay the favor! On a sidenote, I've also been getting the message saying that there's a egg hidden in my Springfield, but I haven't been able to find it.
  13. Me neither...I can see why my parents didn't want me watching the show at a young age though. But the downside is that as a result I don't understand all the references in Tapped Out (or in The Simpsons Ride at Universal for that matter). I need to find time to watch some of the earlier seasons.
  14. I'd love to see a Single Rider line on X2! Tatsu as well. But sadly I don't see it happening on Tatsu just because it would require extra ops. Could happen on X2 if they were to have the grouper at the turnstile handle both the regular line and Single Rider line. But with it being SFMM, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  15. Agreed. I heard rumors somewhere about a Peanuts dark ride (it was on Screamscape or Micechat, can't remember). But I think I would be really excited to see something like that put into the park. Especially with the new direction they're taking, a dark ride would be more fitting than a giant coaster at the moment if you ask me.
  16. EA has announced that they will be charging users for any donuts that were claimed illegitimately! Yikes...this is going to be a mess. Link (obtained via reddit): http://bit.ly/14AZI6H Check your calendar- did you forget today's date?
  17. I say keep it up! You're adding something to this thread! Speaking of the GP, a couple of weeks ago I was in SoCal for spring break. I spent 3 days at Knott's, and while the crowds weren't bad, what I overheard while in the lines were! I can't remember a whole lot specifically, but I heard a lot of inaccurate facts (like people saying that GhostRider is taller than Xcelerator!), and I heard someone say "YOLO!" on Jaguar of all things. A little more accurately, I also heard "YOLO!" on Boomerang- at least it makes some sense with it being a Vekoma! Sure, no one would expect the GP to know everything about the parks, but some of these things are just ridiculous!
  18. After getting nothing but fences and trees, today my Mystery Box had Squeaky Voice Teen! I know at least a couple of you have gotten him this way too. Has anyone gotten any other premium characters from a Mystery Box?
  19. This is why I don't really like the Coast Rider name. It's not that it's a bad name (in my opinion), but it will definitely confuse the GP!
  20. Do you mean any Roller Skaters in general, or the ones with the shoe train design? The one from Six Flags New Orleans is now Road Runner Express at SFMM, and there's also Gadget's Go Coaster at Disneyland. The one closest to me is the Patriot at Castles 'n' Coasters in Arizona. Those are the ones that come immediately to mind for me, but there are quite a few out there!
  21. I actually find LL:DOD a bit tame to be honest. It just doesn't get my stomach. Honestly I find Supreme Scream at Knott's and Tower of Terror at Disney California Adventure to be more thrilling than LL:DOD. But the views you get from the top and the sensation of speed you feel as you drop on it are amazing! EDIT: I forgot to add that I have yet to ride it while Superman is going...so I haven't experienced the shaking yet, but I'm sure it will add to the experience!
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