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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. This is pure unadulterated awesomeness Lou! I hate that we didn't hang out more at TDR...and the whole trip for that matter.
  2. Awesome. If it's anything like WOF's, it'll be an airtime machine.
  3. It can never be emphasized enough how amazingly fantastic DisneySea is to experience! Great pics Lou!
  4. Great pics Coasterfreaky. Thank you! The new path looks great. I can't wait to go again in April! BTW...did you happen to catch any of the International Festival shows?
  5. SFDK > CGA, but I'd rather spend the day at SCBB and Bonfante err Gilroy Gardens
  6. Way to rock the Chuck Taylors. Interesting collection there geek.
  7. Correct Jarmor. This is one of if not THE most unbalanced parks I've ever visited. Thankfully Jay is there now.
  8. Since Jay Thomas is sadly no longer at SFKK, who has taken over as GM? What is his/her background? They have some BIG shoes to fill, but Jay definitely got the park turned in the right direction.
  9. I voted. SFNE's S:ROS for President! Can I get one of those stickers like they give you at the voting booths for government elections? This is my third year to do it.
  10. Great update Lou. Interesting to see what took place at Uni while a few of us went over to Expoland for the afternoon.
  11. Thank you Shane! I truly wish I'd gotten to visit this park. I always loved their wacky Saturday morning shows! http://www.worldofkrofft.com/
  12. I like Chuck's reference (err at least I think it was Chuck) to the park name as Tegarayama RUIN.
  13. Lou I'm loving the TR updates. I can't believe I missed seeing the Hello Kitty urinal!
  14. Robb are you going to put up Korea pics soon? Pleeeeeeease. Peter's TR really whetted my appetite for more!
  15. If this comes true I just might be more than a little jealous of you Shawn!
  16. Well whatever floats *YOUR* boat (pun intended) WildStangAlex. I'm just not into the whole outdoors fishing/hunting lifestyle which Bass Pro promotes. Now Hard Rock on the other hand...well it's the closest thing going to indie rock/post punk/alternative music and umm *MY* lifestyle going. I'd rather see Hard Rock get interested in Pyramid Harbor as it would seem better suited for Memphis to me.
  17. So any word from Bass Pro yesterday? Did they decide not to pursue the Pyramid? Personally I prefer my theme parks without fishing/outdoor specialty shops.
  18. Jay you are sorely missed at SFKK already! I want to thank you again for the awesome tour and hospitality you gave our little group at SFKK last year after HoliWood Nights. It's great to see you here and best wishes for your stay at SFMM!
  19. I had just thought of ZP along the waterfront last week and think it will be great if Pyramid Harbor can pull this off. Rescuing both ZP *and* the carousel would be nothing short of miraculous.
  20. I was just saying last night how badly I wanted to see updated construction pics of Kawasemi and now look! Thanks Peter!
  21. Really stellar TR Peter. It's great to finally see pics from the Korea add on! The parks in Korea look as amazing as the ones we hit in Japan. Anyway, thanks for posting all of this, and hopefully I'll see you again somewhere on the Europa trip.
  22. Peter! OMG...cool tr! I totally forgot all about the "gling gling" lol. It was really fun meeting you, and we will always be the original discoverers of the Togo flat ride of death (Expoland)! Can't wait to see more.
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