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Théo the little french

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Everything posted by Théo the little french

  1. I'm sorry for you, but I'm enable to use "fraps", so if anyone can he's welcome! By the way, thank you B&Man it's always a pleasure to have some positive comments^^ Here is the track^^ Wild Mountain.nltrack
  2. Hi!! Here I am with a new wooden coaster based in a wild mountain^^ There are many tunnels, many Gs, many curves and I tried to have a pretty fast ride... I hope you'll like it...
  3. How have you made the free fall tower and the S&S flat ride? This is really great!! I hope I won't have any problems with my computer to see all what you've done!
  4. What's different between the old and the new track except the colour?
  5. Great job! It was really smooth, fast and compact and suports work was good!
  6. Wow!! Your ride was great!! It was really smooth and very original! There is onlys some Gs that are a bit too strong and the loop which is strange, but we don't really care^^ Since I've seen your track, I try to do something a bit similar^^ With vertical first drop... I hope it will be as good as your ride lol
  7. This place looks so crazy!! All these lights and screens everywhere!
  8. Ooh sh...!! I've just seen I didn't give you the link to ride my track! I'm so stupid, I can't believe it! Once again, sorry for this wait! Freedom Feeling.nltrack
  9. These few last weeks I love Incubus! Does anyone know this group?
  10. Nice Trip Report! This park must be so great! It's really sad that your camera's been broken, I love photos (and I was quite happy to think I would see some new pictures of Montu or Gwazi or Kumba...).
  11. Here lies the poor Théo He hit strongly the ceiling because he was to tall (If I believe my dico, I would be about 2yd and 5in tall).
  12. Good luck Robb! France is with you More seriously, this is pretty cool what you do, myself have lost about 3kg (I can't say how many lbs it is) and this is really great! It's not a great loss but I can see the difference on the photos! (and my jeans are a bit too large now lol). Hopping for you everything's going to be okay for you^^ edit: yeah! I've found on my English dico how many kg is a lb: 1lb=0.4536kg so that means I've lost about... 6 or 7 lbs in a few months!!
  13. Finally I could ride it!! I really LOVED this ride! It was completely amazing! Really fast, totally crazy, very smooth and with really good Gs!!!! I was really stunning by this ride! I all simply love it
  14. Great ride! There are crazy things, it was cool! You made some original things and the ride was smooth and I love the colours of the trains lol. Unfortunately Gs are a bit too strong, but the layout is so compacted and the trains go so fast that it's must be really difficult to do better!
  15. Hi! So as they said before me, the speed of the train when it leaves the station is bad, but I like your idea of curves in the trees before the lift hill, this is pretty funny! Your first drop is well done! Gs are good! (in fact Gs are more or less good during all the ride, but you're going to improve yourself with time^^).
  16. Great ride! I really liked! It what smoother than what I imagined and Gs are pretty good (I was a bit "affraid" when I saw the curve juste after the first drop, I thought Gs would be terrible lol). Colours a cool too lol
  17. Only that? Why not a 174° drop then a 358ft cobra roll then a part like a togo hyper coaster then a copy of El toro and to finish Kingda ka's launch (juste before the final brakes). I shouldn't be comic should I
  18. Great job! Supports of the first drop are very well designed! However, (I believe this is what has just said Moose) there is something a bit strange: a the top of the first drop there is a little flat part, can you see it? I can't wait to tride it!
  19. Good luck! I hate making myself the supports! This is so borring and it's when you wotk on the supports that you have great idea about layouts lol
  20. This ride looks completely crazy!! I can't wait to download it!
  21. This looks really cool! I can't wait to ride it (on NL, it must be scary in true lol).
  22. I completely agree! This is a bit "unfair" (I think this word may be a bit too strong....). Some guys make greater job, don't forget them!
  23. Relax! It's only a little joke! It won't kill you, you know? I should admit, that I expected a great roller coaster with many original or awesome things, I'm a bit disappointed to see it, even if I think it's funny!
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