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GAME: Continue the Story!


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Burn anyone who mentions 'Cuda Falls. "These donkeys shall stand guard 1000 years," Chief Ulawe of the Lime Green Penguinbearcats proclaimed in his press conference. "They shall ensure that no one ever reaches the waterslide parts we have buried 1000 feet underground in a concrete chamber with walls 30 feet thick." The press reacted to this statement by...

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...and then Darien Lake was sold to Shia Lebouf who decided to relocate the entire park to Mars. Once Darien Lake was relocated Morgan Freeman was caught masterbating in the bathroom. Something must be done to stop Morgan Freeman from doing his vile act of self pleasure! So Mike Tyson and his mystery solving gang was sent to the park and decided to...

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*in drunk voice*


Everyone teams up with Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 4.0 Beta, a 600ft poler coaster that transformes into a giant robot donkey with frikin' laser eyes, and pink guy in a rice field mech to fight demons at doom's gate. What happens there is...

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