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  • Recent Posts

    • ^ U mad bruh? I do love me some Maverick, though.   Anyway, I hate that I have to disclaim this, but I want to bring something up for discussion, not argument. Does anyone feel like this was the first real Six Flags move done to a Cedar Fair park? It concerns me about how little planning and thought went into this. Of course I don't have all of the information, but rumor has it this was meant for SF Mexico, but that didn't pan out, right? Seems to me like they just found the first piece of flat land available and fit it in. I just can't help but to think of how SF STL, Valley Fair, or WoF could have benefitted from this impromptu decision while avoiding running the risk of the flag ship park being generic. I could hear the sinister deep Six Flags announcement guy in my head when I watched the video. Just my $0.02.
    • Good luck with that.!  Hell, how much did they spend to reimagine Top Thrill Dragster to have that tank?  Maverick was the best coaster they installed in the last 20 years.  Granted, I don't like the merger of CF and 6Fkags.... 
    • Check out F&F coaster construction progress as of today! They seem to be working on it almost all day and night. more and more track going in and progress on the dual load station.  
    • This is a great replacement to what was there. I wonder if Williamsburg adds one of these now to replace Battle of Eire. 
    • glad i wasn't the only one who checked the calendar to see if it was april fool's day
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