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Everything posted by jarmor

  1. I dont know if this has been brought up but does anyone know any information about this years event. Im really curious about if its gonna be in both parks again or just stick to one park... So what have you heard?
  2. Being that I dont have that much experience in videos here are my takes... Video I- It seemed like you guys had fun. A good mix of the coasters and rides and you guys. Liked how you seperated the parks up so it wouldnt be confusing and have my thinking I could go to holiday park and ride a huge stand up coaster ! Dave needs to be on comedy central or something!! The Legend looks fun. Liked the music choice. Im not one to use "mainstream" music and this song really went with the video. VideoII- Wow the elephant on PKI's log flume really gets people wet vs PCar version! Liked the PKi employee interaction/talking, that looks good on the park! Would have liked to see more park footage but im sure you have it! Wasnt all that thrilled about the song 8) . Jay, never trust jonathan with a camera, especially when your sleep! Video III- LIked it alot. Those bumper cars reminded me why I dont ride in them. What, no antics from dave? The coasters were showcased pretty wellas well as several of the rides. What is up w/ that armored tank thingy? Anyway nice videos. Thanks for sharing because I have never really seen video footage of those parks before and they seem to be places that should be on my "to do" list for next year!!
  3. pretty good video. It was funny to hear that song on your video because I used the same song back in may for my sheikra video and I have similar shots that you have also so at times I had to catch myself and realize I wasnt looking at my own work...
  4. I kinda see where you are going but I dont see it as being a solid stand point. Universal wants high capacity rides and coasters and it just so happens that B&M coasters are just that. Lets not forget the first coasters at the universal parks was a vekoma roller skater and they actually went back and got the larger version for IOA, so I think your arguement kinda stands right now because in the immediate universal there is only 7 coasters and just so happen 3 of them are B&M's. However I think universal will use any coaster company who has a very good track record and who can have high capacity rides not *exclusively* B&M's! Jarvis "who thinks a variety of coasters is better and universal knows this" Morant!
  5. well i dont think anyone here has ever ridden it yet...... or even have video footage of it....
  6. As soon as I open my park im gonna get you to come run it....in the hole! LOL LOL Dude, how can you say the rides in USF suck man they totally rock. T2:3D is in a leauge of it's own and E.T., need I say more. Everything doesnt have to be the -est tp be a great ride...or have to be a coaster for that matter. Jarvis "Who would take a well themed dark ride over a coaster anyday! Especially on a hot one!" Morant!!
  7. http://carowinds.com/attractions/attractions_height_requirements.cfm Makes it pretty clear there and im almost sure the signs in the parks tell it also.... Jarvis "doesnt quite understand credit whores and doesn't want to!" Morant ...................
  8. Hey! I enjoyed the coaster, just some minor issues like track clearance and tracks going thru supports and other track but other than that its a pretty good track. I cant wait to see the second smoother version of this coaster. Oh yeah, and you might wanna have the high points green so they can look like the trees, and also have the walk way extend all the way to the launch section also!!
  9. Wouldnt ya think they would try to get their current coasters up and running before running to build another...Damn forgot this was six flags, carry on.... BTW is deja vu running these days??
  10. they will accept it as long as it has the visa/mastercard logo on it, and you have $12,519.68 in the bank...
  11. I remember seeing a sheikra POV video out there but dont know where it is now... It was a very nice one too!!
  12. Well this is my coaster! It doesnt have a name yet but it has a generic title of "My Woodie". My woodie stands 20ft tall and its kinda curvey! Its not that long but it still packs a punch. Im not sure which company Im going right now because im sure GG would give me a nice cheap coaster (and the steel supports would do good as far as mantaince) but GCII would be able to give me the open front trains that can navigate the tights turns and quick drops my woodie goes thru. So I guess it is GCII. I have one train on my woodie that has 3 cars so atleast 5 of my friends can ride my woodie at the same time! Well here are some screenshots of my woodie and the track file!! my woodie.nltrack Have fun riding my woodie, everyone else does!! The turn around... see, I told you my woodie was curvey! Going up my woodie... weeeeeeeeeee....My woodie rocks!
