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The adventure of Lil' Robby Robb

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^That's because I don't remember who rode with us.


^^Lol, thanks! I'm glad I drew the right person, I wasn't sure if it were you or the guy you were hanging out with.



^^^Err... I'm not sure if thats a positive or a negative comment.

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Tomi, so true about the buses. Although, at least you forgot the claustrophobia of the window seat if you're crammed.


Sorry Will, I felt cramped every time you used your laptop on the bus. But at least I didn't get whacked on the head while on the bus.


Keep up the Midwest strips!

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^I think they were hanging out together when we got off the ride.


^^np. I figured it would help with loading times. but I still suggest after reading it you go down to the bottom and see if maybe you missed one.


^^^I didn't get claustrophobic, mostly because Ryan only rode next to me once or twice and then for some reason I don't remember we decided to sit apart. Headbanging was my magor issue. The second I would fall asleep, CLANG. Then I'd wake up but I'd still be tired so I'd go to sleep again... rinse and repeat.

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Tomi, so true about the buses. Although, at least you forgot the claustrophobia of the window seat if you're crammed.


Sorry Will, I felt cramped every time you used your laptop on the bus. But at least I didn't get whacked on the head while on the bus.


Keep up the Midwest strips!


I'm never aware when I'm causing others to be uncomfortable as I don't have claustrophobia and I prefer window seats. (though if something is upsetting me, I don't say anything about it either). On several of the trips, I was up at the front with Erik and Leanne and I shared a row with several bags of snacks.


The bus we had in the UK was a bit nicer than what we had on the Midwest. The seats were more comfortable and the bathroom was in the middle of all the action.

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Tomi!! i miss vacation more and more looking at all these lol. remember when we had a hallway party at that hotel? and then beat up dave cuz he was trying to fall asleep. Oh and when we went to maxes room because there was suppose to be a movie on but there really wasnt... ok mabey that time wasnt as fun. it was totaly awesome hanging out with you! hopefully Ill see you on another trip sometime in the near future. you should post that roller coaster drawing you started in maxes room that one night if you finished.

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