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Everything posted by gotdane

  1. It makes absolutely no sense to me why SFMM would go with a Terminator theme...for countless reasons. Most which have already been said. Might as well call it The Incredibles Coaster if they're gonna call it something like Terminator. Be interesting to see what this turns out to be. Edit: Well, I just realized that Terminator Salvation is a Warner Bros. release. So, that frees that up.
  2. I'm SO sad I'm not out there with you guys! I'm at home, sick, and sorting thru stuff, deciding what I want my parents to take to Tennessee with them. Those Parc Saint-Paul coasters look amazing. I love how the rides everywhere in Europe are so different than what we have here in the states. But...I'm not gonna lie, I'm already sick of seeing the same 10 people in every update!
  3. Fixed. and agreed. Haha, Jk, I read a couple of the foreign country ones, but I wasn't in them and quickly got distracted! I'm happy you had a great time! I'm sad I'm missing the Euro Trip, ergo not seeing you. Hope to see you out here again soon though. I'll wear my Midway Mania costume for you.
  4. Awesome video! Glad you guys had a good time. It was great to see you three again!
  5. I can totally see them getting the Dark Knight coaster along with the "planned" coaster, whatever it is. I'd love it if they did. It would get SFMM back to the top with CP as far as coaster count. Which isn't necessarily an important thing in my eyes. But the Dark Knight coaster looks good, and looks like a quality experience, so I'm all for it!
  6. Jahan, two words... Safety. Record. But you have a point, on Screamin', it seems like they're just tappin' with two fingers most of the time. However, at Madness, where most of the time, Cast Members ask the Guest to pull up on the lap bars, I'm always yanking up on the lap bar with at least THREE fingers. I hate asking Guests to pull up on the lap bars myself. 75% of the time they look at you as if they have no idea what you're talking about...I'm getting paid to check their restraints, I can pull up on them myself!
  7. Oh wow! That looks great! How does the loading/unloading work? Are they continously moving? or do 4 cars come in, stop, load/unload, then pull out? EDIT: Nevermind, it's running only 8 cars, so I figure the station has 4 block sections. Got it.
  8. ^^I was waiting for that to pop up in this thread! Of course I'm biased but Disney runs their coasters unlike anything I've ever seen. I can sit and watch Screamin' operate for hours...And Mulholland Madness' ops is pretty impressive for a wild mouse. And Gadgets Go Coaster shocked the hell out of me this last Sunday...Dispatches every 20 seconds. You can't really get any faster than that on that coaster!
  9. OMG WES! When I saw this Photoshop thread I immediately thought of Spin Cycle! That was probably one of the greatest things about WCB!
  10. DCA - Jumpin Jellyfish, Golden Zephyr, Mulholland Madness, & Toy Story Midway Mania... Come say hi!
  11. I'll echo TJ's very last statement...I don't particularly know why, but when I look back at Kennywood, I really didn't like it. I think Noah's Ark and Phantom's Revenge were two of the few things I liked about the park. I had the park way hyped up in my head. I think I set myself up for disappointment. Regardless, great KW TR Jahan!
  12. "I always keep telling myself I'll never do this again...and here I am." Really is how I feel about Ghostrider. Although that ride wasn't as neck-breaking as normal.
  13. I can't believe I forgot about the butterfly! Who has those pictures!? I was surprised that it landed on my hand in the first place...perplexed when it wouldn't fly away after shaking my hand...then COMPLETELY shocked when it came back and landed on my hand again! It was pretty cool. Seeing pictures makes me want to go back! Mainly to ride MF, Raptor, and Maverick again. Such good rides. I felt the same way about Maverick, being a Screamin' on drugs sort of ride. And I kind of feel ya on the Golden Zephyr comment. While it is a peaceful ride and beautiful at night, and will always have a special place in my heart (first attraction I was signed off on to operate), it really is just a stepping stone for me to a RO on Screamin'.
  14. Viper was amazing. I wish I had taken more than 2 rides on it! Can't wait for your take on Cedar Point!
  15. The Dells Experience...I think it's one of the highlights of the trip. All the time we got to spend just hangin' out. I wish the photo of the lightning bolt, Chuck, and me wasn't so blury!
  16. The pic of Tj and I flying out of the KR station is one of my favorites of the trip! Beech Bend doesn't deserve KR!
  17. Here's me being anal... They aren't going to be "over the x gear that moves up and down"...the elephant ears are like a little wall in between the gear that moves up and down and the seats. Everything will be bare like it is out on the transfer track in the above photos.
  18. I totally see why Kennywood is liked by many people. It just wasn't what I was expecting. I said "fair-like" cause I remember it being dirty and kind of ghetto. Maybe "fair-like" isn't the best description...KW may not have even been dirty...It's just how I remember it. I don't know, I'm even confusing myself...so I'll just shut up now. I'll leave it at this: KW wasn't my cup o tea...I just didn't like it.
  19. It didn't meet the expectations I had after being built up so much. The three classic woodies didn't impress me at all. Steel Phantom was pretty awesome, though. I think it was the "fair-like" atmosphere that I didn't like at all. It just wasn't what I was expecting. However, I'm glad I got to experience what Kennywood had to offer, but I just don't care to go back.
  20. "Please remove shoes, socks, shirts, shorts, all undergarments, piercings, contacts and place item in the cubbies on your left. Enjoy your ride on Raven!"
  21. ^Pretty much summed it up... -Dane "wish we went to Geauga Lake" Massie
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