  13. Guess what! You just got a load of money and as the enthusiast you are the first thing your gonna do is build a coaster in your backyard, well probably second thing once you get an awesome house w/ ample backyard space. You can afford any company from S&S to mack to B&M to GCII! But there are some restrictions: 1) due to city ordaince (sp??), you cant build no more than 30ft from ground level 2) Due to the lack of space your backyard only has 15,000 sqft of space for you to build on (thats six blocks worth if building space). But the good thing is you can make it any shape like 3x2, or 1x6 or whatever! 3) Remember you dont have much space and you dont want to spend that much money. Ok get to designing and remember it can be any style coaster!
  14. Sounds like you guys are having fun...no wonder everything was like a walk on all day sunday at carowinds!
  15. Well I had an experience at the park but it wasnt that bad. The park in general is a great park but the ride ops and employees can use a boost in the customer service department. I never try to compare a park to another because no park is the same. Now would I go back to SFA, ya damn right, but would I plan a trip just to go there nope! I guess I liked it because I was able to shoot my DVD W/O any problems or flack for anyone and w/ the encourgement of some of the park guest and staff. SO its like a bitter/sweet thing going on for that park... Jarvis "Starting to realize its not that bad of a park" Morant Did I mention I was able to get on all of the coasters several times each day for 2 consecutive days...call me lucky!
  16. Kip you know what, all I do is ask and they see my camera is secure and they give me the go head. It would be quite impossible to sneek the cam on and get the full launch on that coaster. As I mention before not all parks and coasters let you film but fortunetly SFA does from roar to batwing to twoface flip side...
  17. the video was cheesy...but the mind eraser in SFA was pretty good to me..I really enjoyed it!
  18. Hey guys I decided to upload the joker's jinx video since I had already had the link... This is the last video for a while dont wanna "over do it" ya know... here is the clip. This is one of the videos im most proud of because it seemed like everything fell into place heavenly-like!!! As always....well do I need to say it... 8)
  19. ^^I understand where you commin from a little but its ways to do things. Not everyone is short and parks try to design coasters w/ enough heigh clearence so taller than normal people can ride. The people who are slighty overweight may have a problem fitting into a coaster w/ a seat designed for someone that weighs 150 pounds. I think its a great move for the parks to add slightly larger seats so EVERYONE to enjoy. Its easy to point the finger at someone until you know exactly what got them to that point. Everyone isnt obesed because if eating doughnuts. Some people have thyroid problems and things like that, where they cant fully control their weight. Im not saying this because im overweight, because im not, im saying this because its kinda saddens me to hear people talk like you. And you wonder why suicide rates are climbing the charts... Jarvis "glad some of you guys dont run the parks" Morant...
  20. The answer is here... I know its hard to totally get the "dancing" thing but if you notice the coaster enters on the beat. I could see if it was like 5 secs of nothing then the coaster but its like one sec. Oh yeah and my bestfriend said that apparently there is mist (smoke as he called it lol lol) that is in the tunnel so it may be a better experience with that... But hey, thanks for you guys responses!!
  21. Best: Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, Tower of Terror (WDW), Splash mountian (WDW), Test Track (WDW), Heck almost every ride at WDW has a really good que, Men in Black...Just to name a few. Worst: every six flags que, Sheikra (there is virtually no que, as if they need it was 5 trains !)
  22. Luckly I had uploaded again last night because I thought I sent it to a friend of mines but apparently I didnt so HERE it is again. Mulchpuppy, shame on you for doubting the video!! I try to only showcase the best videos I can possibly make! I want to thank you guys for the feedback you just dont know how much it means to my progress to become proficient as possible! Jarvis "Thinking about uploading my very, very cool video of "Jokers Jinx" that features several climatic Plot twist and more..." Morant
  23. You know what guys...me and my clever thinking are gonna put this little tid bit in. Perhaps a ride is **leaving** the park just like "waterworks" closed in the park. I was thinking just now when I was reading the rumor that FOF was in the running but I was like wait a minute, they did have a new concept theme for a launched coaster so maybe they may be adding it to FOF and that would cause FOF to have to be "removed" from the park a la water works style. You know how paramount does the fun hypes!!
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