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Everything posted by _koppen

  1. The Viking's river splash was installed a couple of years ago by Intamin. That's why I believe that this will be an Intamin coaster. Also since Thirteen already exists, it would be way easier for Intamin them to sell one of these coasters. I would prefer this to be a Zierer tough, since they really need to get out there with some new bigger coasters.
  2. It would be so epic if we would se an inverted Intamin Blitz coaster, with multiple launches, low to the ground turns and a big loop or two. One can dream..
  3. I wonder if they are gonna build this coaster from both ways, saving som time and money?
  4. http://www.intaminworldwide.com/amusement/RollerCoasters/Suspended+Roller+Coaster/tabid/138/ProductNumber/Suspended+Roller+Coaster/language/de-DE/Default.aspx What coaster is it at the bottom left?
  5. Hopefully if this goes well, som more Six Flags SLC's well be getting new premier trains!
  6. Really awsome to se that the coaster is not all black!
  7. I feel so bad for that drop tower, it will look so tiny next to this thing
  8. Yes, and by looking at the pictures of the new trains, it looks like it will have almost the same restraints as Sea Viper.
  9. Launched wingrider would be the perfect third and final monster for Canada's Wonderland
  10. The coaster would use LIM technology to climb the lift hills instead of the cable. Like Maverick at CP does. The problem with Deja Vu is that the cable system is very unreliable, and takes a lot of mainatence to keep working, and a lot of this would be fixed with LIM lift hills instead. But seeing as Vekoma just installed another one of these in China, with the same cable system, i don't think there is a good way of getting the LIM system to work just yet.
  11. Most likley cheaper i guess. I think Morey's Piers paid well over a million dollar for the new trains on Great Nor'Easter.
  12. Canadas Wonderland Mania has some new pictures of the lift hill starting to go up
  13. If they do it were looking at the most reliable and maintenance free launch coasters in the buisness for sure, knowing B&M.
  14. I really don't care for the Extreme Rusher coaster, but the Bullet one really looks awsome, and I bet this one will be just as awsome!
  15. Crossbow at Bowcraft Playland which in my view is the same kind of model as Verbolten (Zierer ECS), and it allows for 42" children to come along with an adult, so it shouldn't really be a problem to do that, maybe they feel like it's going to be too "scary" for such young children to come along.I'm also pretty sure that Wicked also have the same seating/restraint system and they allow from 46"... So the restraints can easily cope with smaller children, so we have to wait and see if there might be a change until opening... Doesn't Wicked have some kind of leg restraints?
  16. I was thinking about the chain returning in the track as opposed to hanging under like Behemoth. And I say that's just a couple of extra feet in length.
  17. Don't think so, were only taling about a couple of extra feet here.
  18. But they can still give it a dragster coaster that is 410ft high!
  19. I understand that the long brake run is for being able to use a three train operation. What I don't understand is where to switch track is gonna be located on this?
  20. Word is that the park is not so happy with Furious Baco, that's why most people believe that it's going to be a B&M and not Intamin. Personally I would love for it to be Mack's first mega coaster, but I believe it's going to be a B&M.
  21. Yes, that's what I assumed, but the exit from the launch building to the drop into the river is only a few hundred feet of straight track, according to the layout pictures. I think that we just have to expect a trim brake before the drop
  22. Don't expect the second launch to be into the drop out the river, the second launch will be out of the event building. So you should not be suprised that the top speed is only 53mph. Also remember that Cheetah Hunt (wich people here seems to like) is only 7 miles faster, and that coaster has a 100 feet tower to climb, this one don't. I haved no doubt that this will be an awsome addition to the park.
  23. Those are wrong, Balder was around 15 million $ when it opened. I believe Colossos at Heide was 21 million Euro. Intamin Prefab are cheaper to build since they are going up rather quickly, but much more expensive to produce.
  24. Pretty much, the park said it would be the biggest of it's kind in the world, and I don't think it will be bigger than Leviathan. I'm thinking maybe Dive Machine.
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