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Spring Fling Ongoing TR

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Just came back to clean up and grab a brew. Thought I'd go ahead and put up the pics I've gotten so far. I put up way too many and I didn't even upload all the one's that I took so the extra long TR is over here:



Here's a few shots


Goliath, not opening for 3 hours.


Teh Tommizle


I don't know, but I'm not comfortable


Lots of folks!


Deja Vu Ran!! Well, until it rolled back while we were on it.


Never before seen


ACEr buffet


$1800 piece of plywood.


Shifty Ninja


Pretty Goliath!






Never before seen #45


I'll be back at the park soon. I'll be postin' them in the thread. Time for a shower right now though!

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Last two for the night. Exhausted. Goliath is amazing. I've never had my back slammed back into the seat after amazing ejector air. Each hill is just more intense.


Goliath at Sunset



Tommy and Jenn gearing up for the awesomeest review.

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oh shit I knew I recognized you - shoulda said something and if I was wrong, oh well I looked like an ass but my ACE badge would have explained it all


Oh btw Anthony aka CoasterCrazy's dad paid for that piece of wood... lol what a crapload of money for wood.


Saw tons of folks today, hell I didn't know Derek was coming. Ended up with > 300 this year, yet I still never waited more than a train or 2 for anything during ERT...


Used a free q-bot, got to ride Deja Vu (TWICE!!! Including on in 1A ), had a blast especially considering the heavry crowds.


The ACErs Dream can be found at the new BBQ place Daddy-O's where the woman took back my plate saying that I didn't have enough food - mind you the plate was already overflowing. I turned it down, and in words it doesnt sound like too much but it was just an amazing experience. Her name was written down and she''ll be in my next good letter - more names written down for good reasons today than bad, just helps to show that I had a good day.


Oh and I really hate when people break the smoking rules, but to have ACErs do it is downright embarrasing because of all people, they should know. That was probably the worst thing to happen all day (well, rain during AM ERT kinda stunk too but it didn't hurt so much as that IMO)


Ok off to Lake Winnie tomorrow 8)

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^Don't wait. It just might be my favorite park. If they had Mr. Freeze also, fahgetaboutit. Also, big thanks to the Goliath ops. They were doing a excellent job.


Welp. Gotta clean up the room and then head back over for a couple of hours before heading back to town.

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The ACErs Dream can be found at the new BBQ place Daddy-O's where the woman took back my plate saying that I didn't have enough food - mind you the plate was already overflowing. I turned it down, and in words it doesnt sound like too much but it was just an amazing experience. Her name was written down and she''ll be in my next good letter - more names written down for good reasons today than bad, just helps to show that I had a good day.


That place is my new found joy! That was the first time I was at SFoG and couldn't finish my plate (not that im a hog in the first place lol) but the entire meal was great! Cant wait to get back to daddy-o's to get some more pull pork!

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Yeah, I had to get my Goliath rides in. I actually only rode Goliath, Mindbender, B:TR, Crime Wave(awesome) and Deja Vu! in the whole 2 days I was there. It was packed out, plus the rain. Not too concerned I've riden everything else too many times. I had an awesome time despite the crowds.


I took a bunch of coaster only pics today, so if you're into that sort of thing check the thread in the first post later on.

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^Only got about 7-10 rides all weekend. I'll be back though!


Here's my "coasters only" shots from today after all the GAP fo's left.

As always I took too many so check the thread in the first post for the entire report, or here


Here they is:


Killer 3rd drop over the lake


Artsy no?


I <3 the, my Mindbender


Always in my thoughs are you, Derek.


I think this came out really nice.


Standard Batman. I still maintain that this is the most forceful of the 5 I've ridden.


Deja Vu, 2 days strong


They spinnin'




Ninja lookin' awesome




Superman, not so super with 10 minute stacking and a full queue.


Great ride, maybe I'll get a spin next time.

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