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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Lots of activity on the webcams today. The station footers are finally uncovered after two days of severe thunderstorms and there are lots of workers in the area, and there's something being done on the lift hills but I can't tell what yet.


Update: It looks like they've poured a large concrete slab around all of the station footers (part of it was done before). I'm not sure what that's about because I thought the station was going to be above ground level. Maybe it's for maintenance work on the station.


There's now a piece of conduit or something going all the way up the 2nd lift. I'm not sure what's going on at the first lift, but hopefully it's preparations for track.

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I was just there tonight (Friday, 5/15/07). In one day they put up all the supports for the track from the top of the third lift to the bottom of the first lift. There has also been huge amounts of conduit put in everywhere since my last visit.


I've put up a few more pictures at http://www.pbase.com/jim_shaffer/ftc


The pics aren't in chronological order, but rather in roughly the order the elements of the ride will be encountered. I've tried to update the captions somewhat to reflect what views are out of date.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I heard someone in line for the Flyers behind me (the Flyers give an excellent view of the construction) say that one of the workers told them it should be done by the end of this month. I'm a little skeptical.

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I could possibly see that, if they can do both of the storage track switches as side friction track instead of trough. I'm not sure about the one at the bottom of the helix, because so far I haven't seen how they're going to smooth out any of the trough-to-track transitions.

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I looked over at Knoebel's "What's New" page, and they added 4 photos of the June construction. It shows the chassis on the lift hill, as well as the chassis going through a turn. The third photo gives a clear picture of how the chassis is built. It looks like they went with the 2nd version that Bartlett developed in the 1950's. There are some changes, especially how Larson used flat pieces of metal to tie the 3 axles together that makes up a car and allowed to flex up and down, like a leaf spring so it could flex on the curves. The fourth photo shows another test run with a mock-up of the seats on one car. You can see how high up the trough it gets. Also they added some extra side rails on the straight section leading to the brakes to help guide the cars into the side friction track.


Here's the page: http://www.knoebels.com/whats-new.asp

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The cars for some reason, remind me of millenium flyers. Looks awesome and it makes me think that the completion date isn't that far away.

Looks like they're creating a DVD of it's construction.


EDIT: Hey! They moved the lifthill cam, got the the chainlift track added and got some work done on the station! Cool!


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  • 2 weeks later...

New month, new pics... Gate and queue:


Brake hardware:


Air compressors for brakes:


Lift motor:


Chain pulley:


Half of a car (no seat or restraint):


Third lift with runway lights:

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