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About lagg

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  1. How far is GL from Liseberg? Im just wondering, as if its near by, I might have to stop off when I do Balder . Nice to hear you had a great time, Jetline looks awesome. The setting is great too.
  2. 'Dan, how do you like having a hand on your ass?' 'Its the toilet tour.... and theirs Dave!' Both from the Europa Park video!
  3. lagg

    DDR Songs

    End of the Century is my faviroute, followed by Afronova.
  4. Mine ATM are... 1) Dania Beach Hurricane 2) Megafobia 3) Grand National But when I get out there and ride some more... 1) Voyage 2) El Toro 3) Balder
  5. Great photos there! Seems like a fantastic trip, and looks like you enjoyed it! Its also great to see Nemesis being rated highly by the US members, as they do feel its overated over here.
  6. I was going to join you, but I cant now, due to the fact I need to save for CF-Lives and other trips. Sorry! I am so looking forward to the PTR's though!
  7. From Coasterforce! I am glad I found this site, the videos and trip reports are awesome! I am used to being on a forum with mainly English people. So its great to come here and hear different opinions from US members!
  8. A B&M woodie :S! They dont have one. I think your on about sit-downs, I think you class them as loopers. Well the sitdowns without inversions are classed as hypers, and they tend to have lapbars, without the lapbars the experience wouldnt be as good.
  9. Well BPB seems more traditional, so themeing dosent really suit their image. And FL isn't really traditional with all the coasters they have, its a 'tacky' park at the moment, but soon I think things will change.
  10. Actually, they are supposed to be doing a good job with Kumali. They are supposed to theme it nicely. Also their 'Muddy Duck Ride' and their 'Parrot Show' are going to be themed well.
  11. ^The website you got that off stated that a second tower will be oppening in 2005, standing by Detonator. And that was a lie.
  12. TP do have plans to build on the farm (and take it down), buy a strip of land behind the farm. Oh and fill in a bit of the lake.
  13. TP have short settings on their flats. And their settings for Samurai are crap, they were much better at CWoA. But still, it would be a good experience.
  14. I heard that John Wardly is not going to retire until he sees the AT woodie. I heard a wacky rumour that a Move It 32 was going in the black holes tent, but I highly doubt it, its not AT's image. TP are supposed to be getting a new flat ride in 2007, probably in the Amity Speedway area. I heard a rumour of a Jump2. And in 2008 I heard that a new coaster will be on its way. Someone told me that it was going to be a Flyer, but I just dont see why though, AT already has one and TP would look alot better if they got a different design. They already have an Acelerator like AT, and an Invert like AT... I wish they'd get something different. And TP have a good chance of building up to 200ft again, and they could get a nice Mega coaster.
  15. Thanks for that! You both have a great taste in music! !
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