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Steel Poll Results are in

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How many times do we have to say it? Let this argument drop. Any further replies on it WILL BE DELETED!!!!


Please, if you have a comment about the poll, please post it. If you want to continue this flame, you're wasting your time because your post will be deleted.


Thanks for your understanding.



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I too am pretty surprised that KK or TTD didn't make it into the top 10, considering some of the ones that did. I ranked TTD as co-#1 with S:RoS SFNE and S:UF SFoG. But then there's no accounting for taste...some that I ranked pretty high fell pretty low in the rankings, while some I didn't care for ranked high!



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I probably would have ranked the SFA S:ROS over the DL version as well.


The DL version seemed to have better speed through the first part of the ride, but lacked much airtime on the final direction change before the bunny hills. (it had airtime, but not nearly the intense airtime that SFA had).


Though SFA's straight aways seemed to be much longer.


Though overall both come in pretty close.

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I was a bit surprised this thread didn't get locked during the flame war!


There was lots of shuffling in this year's poll, that's for sure.


I actually prefer DL's S:RoS to 6FA's. :shock: My rides at DL were after dark, and with the mist on, I couldn't see the track making it a more enjoyable ride. (5th and 12th on my ballot, respectively.)

I have EGF #9, as I have many loopers above that point on my list. I prefer inversions, hence I rank Kumba and Dragon Khan higher. My #1 is MF, and it will probably stay there a long time!

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It's cool to see both of my favorite coasters (EGF and Goliath/WW) that far up in the list on place 1 and 11.

Another interesting thing is that the first 16 places are only B&M's or Intamins. Am I right that the best Vekoma is the Rock'n'Roller coaster on place 70?

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BTW, it's funny to see Katun jump so much due to a few of us riding it this year, as well as Pyrenees...oh well, they're both some of the better B&M's, but not as good as Hulk, Kumba, DD, Montu, etc.



not a bit partial to the fl b and m coasters are you? OH well they are great rides any way. montu is good i think alpingust and volcano are better. both not in top 15, glad to see nemesis up their though.

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Yeah, Apollo's Chariot is one of those rides I don't "get." Either that or I've just never had a good ride on it, even though I've been on it multiple times. It always seems to produce "floater" airtime, and plenty of it, but nothing really extreme. While Nitro on the other hand I've had some pretty forceful moments of airtime on.


But yeah, whatever makes the race horse...or horse race...or something like that!



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I may be wrong, but Apollo seemed to be running faster this year. I had a mix of floater and ejector air on it. With that said, I still had Nitro #8 or #9 on my list.


Anyway, some may agree or disagree and thats what's great about the poll, everyone has a say either way.

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Nemesis shocked me. Its one of my top 5 in the UK, but come on... 4th best in the world. Its themed well and the ride is cool, but IMO Dueling Dragons were way better. Even Nemesis Inferno was better than Nemesis. But thats my opinion though.... I just think Nemesis is highly over rated.


EGF and Balder were not suprises, but SRoS was. Also I am suprised Hades wasn't up there, judging from the POV its insane. But Hades is in a small park, and I hear it isnt as popular as other coasters.

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The rise of Nemesis (again) has really surprised me this year. After last time I thought it was set to drop out of the top 10, but it just goes to show that you can't underestimate it.


It'll have a lot more competition next year though, with Black Mamba waiting in the wings, and because I'll be able to submit a poll for the steel section that includes Montu, Duelling Dragons, Batman: The Ride, Black Mamba itself, Expedition GeForce, and a lot of other highly rated rides.

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[Like I said before, I expected that... It was a way to make a statement, and I did. I wasn't the only one either...

What I think is NOT right is that:

"quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot. "

Worst coaster not right? Okay, that's fine and correct, but also skipping the opinions of those who might just not think it's a number 1 coaster for them?


I did not delete any of the ballots that put EGF at the very bottom of their ballots let alone those who just ranked it low. The only ballots that I altered were the ones that had large alphabetically ranked remnants as a result of incomplete use of the CF helper tool.


What I did is just manually declare a tie for #1. It didn't seem much of a stretch as EGF soundly won the comparison with SRoS and only lost comparisons by slim margins to #16 Superman la Attraccion and your namesake coaster (#27). Your ballot and others like it certainly put those two comparisons in question, so...the least painful solution seemed to be a tie.


I did not want to get into deleting ballots or e-mailing all these people who ranked EGF last for explanations.


PS: The Steel Mutual Rider Spreadsheet is now online at BestRollerCoasterPoll.com

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^ Hi , Mitch!

Welcome to the board!

I agreed with what you did. Additionally, it's your poll! You can do what you want! If you had chosen to throw out ballots, I don't think anyone would complain except those who's ballots were removed from consideration. In that case it would be between them and you why the ballots were questionable and why, if at all, they should be included in the results.


No one is paying you to do this. I am certain that one of your original motivations for doing this was for fun!

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I don't get why S:ROS at SFA keeps getting ranked so highly. I thought that SFA's Superman was pretty lame. I mean, it had some moments of great airtime, but I thought the helixes were wide and boring, the terrain was mundane, and the setting was one step above a parking lot coaster.


Does anyody here really think that it's as good of a coaster as the rankings show?

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Also I am suprised Hades wasn't up there, judging from the POV its insane. But Hades is in a small park, and I hear it isnt as popular as other coasters.


Hades is in the wood poll and ranked 7th this year. Pretty good for it's first appearance.


The thing that suprised me was Millennium Force ranking in 3rd. I don't disagree with it, but it never seems to be a big favorite among enthusiasts. A lot of people complain of it being boring and lacking thrills.

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Yeah, I was also surprised with MF's rise. I think a lot of people tend to give it less credit than it deserves since CP has such a die-hard fanbase and its rides often get way over-rated.


I thought it was cool that SheiKra slipped into the top 10. That's pretty good for its first year. I've heard a lot of people say that they thought it was "so-so", but I thought it was great.

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