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Everything posted by gotdane

  1. ^Nice Job... Great TR Jahan! It's been fun hanging out at the parks!!
  2. It looks as if Holiday World is in for a wonderful batch of enhancements and additions. It's great that they are paying attention to small things that matter, like the clocks and the tram. Holiday World was a wonderful place and I can't wait to go back. The water park play structure looks very impressive!
  3. Nice TR! I've always been able to leave my restraint very loose while riding Screamin'...Most of the time, it seems that the ride ops are just making sure your restraint is locked, not checking that it is snug.
  4. The layout is very wrong...sorry to burst the bubbles of those who thought this was super accurate! Good work, though! Anyone know where I can find one that has Screamin' down to the nuts and bolts in No Limits?
  5. I was surprised to see Viper with 4 trains last week... I'd imagine they'd only ever run 3 during the summer and have the 4th if they need to pull one of the other 3. As far as "X Multiplied Quadratically to the Second Power" goes, I rode it last week for the first time in over a year and had a great ride on it! Granted, it was on an inside seat and early in the day and it was jerky, but it wasn't painful in any way...just out-of-control fun. I can't say what these new trains are going to do for it; I can only hope that applying some algebra to the ride will make for a better experience. I'll enjoy the tunnel effects the first week it's open and hope it's awesome like Demon's tunnel, but after that first week I won't expect nothing. I'm in the camp that would rather the tunnel money be devoted to some grass and a few trees in Scream's layout...
  6. Nice pics! I'll need to look for that "Jessica's Secret" ad next time I'm in the park...That's hilarious! I was at the Resort Sunday night and all the Christmas stuff looks amazing! Can't wait until Saturday night to see Believe Holiday. I love that show.
  7. Casey, YOU ROCK! Just thought you needed to be reminded...keep up the awesome TR.
  8. The map I posted above has been updated with the Magic Mountain fire. It hasn't reached the park, it's threatening homes in Stevenson Ranch, though.
  9. Hey, Elissa, KFI AM 640 just reported there was a fire at Magic Mountain Pkwy and The Old Road...Can you see SFMM burning? Hope you guys are hanging in there! Here's a map to see the fires that are being covered on the news. I'm sick of breathing in smoke!
  10. Very interesting that Deja Vu merch has been marked down...Why would they do that? Are they expecting a new round of Deja Vu merch to come in? Doubt that. Very interesting... I'd be happy with a huge Tango.
  11. Um....where's the Tango? Any fair that doesn't have a Tango is ghetto.
  12. Elissa, besides ARNR, your wedding pic was featured in SomethingAwful's Guide to Your Inevitable WDW vacation! Link
  13. Space World looks awesome! I definitely enjoyed the pics from this park the most! *Cant wait to see the Human Hamster Ball pics!*
  14. ^^ Reminds me of Disney's "Rockin'" promotion...so, it shouldn't be done. I'm just wondering why the wooden coaster has a ROLL BAR!?!
  15. It's always been ridiculous. No offense Ryan. That means a lot coming from the King of the Bowl Cut! OMG! I don't think I'll ever stop laughing!
  16. Ryan, your hair is getting (or has it always been?) ridiculous.
  17. I can't wait for the "FULL" updates! Like Jahan said, thanks for taking time in Japan to finish these mini-updates! The Beast night rides were amazing! Wes made for a sick (tongue-in-cheek) riding buddy! Luckily we were in a non-wheel seat so I wasn't completely rattled to the core... Striker's was great and I was thoroughly suprised by Tornado's huge pop of air you get! Ohhhh, the midwest trip...
  18. I'm looking forward to the pictures from this trip! I wish I was there! (Who doesn't?) From what I hear, Tokyo is basically a city full of NYC Time Squares!
  19. Chris never actually broke out *the* tiara during the trip. It made a brief appearance but never was worn! Congrats to Tex for getting a picture of the only Chris in a Tiara occurance of the trip!
  20. ^^Themed? Eh, I'd say it was "landscaped" very nicely. The canyon walls, trees, queue house, launch tunnel all looked great!
  21. I enjoyed CP a lot! It definitely had some of the more memorable moments, hanging with friends (TGI Fridays, hotel rooms) and stuff. We didn't have to be running around a park to have a blast! -Dane "I both stopped and rolled into Mav's launch" Massie
  22. Ok, so my thoughts: I like the name, a lot! I'm not a fan of the boxy logo, though. The 1 x 2 x 1 train design seems dumb to me but I love how it makes the train so lengthy. Back seat rides on this should be awesome! The layout does seem pretty nifty but there's nothing really unique about it. I like the first drop with the slight turn at the bottom. I'm holding judgement on the trims until we see what the park does with them. This ride does make me want to visit the park, though! -Dane "I'd be more excited for GCI wood!" Massie
  23. I'm going to go into hiding...It's worse than I thought. I was wondering what all that noise was when I was in the TB bathroom!
  24. Ohhh Deja Vu... Such a fun but terrifying experience. Thanks for making the vid Erik!
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