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Everything posted by gotdane

  1. Colin, awesome TR! Haha! I'm on my own little adventure right now! 16oz Triple Shot 2 1/2 Pump Caramel Lattes are delicious. Classic Coffee is the greatest coffee shop evar!
  2. I'm hoping that I'm not scheduled at Disney this particular Sunday, and if I am I hope I can get out of it. From what I hear this is shaping up to be one of the best (if not THE best) events to take place at Six Flags Magic Mountain! So, start figuring out how you'll make it to West Coast Bash...it will change your life!
  3. If it's a Double Shot, I hope it's operated like the one at Indiana Beach. That was one of the craziest rides at that park and SO much fun! Granted, this won't have the location the Indiana Beach one does (right on the water), but it should be cool rocketing towards the ceiling and the appearance of falling back down on coaster track.
  4. ^Seriously! According to the park's main site, Splat-O-Sphere is a "spring tower"...what does that mean? Is it a double shot? Or what?
  5. X2 gets Flashpass because the capacity will supposedly be double what X's capacity was, which is pretty awesome.
  6. I didn't realize MOA was getting a Eurofighter! That's awesome! This little coaster looks kick*ss, too. This just adds to the list of why I should go visit my family up there...Renegade and this!
  7. Thank you to Robb and Elissa and all at Magic Mountain who made this event possible! It was truly one of my bests visits to SFMM and one that actually had me excited to return. I could notice changes that already had taken place. Magic Mountain certainly has a bright future with this management team. Keep up the GREAT work! Thanks for removing the leaves! One of the many things that made my day!
  8. Thank you SO much for posting these pictures! They're amazing! I love pictures of old Disneyland and these are great quality.
  9. You would LOVE the Holidays at the Resort! OMG, come then!
  10. HAHA, sweet...I still remember our killer "Voyage at Night" rides like it was yesterday! It'll be good to see ya again!
  11. Best. TR Update. Ever! For obvious reasons! Chuck seriously hooked you up for your visit! I was happy to be able to tag along!
  12. I go in for my College Program Orientation on Tuesday at the Disneyland Resort! I know I'll be in Attractions but I don't know where, yet! I'm holding out for Paradise Bay at DCA; especially because of Screamin' and Mania and Chuck's Lead status at that attraction. I hope I'll find out on Tuesday! Either way, I'm sure I'll transfer after 6 months. Has anyone from TPR done the Anaheim Program?
  13. Hey Lou! Awesome TR so far...And you're almost to the best part! When you met me!
  14. I'm looking forward to this! I enjoyed seeing guests get a kick out of the "drag your bodies to the dead center" line, but the Imagineer describes this as something to "hear and see" and as a "plus" ...so I'm intrigued.
  15. This weekend was a blast! Funny thing about me not wanting anyone to eat my food...I got sick cause it was the only thing I ate all day! You can see me barely hanging in there in that group Cheese photo. Good times! Thanks for putting together a great weekend R&E! Now let me get back to admiring my beautiful pumpkin... I always enjoy screamin' ;-p
  16. ^That's true, you just don't want to see a balloon fly sideways...
  17. I watched Remember a couple months ago from the B tower for Fantasmic and we could see fallout falling in the area around us. Same thing happened when I was watching Believe the other night from Small World. As far as wind balloons go...going east is the best. North west, west, or south isn't good.
  18. ^Interesting...I haven't noticed this. Something I recently noticed was how they make Peter Pan fly up from the ship deck to the upper platforms. It's simply several guys pulling him up. They run along the back of the ship pulling a rope that lifts him up. It was quite interesting to see.
  19. Great update Jahan! It's nice to finally know what is going on with that intersection!
  20. So, don't expect Rockin' to come back. Word on the street is that it will not return.
  21. Oh Wes! You're freakin hilarious! I'm so jealous you got a random trip to Florida...
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