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The adventure of Lil' Robby Robb

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^Lol, pictures of me are scarce but there are a couple of 'em in random TRs(mostly Will's). Problem is in all of them I look either weird, crazy, ugly or sad.


Also, there are no pictures here but there are plenty of pictures I took in my TR:



It's kidna lengthy ebcause I tried to really capture the EXPERIENCE in detail and not jsut hte visuals, but if you want you can skip the reading.


Help! Poseidon's coming to get me!



Despite me looking like a total retard this is still probably one of my favourite shots.

I'm so glad they had waterproof disposable cameras.


Me and Holidog kickin' it old school.


We go way back.


Helllooo Henzel... Hellooo Gretle.... Why don't you little sweeties come into my house?


I saved this pic with it's caption because it made me smile :)


But no, me and the ride op were not having a "moment". Shut up Dave.


One of the few pictures of me looking both happy and halfway normal.


Beech Bend. I was extremely bummed that day, having just broken my brand new, super expensive super state of the art camera my dad bought me for the trip. I have the "yeah yeah lets get this over with" expression on my face.

But later on my mood did improve. Beech Bend is apparantly that good of a park.


Me on T2. Really hard to tell if this is before or after the ride, because I'm looking neutral, Chuck is always smiling anyway, and GCI Joe may be smiling but he's looking down at his crotch so that might be because of some restraint damage.(Hey, I don't judge.)


Me at the edge of the table at Coney Island. Looking sad, potentially because this was taken like 10 minutes after I was thrown up on on the rock o planes.(Though actually it didnt really bother me that much at the time, I think it might have been the mountain dew going the wrong way)

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Very cool.


Now I can put a face to the comics, thanks.


Join the club, I broke my camera on the UK trip, but mine was not really good to start with.


Hopefully will meet you one day on one of the trips.


Glad you had fun, now get to work on the Big Mike character


People LOVE Big Mike!


Peace, Big Mike

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^Lol, sorry, but I suffer from character overload. I was even thinking hard of should I put MYSLEF in the comics despite actually having been on the Midwest trip. Not to mention now that I started doing Midwest comics there are gonna be awhole lot new characters popping about.

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We really do need a Big Mike character


Robb has a similar pic of me at BPB after my video camera died suddenly at Southport. At least it recovered though, only to die again later at Animal Kingdom. My "new" video camera died in the Midwest (sometime between Beech Bend and Indiana Beach). Since my videos weren't that great anyway, I just ended up taking a lot more stills.


As for that ride op at Coney Island, I believe he is the one who posts here. As for the SLC shot, that was in fact the "before" shot.

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I agree with you Will, but ya can't make good ole Flip Dude do something he doesn't want to do even if it would be the most popular character out there right now


Oh well, maybe flip dude will go to the "congrat Big Mike for his 500th coaster" thread and do a little something special???


Peace, Big Mike

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^Actually if it were the most popular character out there I would, thats exactly my point. I only put in characters that are extremely more well known than the average TPRer, which appear VERY substantially in official photo TRs...



Now, I really don't want to offend, Mike, but if I don't recognize you from TRs and depsite having been on the same trip with you I still don't recognize you... That just doen't make for a good Robby Rob character 'cus I'd have no idea what to put in! Sorry =\


Then again same was said about many people int he past that ended up being lil' robby rob characters, such as Casey.

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^Actually I did it 'cus I wanted to do a comic about the baot ride and Will was sitting next to me on it. o.O


I'm not that cunning. If I were trying to slap you in the face I wouldve made it much mmore obvious


And yes, Will, hopefully that is a good thing.

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^I wasn't at the waterpark. I didnt know anybody was, so I didnt catch that moment.


^^Hey it reopened! Lol


^^^Yeah, that's Nadia Drew and Brad(I'm assuming that's who it is, I wen tby a picture, I don't know his name), though I ogtta say I'm really displeased with how Nadia came out. But this was meant to be just a sketch of all three. If I make a more detailed comic I will go the usual trace-the-face way of drawing.


^^^^Lol, that was a Hooters crew moment? I had no idea. Cool!

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Oh, god! I remember that camera incident..I'm suprised he dived into the toxic water and it was still in perfect condition.





So, whens my cameo coming out? You know, the pathetic Python operator that kept hinting that he was part of TPR and kept hanging out with everyone.....

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^Lol, I'm not so sure that'll be there... I didn't even know you were a TPRer untill after the trip, remember? I guess you were too subtle.




Keep in mind folks not anything and everythign that happened everywhere willbe in the comics. There were plenty of awsome things that happened, but:

1) Either I wasn't around to see them so I can't really make a comic about 'em

2) They're too complicated to draw(I wanted to make a comic of Casey on the Python but it didn't work out)

3) I can only make so many comics... Making four in one whack is tiresome enough and I wanna get alot more of the trip done before I get recruited on Oct. 8th.



Also, don't expect to see yourself in the comic unless something memorable happened while we were together on the trip that I can turn into a joke. People who I hung out with (Freddie, Will, Max, etc.) will have a better chance to appear in comics than people who I can't recognize.

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Oh my, dude.


The Freddie comic? That's pure gold, right there. I won't even lie to you, that was one of the funniest things I've seen in quite a while. (For the record: Freddie was my roommate on the trip, he's a great guy!). And that comic sums it up perfectly. Hahahaha.



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